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Alex Wu - 2006-02-27

Hi, Rheno, the Arrogant One and anyone is concerning:

You are not! Problems were that most school managements didn't care too much about how a foreign teacher supposed to be chosen. They just wanted to have some foreign faces to glorigy their schools appearance, and then drew more paying students in return. Did you notice their oversized classes? In my school, a class was usually 68 to 72 students, some of the Senior 4 classes were over a hundred. Most localteachers had to teach lot more classes in order to earn enough for living. So they even didn't have time to correct students' homework. The school usually leave the advertising and hiring to one of the staff, who said to be 'good' in that language, but chances were that staff was not only not proficient enough in understanding the language, but also poor in expressing their schools' requirements. Those staffs taking the responsibility of hiring foreign teachers just wanted to have less class quota, and might also get some extra money.

Sometimes schools did pay a recruiter for it, but some of those might not be very responsible. Their main purpose was the commission. Due to the low pay in the China market, agents couldn't get enough qualified and not mentioning certified teachers; instead, they get some 'native' language speakers.

Lots of those 'natives' were illiterate. They were sometimes really arrogant. They demanded alot, but they couldn't offer more. Some of them enough got drunk most of the evenings, because they could find way to diverse themselves. In order to pacify the classes and make students happy, they usually played DVD alot. Local teacher did know it was not good enough, but they usually could express themselves but kept quiet. Some of the student being taught this way do remembered some keywords, but most of them failed in making sentences. Not mentioning about explaining something in English. Those foreign teachers do speak the language, but they didn't know most of the details why. I had been asked by one of those said to have an MA, "What is a preposition?", after I explained, then he asked me again, "Is the word 'Where' one of the prepositions?"

I would be unfair if I insisted all the foreign teacher to be an expert in grammar, but to be an English teacher, the least one should be equipped with enough English Know How. I believe you all know how poor most of the Chinese people still are. They starve themselves in order to support their children for a better education. We the 'friendly' foreign teachers should at least do our best part for their childrens' success in return.

Messages In This Thread
Are you a sloppy teacher?+ - Teachers discussion -- Alex Wu -- 2006-02-27
Chinese wages - Teachers Discussion -- Bob the middle aged loner -- 2006-05-05
what can we do about it? - Teachers discussion -- kc -- 2006-04-07
Ah, the "sloppiness" of teaching - Teachers discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-03-07
I've been guilty of that myself -- Rheno747 -- 2006-03-08
grammar - Teachers discussion -- bob -- 2006-03-06
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