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Frank - 2006-08-23

This increasingly intense discussion about Aston Schools certainly made me curious to learn more!

First of all, I am quite fond of this discussion forum, for numerous reasons. I appreciate the freedom and what I call the messiness of this place, but of course, theres a downside to that quality as well (Ill get to the point about that later.).

The first post to catch my attention was Danas recent Aston Double Talk in response to Aston Director Assistant, Owen Morris. I then read the entire thread, dating back to Danas original post Xian Aston 6 March 2006. As I read Danas post it certainly called to mind similar experiences Ive had with these kinds of educational organizations is the past. I have absolutely NO direct knowledge or experience with Aston, but I suppose due to my own bumpy ride in China, much of what Dana expressed regarding her experience rang true to me.

Owen Morris two responses were measured and thoughtful, and certainly a valiant attempt at some damage control, which he has every right to do. In fact, in the past two months, I have been openly quarrelling with another poster (John a/k/a Dave not the same Dave in this Aston-related thread) regarding fairness and balance on the part of posters. John seems to believe FTs, even when sounding the alarm about poor working conditions or a particularly bad episode at a school (public or for-profit), have a responsibility to offer a fair and balanced characterization of the school or manager in question. I simply dont agree. I feel if the school wants fair and balanced representation, then it is THEIR responsibility to defend themselves or join the discussion. Owen Morris has done that, and Im glad he has stated his position with regards to Danas claims.

Next comes JJ who strongly disagrees with Danas two posts. But at this point, two things are beginning to make me skeptical and/or uncomfortable. As I stated in the beginning, I like the loose environment here, but what is starting to make the whole thing a bit wobbly (especially this thread) is that all of the posters in this thread (except for Owen and Chuck, who like me, is on the outside of this situation), have not included e-mail addresses, or contact information of any kind. What begins to happen is that anyone, calling themselves by any name, with no traceable or credible identity can post, rant, rage, defend, carry on, etc. (Im mostly referring to JJ here, but almost everyone here seems to be fearful of being contacted privately.)

Sorry, JJ, but I simply didnt see how much of what you said had much to do with Danas assertions.

JJ, by saying things like:

Aston has given me language lessons, taken me to the hospital when I was sick, given me gifts on my birthday and for holidays treated me to countless meals and arranged trips and other activities. . .

OK, JJ First of all, I fail to see how birthday gifts compensate for incompetent working and poor housing? (Dave has already argued the hospital service issue in his post.)

DON'T SPEAK FOR ME!! I am capable of speaking for myself.

Excuse me, JJ, Dana said most teachers, not JJ

Aston is not perfect by any means but then no job is whether here or back home in that utopia that is The West. You spent no more than 6 weeks in China, I don't think this makes you an expert on the subject.

This utopia that is The West quip gives me the feeling perhaps youre not an FT after all Youre beginning to sound more and more like a Chinese staff member of Aston. But of course, JJ with no e-mail address could be anybody, anywhere. You could be the owner of Aston for all we know

I seem to remember seeing numerous negative posting about Aston on other ESL-related websites, so I began to look around Lo and behold, I find two new job postings for Aston today. Although they were posted by two different manager in different locations, both postings offered some exact same passages about the terms of the position.

For example:

Date: Monday 21 August 2006


Aston English Schools (China's largest American managed school) is still seeking 5 teachers for our private language schools in Chongqing, Taiyuan, Xuzhou, Lanzhou and Yulin in China for our September term. We would like teachers to start on September 2nd.

We require:
Native speakers of English at least 21 years old
Nationalities preferred are Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Australia and New Zealand
College degree in any subject
Must be willing to teach children classes

September Starts

One Year 25 to 27 Hrs./Wk.
Salary 6,200 RMB/month
Hours/Week 25-27
Teaching Days/Wk 5
OT 100 RMB/hr for over 25 hours per week (monthly scale)
Completion Bonus 1,000 USD
Medical Insurance Yes
Personal Leave Days 14

One Year 20 Hrs/Wk
Salary 5,000 RMB/month
Hours/Week 20
Teaching Days/Wk 3-4
OT 100 RMB/hr for over 20 hours per week (monthly scale)
Completion Bonus 500 USD
Medical Insurance Yes
Personal Leave Days 14

One Year 15 Hrs/Wk.
Salary 4000 RMB/month
Hours/Week 15
Teaching Days/Wk 2 to 3
OT 100 RMB/hr for over 15 hours per week (monthly scale)
Completion Bonus 300 USD
Personal Leave Days 14

Six Months 25 to 27 Hours/Wk
Salary 6,200RMB/month
Hours/Week 25-27
Teaching Days/Wk 5
OT 100 RMB/hr for over 25 hours per week (monthly scale)
Completion Bonus 225 USD
Personal Leave Days 7

Six Months 20 Hours/Wk
Salary 5000 RMB/Month
Hours/Week 20
Teaching Days/Wk 3-4
OT 100 RMB/hr for over 20 hours per week (monthly scale)
Completion Bonus 150 USD
Personal Leave Days 7

Six Months 15 Hours/Wk
Salary 4000 RMB/month
Hours/Week 15
Teaching Days/Wk 2-3
OT 100 RMB/hr for over 15 hours per week (monthly scale)
Completion Bonus 100 USD
Personal Leave Days 7

Note- All bonuses are intended as your flight reimbursement. To get a full flight reimbursement you must make a commitment for at least one year and do the full 25 hour contract. Lesser contracts allow you more flexibility such as the 15 hour contract only working 2-3 days per week, but you compromise on the bonus. Also note that leave days with AES are not paid. Time of is prorated from the monthly salary. All contracts include shared housing, Internet access and Chinese classes.

Wow!!! For a for-profit organization, their salaries seem incredibly LOW, especially for teaching children, which can be a highly exhausting endeavor.

25 teaching hours a week at 6200RMB, works out to 62 RMB per hour, or less.
Also above, the job posting states that Overtime pay is 100RMB per hour, but their website says 90RMB per OT hour (and that overtime is calculated on hours per month, not per week watch out!).

And what is this business in the terms about 7 or 14 personal leave days (depending on 6 or 12-month contracts), when later they tell you these leave days are unpaid!?!?!? Thats hardly attractive, or an incentive to sign a contract!

If wants to teach 15 hours a week for 4000RMB per month, they might as well sign with public university, and get paid a likely wage of 4500-5000RMB per month (depending on location). In fact, Aston states on their website that positions in Dalian and Jinan pay only 3500RMB a month for a 15-hour a week contract!!

Aston requires that teachers SHARE housing! Id never agree to that. Again, a university will pay someone near the same salary (or a little more), and provide private housing.

So now I decide to check out the Aston website http://www.astonenglish.cn/e/default.asp

Before I point out several more questionable entries, I want to praise Aston for at least providing a decent website, with lots of reasonably honest information (a true rarity in China!).

What will my teaching schedule look like?

The answer to this question depends heavily on the type of contract you decide to sign.

Essentially, a 25-hour teacher's schedule might look like this:

Saturday - Up to 8 hours of classroom time - anytime from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM teaching kids from 6 to 17 years old. Classes are two hours with a break in the middle and time for lunch. Lower levels are taught by a Western teacher and a Chinese Teacher.

Sunday - Same as Saturday.

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday OR Tuesday and Thursday - One class of adults in the morning. One or two classes in the late afternoon.

MWF adult classes are usually 2 hours. TTh classes are usually 1.5 hours.

A 15 hour teacher might have a Saturday and Sunday schedule similar to that described above with an English Corner on one day during the week.

A 20 hour teacher would have a Saturday and Sunday similar to the schedule described above as well as one TTH adult class or a full afternoon of classes on Wednesday.

The above examples are not rigid rules; each school may vary schedules slightly depending on local market needs. Teaching schedules are set by the Location Manager so any scheduling requests such as certain days off or vacation time are made with the school. Teachers may be scheduled for a substitution class, an outside company class, or other events such as English Corners to fulfill contract hour requirements.

The Aston Website indicates programs created for corporations. How were they set up? (I would be interested in creating/teaching a class geared toward a specific company.)

Course material and development go through the Education Department and your manager or teacher trainer. There are procedures in place for this, which your manager can elaborate on.

Given my background and assuming I stay at an Aston School more than one year, what type of extra role might be considered?

We normally promote from in-house staff. Depending on your qualifications and ability to adjust to living and working in China this could happen within a few months. Some people love it here and get along very well, some find it hard to get used to the Chinese way of doing business. Most new managers start out as General Assistants teaching a half schedule and helping out in the office and then move up to Assistant Location Manager, Location Manager, and then City Manager. There are also possibilities for positions as teacher trainer or in the head office if you have specific talents that Aston is looking for.

Are apartments individual or shared? If the latter, how are assignments made?

Shared. We ask applicants their preference (smoking/non; male/female; old/young) and assign from there unless you specifically request a person you know.

Visa Applications and Processing

Anyone and everyone that enters China will need a visa. If you are planning to be in China as a teacher, you'll in most cases need a work visa (otherwise known as Z visa). The flaming hoops and red tape involved in the process of obtaining a Z visa can be slightly daunting. You should always work directly with the staff at your assigned school if you have any questions regarding visas. The staff at your school will know the particulars regard local regulations and issues that the central office or our overseas recruiting offices may not know about.
Our teachers are responsible for all visa fees outside of China. Within China, Aston pays for our teachers' work residency processing, registration, and the in-China medical exam.

Hey, I dont know about you, but I would never sign a contract with these guys!

OK, did you notice that they give a scenario where some teachers are expected to teach children for EIGHT hours on Saturdays and Sundays?

They also talk about some programs which offer corporate training. I can tell you from experience that most teachers who do corporate training (including myself) usually ake 150-200 RMB per hour. I would never do this work for what Aston pays (they must be making huge profits from their teachers)!

In the past, when Ive been offered a manager or Head Teacher position I decline; because from what Ive seen, heard, and experienced first-hand, these managers or Head Teachers are used mostly as messengers for the owners. Rather than facing the teacher directly when they want to make salary deductions, or some other type of creative penalty (which they know will likely enrage the FT), they make the foreign manager deliver the news. Education input or serving as an advocate for FTs rarely comes into play, if ever. Does this sound familiar Dana? Dave? Owen? For a slightly higher salary than the pitiful one been paid to the FT, these managers accept the extra money to protect the financial interests of the owner(s). Ugh!

In the Aston model (stated above in the section on extra role), it also implies that perhaps commissions are part of the managers monthly salary, which also feeds the potential for deception, misrepresentation, and possibly threatening behavior on the part of the foreign managers. Ring any bells, anyone?

Finally, in addition to the bliss of shared housing, the cherry on the Aston sundae is their refusal to reimburse the cost of the FTs visa.

I now believe Dana more than ever! Once unsuspecting FTs arrive and start working in China (and for outfits like Aston), and they find out how many hours they should really be teaching, and what kind of wages they should really be earning, I imagine they are happy to get away from Aston ASAP.

Messages In This Thread
China: Xian Aston - Teachers discussion -- Dana -- 2006-03-06
Back to the topic of aston schools - Teachers Discussion -- Matthew -- 2006-09-10
That's the official line... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-09-11
I don't think this warrents.... - Teachers Discussion -- Blake -- 2006-08-31
What I Think - Teachers Discussion -- Dana -- 2006-09-11
In response to your concerns - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Craig Nisbet -- 2007-01-28
New Aston - Teachers Discussion -- Steve -- 2007-02-03
Xian Aston English School Pictures - Teachers Discussion -- Craig Nisbet -- 2007-08-18
Think Again! - Teachers Discussion -- Lynn -- 2006-09-04
Xian Aston English School - Teachers discussion -- Owen Morris -- 2006-04-02
Really? - Teachers discussion -- Mike T -- 2006-04-15
In my opinion.... - Teachers discussion -- Owen Morris -- 2006-04-20
Aston Double Talk - Teachers Discussion -- Dana -- 2006-08-22
Don't speak for me. - Teachers Discussion -- JJ -- 2006-08-22
Don't Speak For Me JJ! - Teachers Discussion -- Dave -- 2006-08-23
My own little "Crash Course" In Aston Schools - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-23
Interesting thread. - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-23
Frank Rides Again - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-23
Is there that much solidarity there? - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-22
It does happen... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-23
Ain't that the truth! - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-24
cold feet for aston - Teachers Discussion -- scott -- 2006-08-31
A reason for those cold feet... - Teachers Discussion *Link* -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-08-31
Scott and/or anyone actually interested - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-09-01
Figure of speech... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-09-01
Thanks Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-09-03
Scott: Re Aston - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-08-31
Scott's Words - Teachers Discussion -- Wendy -- 2006-09-05
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