View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re: DADI Kindergarten group in China - Any experience? - Teachers Discussion
Mark - 2007-11-04

Hi Frank;
I'm currently teaching at four Dadi kindergartens in Chongqing, and each one is much different. The same books are used by all, but the Dadi books fall far short from what we need to teach, or more, from what the students need to learn. I try to improvise as much as they will let me, and I also try to give each student individual time with me, but at times that isn't always possible. If you have worked at teaching at all in China, you must realize that the education system is too regimental and strict, and that the children are overworked and not happy. I let them be kids and when they have fun they learn more and try to communicate with me more.
Dad of course is a franchise, so each school has to follow a certain curriculum and outline, but you will still see a vast difference at each school, some are run like a business, where others are actually doing it because they love children.
to sum it up, it all depends on which one or which ones you will teach at.
Good luck to you Frank, if you love children and have a lot of patience, it is a pretty good job.

Messages In This Thread
DADI Kindergarten group in China - Any experience? - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-11-24
Re: DADI Kindergarten group in China - Any experience? - Teachers Discussion -- Mark -- 2007-11-04
Re: DADI Kindergarten group in China - Any experience? - Teachers Discussion -- Dr. Peter Smith -- 2018-03-29
Re: DADI Kindergarten group in China - Any experience? - Teachers Discussion -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re: DADI Kindergarten group in China - Any experience? - Teachers Discussion -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
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