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Dana - 2006-09-11

Hi Blake. I hope that you are enjoying your time at the Aston School that you r at. I have read here that you had a terrible time with your old school Kids Castle this past year. I do not want to argue with you here I only want to point out a few things and warn you of some pitfalls that you might encounter there.

Many of the apartments that Xian Aston put their teachers in are terrible and mine was the worset. Some of the apartments were pure gems but most were not! A he difference between the best and the worset.

Some of what bothered me was the lack of action taken by any of the management but esp. the western ones. Being lied to about how much concern that the school/the company had in this issue and any issues that we teachers raised. Nothing was ever done. Yes you can go and write to their head office but the reply that I got came back from a Chinese vice pres. Saying that talking is important when dealing with problems. Well that showed me what how this company wanted to handle any problems from teachers. More double talk.

Yes I was otherwise happy with my stay there in Xian. I did not let this get me down. But what I do not understand is why try to show such a rosey picture on your web site trying to make potential teaches think that you are better than other schools when you are not. Profit drives this whole ESL thing here. Maybe that is why you spend this money painting this wonderful picture.

Non of us need to go through any of these problem that you and I have encountered during our stay in China. I hope you have a wonderful time at your new school Blake and success as a teacher.


Messages In This Thread
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