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How To Learn Spanish Phrases Online Listening to Salsa Music
By:Pat Jackson

In this lesson we will study how to learn Spanish phrases online listening to Salsa music. By the way, I received an email yesterday from a subscriber to my Learning Spanish Like Crazy newsletter who asked, "Patrick, how are your Salsa classes going? You sent us an email a couple of weeks ago saying that you had just started Salsa classes in Colombia and you have not mentioned anything about your Salsa classes since. I am looking forward to a video of you on YouTube dancing Salsa."

Well, I am glad she asked. I am having a lot of fun in my Salsa classes and learning how to dance Salsa at the same time.

On the first day of classes, the Salsa instructor asked the class "does anyone know where Salsa originated from?" The Colombianos in the class responded with "Puerto Rico" and "Cuba." But only this Gringo knew the correct answer:

Nueva York

The Colombianos in the class thought I was "loco" when I said that "Salsa comenzó en Nueva York"

Our Salsa instructor had to confirm that Salsa music did in fact originate in New York City before anyone believed me. That is, Salsa was founded by Puerto Ricans in New York (or "Newyoricans" or "Nuyoricans" as we say in New York City) with the help of Cubans.

By the way, listening to Salsa music is an excellent way to learn Spanish vocabulary. There are basically two types of Salsa music:

"romántica" y "clásica"

You can learn lots of Spanish by listening to either one. I have a Colombian friend who told me that he has learned lots of new English words from listening to Country Western music.

Of course, you can also pick up lots of new Spanish vocabulary by listening to Merengue music Dominican dance music). But I have found that the "letras" (lyrics)to Merengue music often don't make sense and are often just "letras" for dancing and entertainment. On the hand, Salsa music has "letras románticas" and "letras de amor" (lyrica about love).

Pat Jackson is the Founder of Learning Spanish Like Crazy - the only learning Spanish method that teaches real authentic everyday conversational Latin American Spanish. If you would like to get FREE Instant access to the first 2 lessons of Learning Spanish Like Crazy or sign up for our FREE online interactive weekly Spanish classes, then go here now: Learn Spanish That's http://www.LearningSpanishLikeCrazy.com/.

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