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Dana - 2006-03-06

I would like to warn you all out there about Aston English Schools. I worked this past winter (20005-06)in Xian for Aston. It was nothing short of a nightmare. THe apartment they moved me into was a dump. It was littered with beer bottles and other house junk left there by the previous teacher. When asked to have someone come around to clean it up I was told that it would have to wait. The apartment had no regular hot water to shower with. It was turned on only at certain times on certain days. The toilet did not work properly and the apartment had no heating of any source. Nothing was done to fix any of these problems till I was getting ready to move out and a new teacher ( a Male!) was about to move in. When I was collecting my last pay I was shocked to find that I was being charged for all the repairs that were never done to the apartment. The foreign managers were no help at any time with my complaints and esp. at the end they backed the Chinese management in trying to charge me for these never done repairs. This school was a living hell for most of the foreign teaching staff. No one shed a tear when they left.

So my advice keep away from Xian Aston!

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:15 AM]

Messages In This Thread
China: Xian Aston - Teachers discussion -- Dana -- 2006-03-06
Back to the topic of aston schools - Teachers Discussion -- Matthew -- 2006-09-10
That's the official line... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-09-11
I don't think this warrents.... - Teachers Discussion -- Blake -- 2006-08-31
What I Think - Teachers Discussion -- Dana -- 2006-09-11
In response to your concerns - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Craig Nisbet -- 2007-01-28
New Aston - Teachers Discussion -- Steve -- 2007-02-03
Xian Aston English School Pictures - Teachers Discussion -- Craig Nisbet -- 2007-08-18
Think Again! - Teachers Discussion -- Lynn -- 2006-09-04
Xian Aston English School - Teachers discussion -- Owen Morris -- 2006-04-02
Really? - Teachers discussion -- Mike T -- 2006-04-15
In my opinion.... - Teachers discussion -- Owen Morris -- 2006-04-20
Aston Double Talk - Teachers Discussion -- Dana -- 2006-08-22
Don't speak for me. - Teachers Discussion -- JJ -- 2006-08-22
Don't Speak For Me JJ! - Teachers Discussion -- Dave -- 2006-08-23
My own little "Crash Course" In Aston Schools - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-23
Interesting thread. - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-23
Frank Rides Again - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-23
Is there that much solidarity there? - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-22
It does happen... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-23
Ain't that the truth! - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-24
cold feet for aston - Teachers Discussion -- scott -- 2006-08-31
A reason for those cold feet... - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-31
Scott and/or anyone actually interested - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-09-01
Figure of speech... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-09-01
Thanks Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-09-03
Scott: Re Aston - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-08-31
Scott's Words - Teachers Discussion -- Wendy -- 2006-09-05
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