View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Where, o where, is this blue chip service? - Teachers Discussion
Old and Tired - 2007-05-27

KJ, I realize that I've been blacklisted for life by Fish's Double-Happiness Fat Cat Recruiting Agency, Ltd., but PLEASE tell those other, less-uppity teacher-workers where they might apply to receive Fish's special brand of Red Carpet/Blue Chip service?
And with FREE cultural training lectures offered, as well!

Is there a website? Can we actually see a photo of Fearless Leader Fish? Is there actually a Fish by any other name? Pray tell!

If he was able to have you "rolling in Chinese Clover," so to speak, why not make it openly available for other, obedient Laowei to apply?

I'm awaiting the web address, fax info, etc., so that I can urge others to send all the necessary documents to both of you, ASAP!

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Where, o where, is this blue chip service? - Teachers Discussion -- Old and Tired -- 2007-05-27
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Where, o where, is this blue chip service? - Teachers Discussion

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