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#1 Parent GreenSmurf - 2009-03-14
Re: What can I expect?

Umm, I'd have to agree with you heavily heavily heavily Turnoi poster. When it comes down to it you don't know everything, and in this case everyone must know you are wrong.

It is not a students place to complain to the teacher, or tell them how to teach. If they knew these things they would not need teachers.

The truth is, this is the last thing a teacher needs, not the first. Students these days are often arrogant, highly spoiled, and have far too high an opinion of their own intellect. You're only encouraging them in their arrogance and stupidity by telling them it's ok to tell the teacher how they should teach.

The Chinese do it to foreign teacher sometimes because they are taught that we are not real teachers, that we are not to be taken as seriously, and in turn, it is OK to mock, ridicule, or complain to us about the quality of our teaching. It is a form of rebellion, and acting out, which seems acceptable because it is against foreigners.

Usually I agree with you 100 percent Turnoi, but I think you must have been drinking a wee bit too much when you wrote this post. OK for students to complain and tell the teacher how to teach? Where the hell did you get this idea?

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