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News of the World - 2004-11-26

all very admirable and that, but you have to face the fact that there are really no official licencing requirements controlling the recruitment of prospective employees for these positions in china anyway, so i fail to see that you would even have any moral grounds for your venture, let alone any in an ethical or legal sense.

depending on how things have eventuated for the individual here, this lack of regulation can be either the marvellous or the horrendous thing about the esl job market here.

it's a simple fact that you can come over at your own expense and score a comparatively good position here just by walking into a place and asking, and it appears also to be a simple fact that you can set yourself up for a nightmare courtesy of an offshore recruitment.

i'm not making any claims big or small with regard to my own skill or success as an esl teacher, but i have certainly never done a bunk at midnight with the laptop provided to me by the institution i was studying at (i have - in fact - never done a bunk at all), have never used my position primarily as a platform from which to expound my religious beliefs or my cultural subjectivity, have never let any addictions such as drinking, smoking or text messaging interfere in any way with my contracted duties, and have the background at least to be able to recognise the standard of English to which any keen student here would be aspiring. this is more than i can say for about 40% of my colleagues from previous positions here.

how exactly would you protect your own interests given that in at least some cases you would find yourself acting as advocate for those who are in the wrong, and even more often would find that your professional actions were causing even greater acrimony over problems that had arisen more due to the cultural insensitivities of the parties involved rather than any malevolance on the part of either?

i suggest arbitration as a more lucrative line of work. you could get fees from both the employer and the employee, and might even be able to sort out a handy little sideline in private investigation into the bargain.

Messages In This Thread
good luck with it all -- News of the World -- 2004-11-26
Naive is you -- Beatrix -- 2004-11-27
how about -- News of the World -- 2004-11-28
Where is it? -- esl in asia -- 2004-11-28
B&P -- Dos -- 2004-11-28
just about -- News of the World -- 2004-11-28
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