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International ESL Jobs

Bien Hoa, Vietnam
By:Asia Pacific College Dong Nai <apply@apcdongnai.edu.vn>
Date: 17 March 2015

Job description

Asia Pacific College Dong Nai (APC DN) is a K-12 bilingual school located in the city of Bien Hoa, Vietnam, which is approximately 28 km (45 minutes) northeast of Ho Chi Minh City. We are currently looking for qualified, reliable native (L1) English ESL teachers from the United States, Canada, or England for the following full-time teaching position:

Position 1: Kindergarten / Primary Level ESL language teacher

APC DN offers a dual curriculum with students taking the national Vietnamese program concurrently alongside a tiered English program based on proficiency level (not grade level). The program endorses a content and language integrated learning instructional approach (CLIL) with an emphasis on developing students’ cognitive and academic language proficiency (CALP) skills in preparation for study abroad.

Remuneration Package

1. Salary

1a. 1600 – 1800 USD NET monthly salary (school will pay all taxes on teacher’s behalf);

1b. Salary offered is dependent on qualifications and verifiable classroom teaching experience;

1c. Annual salary increases (1,100 USD year on year) based on work / teaching performance reviews;

2. Full-time Contract

2a. 11 paid teaching months (July 1 – May 31);

2b. Initial contract will have a 2-month probationary period and be for 23 months;

3. Paid holidays

3a. 1 week for Christmas (5 days);

3b. 2 weeks for TET Lunar New Year;

3c. All statutory national holidays (~5 days);

3d. Note: summer vacation is non-paid leave (the month of June, however summer classes are optional if you want to work);

4. Accommodation

4a. The school does make rent-free transitional communal housing available to teachers if they would like to have it (teachers are responsible for the cost of all utilities, maintenance and repairs); The purpose of this type of communal housing provision is to make the transition to Vietnam easier for teachers new to the country. It is fully expected, and encouraged, that the teacher will eventually seek personal housing as we are quite aware of the negative implications of colleagues who live and work together full time;

4b. Accommodation and rooms come fully furnished (Bed, Wardrobes, A/C, WiFi, Plasma TV, etc);

4c. No deposit is required and school will register tenants with local police (required by law);

5. Visas, Work Permit and Temporary Residence Card
Once the teacher has provided all requisite documentation for the work permit application - a university degree and criminal background report from home country which has been authenticated and translated by the Vietnamese Consulate in their home country as well as an original ESL teaching certificate (CELTA, TEFL, TESOL)...

5b. The school will pay for all visa extensions and related expenses until the work permit is issued;

5b. The school will pay the fees for the application and issuance of teacher’s work permits and renewals;

5c. Upon issuance of teacher work permit, the school will pay for and process the temporary residence card, which will negate the need for a visa;

6. Banking

6a. The school will establish a SOCOM bank account for the teacher and deposit the monthly salary into this account by the 5th of every month;

7. Child tuition discounts

7a. Year 1-2: 20% discount;

7b. Year 3+ : 50% discount;

Work Details:
- Full-time Contract July 1 - May 31 (23 months)
- Monday – Friday from 6:50 AM – 4:30PM
- Average instructional time (contact hours) is approximately 21 hours per week, non-instructional time is used to prepare for lessons and PLC meetings
- Weekly PLC Meetings for teacher collaboration (horizontal and vertical articulation)
- Please note, weekly lesson plans for all classes are required

Teaching Support & Benefits:

- Teachers will have the same classes and teaching assistant all year long;
- The work schedule is daytime Monday - Friday. Some school events are on weekends throughout the year, but for the most part, your evenings and weekends are free;
- Teacher’s Room with access to communal computers, Wi-Fi, B&W printers, and B&W photocopy machine, small kitchenette, sofas, and tables;
- Robust online teacher platform to track student marks, communicate with students and parents;
- Reflective observation program to support teaching team;
- Professional Learning Community (PLC) on a weekly basis for 1.5 hours to collaborate with team members;
- A dedicated management team (Vice Principal and Principal) that will move heaven and hearth to make sure you have everything you need to do your job right!

Job requirements
- First and foremost, you must love to work with young children and enjoy teaching ESL.
- Secondly, you must be a positive, out-going, self-aware, reflective person who likes to teach, work in a culturally diverse settings, and is open to learning and sharing knowledge.
- Thirdly, you must be ICT literate – know how to use a computer, use the Internet to find teaching resources, use office suite software, check and respond to email, upload/download resources, etc.

As for the formalities, only applicants who are native (L1) English speakers from the United States, Canada, or England, between the ages of 22 – 50 will be considered. All applicants must have, at minimum:
- Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and English language teaching certification (CELTA, TESOL, TEFL);
- Previous teaching experience is preferred, however, newly ESL certified teachers with a degree are more than welcome to apply.

How to Apply?
Please send a detailed resume, a color photograph, and reference letters from current, recent or past employers to apply@apcdongnai.edu.vn

Thank you,
APC DN Board of Principals


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