jinchafa - 2005-03-19
In response to Teaching in China (Roy)

Hi Roy,
I wouldn't want to say anything to dissuade you from coming to China for work. However, as I'm sure you've read here before, do your research carefully. Never sign a contract until you arrive. Never turn over your passport for a visa until you see your living quarters and where you will be teaching. Be very aware of those who offer you a salary in the range of 3500 to 4000RMB - generally this means a recruiter is pocketing a good sum of money at your expense. It also means that you will be expected to "live on the cheap." Another warning sign is when they tell you that compared to the locals this is a large sum of money. First, you're not a local and therefore will pay higher for everything you buy. And second, you'll need years of practice before you could live on so little. Third, when they say that, it's a pretty good indication that everything else will be pretty shabby too. Like your apartment for example. Public universities generally pay around 4000RMB, but that's only because the fat cat administrators don't want to share the wealth.
At any rate, if a company or school really wants your services based on your qualifications, they will pay you much more. You should also insist on all utilities being paid, a computer with internet paid by the employer, a water dispenser with the water also paid by the employer. Also be sure that there is a 24 hour supply of hot water.
Well, I hope this helps. Again, do your research. You're doing the right thing by asking for advice. Many teachers, including myself, are getting fed up, which should be obvious from my last posting to "Chinese recruiter." There are a few good places to work here; it just takes a while to find them.
Good luck,

Messages In This Thread
Teaching in China -- Roy -- 2005-03-19
ask for higher salary:10- 12k.rmb -- master -- 2005-03-19
4.5 RMB is better: -- Korean Master -- 2005-03-19
To Roy -- jinchafa -- 2005-03-19
Ok Ok Come come -- Chinese Employer -- 2005-03-19
Sorry -- Chinese Employer -- 2005-03-19
suggestions -- chinese recruiter -- 2005-03-19
No no -- Chinese Employer -- 2005-03-19
In response to "Chinese Recruiter" -- jinchafa -- 2005-03-19
Response -- China Teachers Union -- 2005-03-20
teaching is a PRIVILEGE -- chinese recruiter -- 2005-03-19

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