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KJ/DB - 2007-05-28

Ok, Old and Tired, here's the website:

My post regarding salary was meant to be humorous and to highlight the absurdity of the post that suggested that Fish is a recruiter just because he has the forthrightness to speak out on what he believes. Actually, I didn't think anyone would be so gullible as to believe it.

On the other hand, I am quite comfortable with the salary that I do make and the living conditions that I am provided. Furthermore, I have certain standards that I insist on before accepting employment in China. I learned the hard way, just like the rest of you. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to being lied to or cheated in any way. Therefore, I've walked away from more than a few unsavory positions; however, the university where I work now and have worked for nearly a year has been extremely honest in all ways. They respect me, I respect them.

If you'll read carefully through my prior posts, you'll discover that I've never stated that there arent'serious problems to contend with in the EFL game in China. But speaking of tolerance, I also have little tolerance for whiners and bashers that haven't the ability to see the big picture nor the farsightedness to recognize that the corrupt in this business are not in total control. I also have little tolerance for those who deem it wise to focus on one group or country or race to vent their vindictiveness and/or bitterness simply because they have not been treated as fairly as they had hoped.

But as for you Old and Tired; I'll take your future posts with a grain of salt and move on to more important and less frivolous things. Your rantings and ravings are no longer of any concern to me.

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