View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re We have some broflakes on this board
FTinPRC - 2017-07-12
In response to We have some broflakes on this board (Latina in LA)

Straight male offended by any feminist or ethnic activity

Straight white male. I would suggest that they are not 'offended'; they fear the changes in their world that have diminished their wealth and social standing.
Gone: the 'patriarch' returning home from work to sit at the head of the dinner table to eat his housewife's food and instruct his children on how to live a successful life.

Messages In This Thread
We have some broflakes on this board -- Latina in LA -- 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Mr Potato Gravy -- 2017-07-14
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- FTinPRC -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- UKIPer -- 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- och -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Taffy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Observer -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Taffy -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Taffy -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Taffy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-14
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- taffy -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Latina in LA -- 2017-07-12
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Taffy -- 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Taffy -- 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- Silverboy -- 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board -- expat hubby -- 2017-07-11
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re We have some broflakes on this board

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