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Chunping Alex Wu - 2004-12-22

Hi, Guess! How old I am? I retired from our school board in Canada in 1998 at 65. Right from then, I got in a school in Hunam, then a university in Guangdong, another in Sichuan, another in Dalian, in Jiangxi, then in Guangdong. . . Xi'an. Each for a year or half, so far I have travel all over China. My friend Ray from England is 76 now in Jinan U. Can you see any Ageism around? Yes, of course. White, young new graduates can be paid cheaper and yet attract students and parents better, but real educators do appreciate aged retirees. Age means experience. I am 72 now, but I am quite conversant to almost any age students. No one thinks me over 60. Age may be shown in your wrinkles, but not in your spirit. To be quite honesty with you, I did met age problems now in job applying. They are not worrying about my teaching, but the burdon they are going to face if anything wrong happened to me while I am staying in they school. So, don't worry, retirees! China do welcome experienced teachers! Especially in public schools. Don't try the private ones.
Alex Wu

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Ageism? Yes? NO! -- Chunping Alex Wu -- 2004-12-22
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