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Texas ISD School Guide
Texas ISD School Guide

International ESL Jobs

Taiwan: Language Teachers Needed
By:PGLS <pumpkinschool@gmail.com>
Date: 30 May 2015

We are looking for qualified native English speakers from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, and Canada. We are an established language center in Taiwan with many available positions. Salary varies for each individual, but it is generally around $30,000 US annually. We offer assistance in getting transportation and housing. Residency sponsorship and helath insurance are provided.

Applicants must hold a BA or a BS in from an accredited anglophone university, and applicants must have 3 to 5 years of teaching experience. Couples are encouraged to apply. Resumes, CVs, copies of passports, degrees, and other pertinent information should be emailed to Tina at pumpkinschool@gmail.com.


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