Ferpectly right - 2004-12-01
In response to Where is the outrage at the van Gogh MURDER (gharwell1)

I am sure if this was a film buffs board his death would be a hot topic. However, this is an EFL/ESL board, and as tragic, shocking and horrible as it is it really isn't 'on' topic!

As an aside, I had never heard of the bloke before I saw this in the papers. Whilst I don't agree with murder, I also don't agree with the US and the UK invading Iraq, where thousands of innocents have died, but what ya gonna do? I didn't vote for Blair (or Bush come to that) but that's the system for ya.

Messages In This Thread
Where is the outrage at the van Gogh MURDER -- gharwell1 -- 2004-11-30
Where oh where? -- Beatrix -- 2004-12-01
Outrage -- Ferpectly right -- 2004-12-01
Axis of evil TESOL -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-30
scales of justice -- News of the World -- 2004-12-01

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