View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?
jorv - 2015-05-11

Thank you very much for your reaction. Also to the other member who emailed me directly.

San Migs, I sent you an email yesterday

I hope you received it. If not, please feel free to mail me directly, my email address is included in this post.

I think I can cope with Hohhot's weather conditions. But a further explanation on the shady side of the school or any other reasons to be on my guards would be much appreciated! I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, Jorden

Messages In This Thread
Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-09
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Laowai -- 2018-06-03
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- 807 -- 2018-06-26
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-06-29
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Scouse Magic -- 2018-07-06
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- PageWhite -- 2018-07-14
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- The Spirit of Migsey -- 2018-07-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Silverboy -- 2018-07-17
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- San Migs -- 2015-05-10
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- jorv -- 2015-05-11
Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot? -- Ya'el -- 2016-01-09
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Anyone who taught at Little London Hohhot?

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