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Chuck - 2006-08-19
In response to Interesting... - Teachers Discussion (Michael)

But would you be interested in a job at an institution that had a poorly built website? Or only in their native language?
It may be hard enough, or expensive enough, to build a website in their own language, let alone English. To properly build it would require a foreigner adept enough in computers and the internet to build a good one. And some of the sites have been in use for years and haven't been changed or updated. With ever-changing teachers and services, it would get expensive after a while.
Also, some places just aren't big enough yet to provide each employee with a terminal to be able to check email often enough to make corporate mail services for everybody reasonable.
Another problem, which we went through last year, is that a savvy manager can go throgh everybody's mail from their terminal in their office. Nothing private about it, always keeping an eye on the employees business. But with a personal email like yahoo, it stays personal. The HR or recruiter or solicitor can freely rummage through responses without Big Brother looking over their shoulder.
But I do agree that it looks a bit sloppy or fly-by-night. I try to weed out people by emailing them back and forth several times, and see if they can keep up, what kind of delays there are, how well they understand questions and answers, if they give any conflicting info from their original ads, ask for reference email addresses from other teachers, etc. Just like anywhere else, I try to put them through their paces first before I give them much info about me. Which can be time consuming, but maybe job searches should be!

Messages In This Thread
INTERESTING excerpts from this week's ESL Jobs in China ad postings - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-18
GANG AN BAD COMPANY - Teachers Discussion -- brad -- 2007-07-04
LATE-BREAKING additions... - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-18
Interesting... - Teachers Discussion -- Michael -- 2006-08-18
Websites - Teachers Discussion -- Chuck -- 2006-08-19
thanks - Teachers Discussion -- Michael -- 2006-08-19
Your misgivings are correct! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-08-18
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