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#1 Parent Never Hurt - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

It's only your problem. Why should anyone else care? I don't!

#2 Parent Srishti - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Well, to confess that not only i was naive enough to fall for his trick, i even send him some pictures with all those mouth open and tongue stuck out thing. He told me it was for some medical examination.

#3 Parent not amused - 2017-07-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!! His Skype handle is Stillman121

And then he will just get a new Skype handle.

#4 Parent not amused - 2017-07-06
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Yes, I am aware. He still needs to be stopped. It is not just some innocent fetish he is working here.

#5 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-06
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Just ignore this fuckwit, he has been around for years and has some sort of mental problem.

He gets off on the attention, this is some sort of weird sexual fetish for him IMO.

I wonder if it's that Ukiper poster- sounds out of the same twisted mould? Chequered history for sure- Moriarty complex- a forum moderator turned turned wrong- hit his head on a rock whilst grappling with a villain.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-06
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Just ignore this fuckwit, he has been around for years and has some sort of mental problem.

He gets off on the attention, this is some sort of weird sexual fetish for him IMO.

#7 Parent Observer - 2017-07-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!! His Skype handle is Stillman121

Please report him to Skype first.
You can give Skype the link to this thread: They will see that this perv has been using their platform for years and years.

#8 Parent not amused - 2017-07-06
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Can't believe I gave this guy even a minute of my timeā€¦ such are the follies of answering an unknown number while drunk. In my happy-go-lucky, drunk mood the red flags did not register as quickly as they should have. Fortunately I was conscious enough to ask many questions and to refuse to answer some of his so he ended it before things got too weird. Still, I hate that this piece of sh*t has seen my face. I hate that I answered any of his questions. And I hate that this perv has gotten away with his sick act for over 10 years.

Honestly, something needs to be done. If I can get over my pride, I am going to report him to whatever agency will listen. I urge any other victims to do the same. His current Skype handle is Stillman121.

#9 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

star - 2017-04-05
In response to Warning!! The throat perv is back!!! (BeenThere)
he also called me earlier today and offered me a job in china. ! I was wondering why he did not tell me the name of the school he was afflited with.He introduced himself as Doctor Stillman. He also asked me to Skype him tomorrow. He is using the skype id stillman121. Thank you so much for the warnings.

Yes ,she seems to have chopped the first section off of her own post before sending it. It's not written by a natural English speaker and no Westerner would call her/himself 'Star' that's a Chinese adopted name. This post isn't genuine.

#10 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Forget about Trump, enjoy your life. In fifty years time nobody will remember him or any current politician.

Old Throaty could have been genuine but by the same token he could have been a fabrication. Either way, you are right they should laugh at him.

#11 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

This "throat pervert" thing that has been going on for several years is a bit strange. Not that I would care if they contacted me, I'd just start laughing.

That poster 'Star' who resurrected 'old throaty' this time around didn't sound too convincing. It has all the feeling that one of us has been trawling through old posts to find one to get hackles up. A director if you like. Hasn't seemed anxious to rejoin her scoop has she? Just a dump it and leave it post.

#12 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

At the level of "capital consolidation" I can't do anything because I wouldn't know where to start.
But at the level of trump, I am doing my little bit to help the resistance.

Yes yes, and as you have mentioned it it would be appropriate to ask what your little bit is wot you is doing? Can you give us a blow by blow account-don't be coy- and for instance "We put pressure on them old white men and [edited]" Now that's all a bit like a non-the-wiser account and certainly not in any detail. Over to you, please.

#13 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Men your age just don't get it

If a man was born in 1930, he would have been in his 30s during the 1960s when women's liberation was front and center in both the U.S. and England. Age is no longer a viable cover for insensitivity to women's issues in society.
Trump's legions of white men have been exposed to feminist concerns; they conclude that these inequities are justified.
The basis of chauvinism aside, sexism is of value to elites as one distraction in their arsenal of topics that act to obscure obscene capital consolidation.
Tell a Friend

Yes, you put her straight, Trumpsey, that thin air on Mount Olympus must have got to her. Personally I think them 'old white men' are just as likely to be on the other side of the fence. She shouldn't tar all old white men with the same brush as them particular white men she don't like. Take Dr Stephen Hawking, he's against Brexit and Trump, yet he's most decidedly white and old to boot. So, she can lump me in wiv them nasty old white men if she has a mind to Hahaha!....Or is it all white men that's the problem?...just saying, like.

#14 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

This "throat pervert" thing that has been going on for several years is a bit strange. Not that I would care if they contacted me, I'd just start laughing.

#15 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Forget about Trump, enjoy your life. In fifty years time nobody will remember him or any current politician.

#16 Parent Silverboy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Why not just hang up on this idiot? Really, who would believe some dickhead who asks them to make swallowing mice noises? It is really quite stupid and also amusing.

#17 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

At the level of "capital consolidation" I can't do anything because I wouldn't know
where to start.

When a person recognizes that both political parties and all media corporations are vassals of the elite, she can begin to focus on directly fighting poverty and social injustice on the street in her community. Day by day.

#18 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

At the level of "capital consolidation" I can't do anything because I wouldn't know where to start.
But at the level of trump, I am doing my little bit to help the resistance.

On another topic, the horrible bannon is now gone from the Nat Security Council: A good thing.
There are good things happening almost every day. Self-inflicted by the WH most of the time. Lots of fun to watch.

#19 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

I love the random sweetness of a thread that begins with the Throat Perv and morphs to Bill O'Reilly.

Men your age just don't get it

If a man was born in 1930, he would have been in his 30s during the 1960s when women's liberation was front and center in both the U.S. and England. Age is no longer a viable cover for insensitivity to women's issues in society.
Trump's legions of white men have been exposed to feminist concerns; they conclude that these inequities are justified.
The basis of chauvinism aside, sexism is of value to elites as one distraction in their arsenal of topics that act to obscure obscene capital consolidation.
#20 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

I am back about the sensitivities issues, just to try to open your mind a little.
You don't know who O'Reilly is and that's normal in your case. In America, everybody knows. The news just hit the fan that his TV station, Fox, a conservative station, just settled with a lot of ex co-workers who allege that O'Reilly sexually abused them.
And look at trump's reaction in the title below published today in the HufPost (you don't know what it is, and that's also OK - we do).
Men your age just don't get it, Taffy. I won't type any more words; I will just be inspired by the Chinese proverb that says "If you sit beside the river long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies float by...."

Not 'back,' our Fifi. I've always had the comforting knowledge that you were up there on Olympus mulling it all over with the rest of the Gods and Goddesses. However, it is good that you are once more back rubbing shoulders with us mortals.

Maybe you should implore Turnoi to return from his enforced retirement and re-open this 'throat pervert' case. It's not really my thing. I do know one thing and that is that half of these types of accusation can be made up.

#21 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

I am back about the sensitivities issues, just to try to open your mind a little.
You don't know who O'Reilly is and that's normal in your case. In America, everybody knows. The news just hit the fan that his TV station, Fox, a conservative station, just settled with a lot of ex co-workers who allege that O'Reilly sexually abused them.
And look at trump's reaction in the title below published today in the HufPost (you don't know what it is, and that's also OK - we do).
Men your age just don't get it, Taffy. I won't type any more words; I will just be inspired by the Chinese proverb that says "If you sit beside the river long enough, you will see the bodies of your enemies float by...."

#22 Parent Fifi - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Back some 6-7-8 years ago, Turnoi and one of the moderators at the time (not me) worked at least a couple of months on this file, making a list of the perv's calls, with local times and telephone IDs when available, and a list of victims and their locations. What I remember is that they contacted all the victims who had left an email address on their posts, trying to find a victim who would contact the authorities of her country. Out of some 2 dozen victims who had posted on this board, none went further than calling her local police station and asking what could be done. They were all told that because they had not recorded the conversation, because they didn't know in what country the perv was located, because they did not have his phone number (he was blocking his ID), etc. that the police stations could not do anything and could not go to Interpol. If I remember well, many of the victims were in the Philippines, where the local police stations would just laugh at the matter. One or two were in north America but in transit (they were looking for teaching jobs overseas). Some were located in Muslim countries where they would not even bother going to the local police station.

Today, since they have his Skype ID, a police station with a warrant obtained from a judge with an affidavit from the victim, maybe could go to Skype (a Skype office in the same country as the victim, I assume?) and ask the identity of the perv if he has left a credit card or other identification with Skype. I don't know if they could go to Interpol.

I believe there is some agency in the UK that works on international internet crimes. I am sure there is one in the US too. The problem is that it is a lot of work for the victim to do. And they don't know where to start. Would you know, Taffy? (no irony, please - there are real victims here, please respect sensitivities; if you don't know what I am talking about, just imagine that your daughter, some 12 years from now, spends 45 minutes on a skype call thinking that she has found a real job, and is doing sounds with her tongue and placing her fingers in her throat while trying to swallow...).

#23 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-06
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Taffy, you really lack sensitivity here. He might not be "dangerous" in the sense that he won't kill you but he leaves his victims feeling abused and humiliated. You don't want a psycho like that on the internet.

He could be a real doctor. I remember when I was fifteen and quite tall. I did a little happy jump walking down a corridor. My head was cut open on an overhead beam. I made my own way to The Charring Cross Hospital in London, where i found myself alone in a cubicle with a doctor who while looking at my wound was checking for a pulse in a most curious place. I didn't suspect at the time that he wasn't checking for a pulse at all- especially with my trousers still on. I'm afraid these things are going to always happen to all of us and we should shrug them off. But I am not saying by that we shouldn't bring offenders to task if we can. What have you and that lady who contacted you done so far? You have that skype ID- have you contacted the relevant authorities? What's the latest?

#24 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-05
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Taffy, you really lack sensitivity here. He might not be "dangerous" in the sense that he won't kill you but he leaves his victims feeling abused and humiliated. You don't want a psycho like that on the internet.

#25 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-05
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Taffy: The throat perv has been mentioned on this board for some 10 years (there is a very long thread about him). He is not a guy with a throaty voice. He is a sicko who contacts female teachers who post their resume/answer certain job offers, and asks them to pretend swallowing objects like a mouse. He asks them to do that because, he says, the female teacher will be teaching handicapped children who have swallowing problems, so he wants to make sure the teacher can develop empathy with them. Some naive female teachers go for it.

Hahaha, I was told as a child if I wet the bed I'd have to swallow a mouse as a cure.

Seems to be pretty gullible women around then. He doesn't actually sound too dangerous. No doubt Sherlock Holmes and Arsene Lupin could wheedle him out.

#26 Parent BeenThere - 2017-04-05
Re: Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

Taffy: The throat perv has been mentioned on this board for some 10 years (there is a very long thread about him). He is not a guy with a throaty voice. He is a sicko who contacts female teachers who post their resume/answer certain job offers, and asks them to pretend swallowing objects like a mouse. He asks them to do that because, he says, the female teacher will be teaching handicapped children who have swallowing problems, so he wants to make sure the teacher can develop empathy with them. Some naive female teachers go for it.

#27 Parent Alias Taffy - 2017-04-05
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

he also called me earlier today and offered me a job in china. ! I was wondering why he did not tell me the name of the school he was afflited with.He introduced himself as Doctor Stillman. He also asked me to Skype him tomorrow. He is using the skype id stillman121. Thank you so much for the warnings.

What strikes me is that this bloke doesn't seem to know he's some notorious pervert, otherwise why would he use his own name on a skype ID? I assume 'Stillman' is his own name because you recognised him as one-and-the-same-pervert?

Are we sure that this isn't a continuation of some hysterical misunderstanding and the bloke with a throaty sounding voice is just an innocent?

What is it with this skype then if any tom, dick or pervert can force you into a skype call whether you like it or not? How did he get your number?

#28 Parent star - 2017-04-05
Re Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

he also called me earlier today and offered me a job in china. ! I was wondering why he did not tell me the name of the school he was afflited with.He introduced himself as Doctor Stillman. He also asked me to Skype him tomorrow. He is using the skype id stillman121. Thank you so much for the warnings.

#29 Parent BeenThere - 2017-02-01
Warning!! The throat perv is back!!!

See post on Scam Alerts board http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/scamalerts/index.pl?read=3718
Do not talk to this perv.
Call the police.

#30 Parent Snow24 - 2016-01-29
Re China: WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!!

This guy is currently active again (JAN 2016)! I'VE BEEN FOOLED I can't believe he's still using the same story!! He goes by the name Dr. Stillman and he's using stillman1213@gmail.com. DO NOT SEND HIM ANYTHING! Just received a call from him a couple of days ago for a so-called pre-evaluation interview. He asked me to do all those weird throat exercises mentioned earlier in this post. I feel angry at myself for not reading up on these scams beforehand. As I felt that it was very strange and uneasy after the LONG call so I decided to google on scam stories and thank goodness I found this forum post. He's preying on teachers who are very eager to work abroad. I hope no other females would fall into his trap again.

p.s: This guy is amazing calm, patient and knowledgeable!! He gives very rational sounding reasoning (excuses!!!) and sounds pretty believable.

#31 Parent Marie - 2016-01-15
Re: WARNING!!!!Throat Expert Doctor Strikes Again - New name/id: Dr. Simon, simon19990@gmail.com

Sorry to read about this.
I was hoping he was gone, gone, gone...
Did you see on your Caller ID the phone number he was using?

#32 Parent Najeela Abubacar - 2016-01-15
Re: WARNING!!!!Throat Expert Doctor Strikes Again - New name/id: Dr. Simon, simon19990@gmail.com

He's back! it's 2016 now but still doing it. Can some people get this retard to jail? he's poor pervert! he's using and pretending to be DR. JONATHAN STILLMAN. all the same weird exercise I did. wtf did I just do. I can't believe I've been fooled by a retard. stillman1213@gmail.com you old shit

#33 Parent XXX - 2010-02-27

Oh my god...thank you all for writing about this crazy "doctor". He called me and I thought it was an interview for teaching english and i did the "exercises" and thought it had to do with the children i'd be teaching. He has a very soothing & logical sounding voice so it's easy to think that he might be legitimate. But that all stopped when he asked for the throat pictures. That's when I got suspicious. And when I asked for a website, and he didn't give me one...I knew I had to research him. And I'm glad I read this. I wish I would have listened to the other red flag with the "swallowing mouse" analogy and the fact that he was so intrusive and talkative. In my case he went by Dr. Lang and the email address he went by was: lang0888@gmail.com and it showed up on my cell phone as "RESTRICTED" so i have no idea what his phone number is. I learned my lesson...I'm still going to apply for a job overseas but if I feel weird with any interviewer for any reason, I'm just going to HANG-UP!!!

#34 Parent Creeped OUT - 2010-02-16
Re: WARNING!!!!Throat Expert Doctor Strikes Again - New name/id: Dr Simon Lang, Lang0888@gmail.com

This guy is quite the professional.
I cannot believe this has been going on since '06 and no one has been able to do something about it.
I asked tons of questions- name of the school, location, why I couldn't have further contact info, name of the founding doctors of the school.... It went on and on and every time I asked a question he had a swift and fairly competent response.
It's a pretty scary feeling to be taken in this way (to say the least).

His new e-mail is Lang0888@gmail.com and he introduced himself as Dr Simon Lang.
It seems so strange to me that he's been using "Lang" in previous e-mail addresses but never identified it as his name.
The phone number always came up as "Restricted" so I'm not sure what is within my capability in terms of stopping this.

He will be calling me again, I am sure-- I figured this out midway through my conversation and led him to believe he had me hook line and sinker. What can we do to stop this bastard? My first idea is to e-mail google with all of the e-mail addresses he has used and a link to this website. Can anyone else help me to stop this creep?
If you're curious what his line is, you can read some of the previous discussions, they generally all explain the same creepy conversations.

#35 Parent Maria - 2009-12-21
Re: WARNING!!!!Throat Expert Doctor Strikes Again - New name/id: Dr. Simon, simon19990@gmail.com

WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, this Doctor strikes back again. He called me yesterday and asked to do the same ridiculous and stupid things. Fortunately, my friend told me about this scam. So i stopped sending any documents he asked me. Now his using the name of DR. SIMON (email: simon19990@gmail.com) this is the number that registered in my phone: 00*16047772067 and according to my call record, this number is from New Westminster, BC, Canada. I hope everyone will be aware of this scam.

#36 Parent N - 2009-10-27
Re: WARNING!!!!Throat Expert Doctor Strikes Again - New name/id: Dr. Peter Graham, pg200909@yahoo.ca

do you have caller id? there is a way to stop this guy. don't feel bad. he found a great scam, because it works, and he needs to be stopped.

#37 Parent MS. X (marxlenin) - 2009-10-27
WARNING!!!!Throat Expert Doctor Strikes Again - New name/id: Dr. Peter Graham, pg200909@yahoo.ca

I was also a victim of this Throat Expert Doctor. He said he is a doctor named Dr.Peter Graham He offered me teaching job to children with disabilities such as difficulties with swallowing and closing and opening their eyes, in South Korea and U.S.A. at a private institution named Bellaton Institutionl. He said the salary was $2,800. He said I would be teaching in the morning to disabled kids and then assisting in the afternoons with their exercises.Of course I am excited too and very eager to listen to him.He took down my birthday, height, and weight and said that once he received all the requirements he would conduct the security, credit check.After that He asked me to do these completely ridiculous throat exercises using a mirror. I'm also such an idiot for even doing them!GRRRRRRR! He asked several personal questions and towards the end of the conversation he requested me 8 photos FROM HEAD TO WAIST with my tongue extended outward and clear picture of my throat so as to determine my visible health status before approving an application of employment. These photos were to be photographed using a digital camera and to be sure that is clear and to be send to his email address: pg200909@yahoo.ca. The next day i mentioned this doctor to a friend of mine and she said she was also phoned by that doctor before and he used the name of Dr. Steven..She said there was a blog in the eslboard giving warnings to the esl teachers.When I open the site WOW as early as 2006 he was already doing this kind of foolishness.Thanks there is an ESL blog that would warn other people...

#38 Parent N - 2009-06-08
Re: WARNING!!!! Cross post - New name/id: Dr. Don Ford, leng200808@gmail.com

I talked to this guy yesterday, he used the name Dr. Don Ford, and this time he was in Mexico, which of course was one of the cities of interest that I mentioned in my post. He did the whole throat, and swallowing mice thing with me but didn't ask for any pictures. What a weirdo. If we do find out who he is and where he is calling from, what exactly can we do?

#39 Parent olga - 2009-05-03
Re: "Dr. Don Ford", leng200808@gmail.com

Hello to all...
I dont know how to start writing here because im still in shocked today when i google dr.don ford email address leng200808@gmail.com
OMG!!! im his victim...
I'll tell & write again soon!
Im still in shock...

#40 Parent Lindsay - 2009-04-23
Re: WARNING!!!! Cross post - New name/id: Dr. Don Ford, leng200808@gmail.com

One more important thing to note about the Dr. Don Ford (or whatever name he goes by) scam is that no number showed up on my caller ID. It came up as a Private Number, so there's no way to know where he's calling from!

Note to self (and others)...DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE WHEN IT'S A PRIVATE NUMBER!!!

#41 Parent The Owl - 2009-04-23
"Dr. Don Ford", leng200808@gmail.com

Sorry about your experience.
Do you still have his phone number on your ID caller or on any device connected to your phone that would show where he was calling from?

#42 Parent Lindsay - 2009-04-23
Re: WARNING!!!! Cross post - New name/id: Dr. Don Ford, leng200808@gmail.com

BEWARE...Dr. Don Ford strikes again. Literally within an hour of posting my resume on an ESL type website he called me. I was so excited because he was offering a job in the Philippines, which is where I want to go because my husband is there. He said I would be teaching in the mornings to disabled kids and then assisting in the afternoons with their exercises. He then went on to have me do these completely ridiculous throat exercises using a mirror. I'm such an idiot for even doing them! Then the conversation got even more bizarre when he started talking about eating mice! At that point I was getting really annoyed and suspicious. At one point I even said something like "I just don't understand what this has anything to do with teaching". He then proceeded with the convincing point that he's trying to learn more about my attitudes and personality because working with the disabled kids on top of being in a foreign country will be a culture shock in and of itself! I can't even believe I gave this guy the time of day! At the end he told me to email my resume with 8 pictures of my throat. Head to shoulders, tongue in, tongue out blah, blah, blah. He took down my birthday, height, and weight and said that once he received all the pictures and resume he would conduct the security, credit check. After I hung up, I still felt suspicious so I looked him up and found all these complaints! I only wish I had looked him up while I was on the phone with him so I could have hung up on the jack ass! I feel like the biggest idiot and in a weird way I feel violated! Thankfully, I found all these messages before proceeding with the "application process"! My question is, can he access any of my personal information since he has my name, phone number and date of birth? He could possibly even have my address since it was listed on my online resume.

#43 Parent e. - 2009-03-26
"Dr Don Ford", email: leng200808@gmail.com, Telephone 514 996 310

Oh he seems to be back in game now. He called yesterday (March 25, 2009) at 8 pm (CETime)offering a job in Spain. I found calling at this time strange but I figured it was due to different time zone (as he mentioned working overseas I first thought he meant Latin America) He did not ask me to do any creepy exercise nor did did he mention mice eating or other stuff you were writing about. He insisted I should decide at once and be 100% sure I can cope with disabled children (did not specify the type of disability )
I googled him today just to make sure I have a right e-mail address (leng200808@gmail.com) and to see if a person with this name (Dr.Don Ford) exists in the net. I found it suspicious the domain was just gmail.com and that he seemed not to know which country (or even part of the world) I was from.

the number displayed when he was calling was 514 996 310 (strangely short)
greetings to all teacher out there

#44 Parent Shivangi - 2009-03-13
Re: WARNING!!!! Cross post - New name/id: Dr. Don Ford, leng200808@gmail.com

Well, here's new news! He has changed his name to Dr. Don Ford and he sounded so nice and patient, we spoke over 3 days and had 3 hour-long calls from him, always at the same time and of course he asked for the photographs.

Now point is, that I asked a friend who has been living in the States for quite some time and she works for a pharma company and she was shocked! Anyhow I took some of the photos and that is when I saw how "horrid" they look.

I made up some excuse saying my mother refuses to have these photos sent to you via the internet and he called me up at 2.00 a.m. and got really upset and gave me an earful.

I then emailed him again after about a month and told him that I would be in Korea in April to which he replied that the only way is the photo thing and nothing else would work - not even if I personally show up at his doorstep! Only photos!

The name of the institute is Batol and his email is <leng200808@gmail.com> He says the children are physically challenged and it cannot be found on the Google map. When asked the reason was that it is a safehouse.

However, there is a Dr. Don Ford (several in fact) but none in Korea and even if there I wouldn't malign anybody's good name just because an imposter goes around doing this. Folks, be careful and warn as many as you can.

#45 Parent Jacques - 2008-11-28

Hi Tweety and other concerned posters.

I wrote a response to this some time around April this year. I don't know if it was of any help, but I hope it was helpful to some people at least.

Another point has occurred to me, which is that the inadequate creature who is harrassing female teaching candidates is probably getting a substantial amount of his jollies from reading the distressed and angry responses on here. Pathetic individuals like him receive gratification from the temporary sense of satisfaction and power they receive in observing the negative impact on their victims. However, they do not like their behaviour to result in ridicule of themselves or laughter at their shortcomings or character.

I understand that when people are approached by the idiot they are upset and arrive here by googling his cover name. However, respondents who are up to it, may be able to "take the wind" out of his pathetic and immature behaviour by making fun of it or otherwise ridiculing the situation to his ego's disadvantage. (Incidentally, he probably would really like to imagine himself as being capable of being a doctor or someone of similar standing.)

I'm certainly not witty enough to powerfully implement my own suggestion in retorts to him, but I would be happy to kick off with a question for him on here: "As you have called yourself a doctor during your phone calls, would you tell us what your PhD thesis was, or if you are claiming to be a medical doctor, what your specialist training was?" Perhaps other posters could make suggestions regarding the possible title of his PhD or other claimed expertise and how it relates to his behaviour? Perhaps it was a thesis on overcoming the challenges of anatomical or performance inadequacy by inflicting emotional distress on others, etc?

By the way, if anyone receives multiple calls from the idiot and is prepared, her best response, other than getting him to identify himself or his whereabouts if possible, would be to laugh down at him on the phone.

I hope my suggestions don't sound too silly or peurile, but I do believe that ridicule and laughter would be a blow to the pathetic fellow.

Best wishes to all sincere people here.


#46 Parent tweety - 2008-10-30

I'm really glad I found this forum. That so called "Dr. Stevens" called me just this morning. It was really surprised because he called me at 5 am. Still I felt excited because it was a phone interview (overseas). He seems to be very soft spoken and patient. Then he asked if I had a mirror. He said I'm gonna handle kids with some sort of physical problems like swallowing food, etc. So he wanted to find out my reaction about that. I did it, and after that long interview he told me to send 8 pictures of me 1. from head to chin (tongue in and out) 2. eye to chin 3. head to breast 4. mouth to breast or something. He said that I have to wear just A towel if I do this. That made me alarm. So after the interview, I searched on the net since I felt that there was something wrong about it. I found this forum. I was glad that I searched for it before sending anything to him. Here's the email ad he gave me lang200105@yahoo.com... PLEASE BE CAREFUL .....

#47 Parent Funny Dr Carl Stevens and his new email - 2008-10-07
Post dated 6 June 2007 - Re: Dr Hamilton strikes again - Teachers discussion

Date: 6 June 2007 In Response To: Dr Hamilton strikes again - Teachers discussion (Halla Mohieddeen)

I am also one of the victims of his interviews,
but u may not believe, i liked it,
the moment he called me i found something wrong about him, his questions were not related to a teaching position. and since i am very well experienced in job application and interviews due to my previous positions in iran, i knew this one is fake. but he had called me and it was on his own expense so i went through the interview and had lots of fun. i made him exhusted by asking silly questions, like pardon me, my finger on my throat, or in my mouth? should i swallow my finger now? oh i did it, i am suffocated now, and i laughed alot during the session since. this ws a good answer to all his silly questions.
then i promised him to send the 8 photos to him.
the moment he disconnected i searched his name and found all about him,
and i sent a photo of a wide open ass as he had asked me to send a photo of my wide open mouth to him, and i mentioned
Dr, this is the photo of your own mouth widly opened after u c the picture.
haha, i wish i could see his face after he saw the ass. maybe looking like it exactly.
by the way this is his new email address:

#48 Parent S - Allah preserve me - 2008-07-11

OH MY GOD -I have just had the same interview . Exactly the same things were asked. It was a long long and strange interview. Fortunately, right after the interview I googled his name online and found this forum.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for warning!!!
Now he is using the following name : Dr.Carl Stevens.
his e-mail : lang200105@yahoo.com

#49 Parent Angela - 2008-07-10

I just had the phone call from Dr. Carle Stevens and I did what he asked and didn't think anything of it. I even sent the resume he asked for and the photos he told me they were for security resons. After the phone call my boyfriend called me I told him what happened and he told me to call the police so I did. I feel so stupid I never had this happen to me befor and I wish I would have looked him up befor I sent all that stuff. I have a police officer comming over to see everyones coments. Also Dr. Stevens called me from 813-506-5700 I tryed calling this number back and it didn't work but maybe it will help someone.

#50 Parent Angela - 2008-07-10

I just had the same call but I wasn't as smart as the rest of you I sent him my pics but he also asked for a resume. After I hung up with him my boyfriend called me I told him about the phone call and he told me to call the police. The police told me that he has not done anything ronge and if he post the photoes all I can do is get a lawyer. So keep your eyes open to any pics of yourself on line that you didn't put there and maybe we can get this guy.

#51 Parent mariflor - 2008-04-28
Re: Dr. Carl Stevens lang200105@yahoo.com - Teachers Discussion

It's already 2008 and this spawn of the devil is still alive and kickin' and victimizing job seeking people with, fortunately, multilevel intelligence who care to think a lot first before "succumbing" to the beauty of what seemed to be a great job opportunity.

This site and these people are really commendable for, in their simple way of posting their experiences here, trying to be of great help to others.

I think I am his latest victim. He just called this morning and... well same story, exact words, identical e mail ad. Good thing I was able to think twice finding the way my pictures are supposed to be taken and the throat exercises as really weird.

more power to this site and the contributors...

#52 Parent Jacques - 2008-04-22

If these threads are for real and not just time-wasters (no assumption either way on my part), then a few things surprise me about this. A couple of them scare me completely, not about the wa...r who makes the calls, if he exists, but about the publishers of the posts. I am scared because I am a father and sole parent of a young adult daughter and I believe that many of you are around her age.
Please indulge me while I try to suggest the following. Also, forgive me if I sound too parental, I am not trying to patronise anyone really. I am genuinely trying to be helpful. Also forgive me for the length and possible verbosity of my post.

1) I believe and hope that my daughter would hang up the phone immediately upon the first stupid request the w..... made. Both of us have done so in
response to the frequent, varied and ever more creative scamming calls (eg, the moment I hear the greeting "Congratulations, you have......." I terminate the call and so does my daughter.)

2) If there are a few seconds of delay in his response to you after you have said "Hello" or whatever other response you have used to answer your phone, then the caller is likely using a web based phone system such as Skype or Voipstunt - for me a sure sign of a scam or a cheap offshore call centre. (Obviously, those are utilised by legitimate companies and marketers as well as scammers) This idiotic bloke may be working in one and using their facilities illegitimately when he should be working.

3) Note the times he is calling and compare notes with other call recipients in different parts of the world to establish what time zone he may be in. (But bear in mind that a big part of his game may be reading these posts for kicks and so if he reads mine, he may change his calling times from now on.)

4) Please do not put the responsibility on "God", "The Universe", "kharma" or "inevitable justice" or any other such external entity. ...................................
..........REFER THIS THREAD to your country's, Federal, National or Local law enforcement authority.....you may be able to identify them and the relevant website by some phone calls, starting with your state, provincial or other nearest police. It may mean being shunted from one to another agency before locating the correct one. Perhaps it would also not hurt to forward the link to internationally obvious agencies such as the FBI, Australian Federal Police (or Scotland Yard?)

5) In relation to the abovementioned creature or other sources of strange approaches, simply do not take any real action or give out any information AT ALL until you have checked them out. Contact a local university or similar for advice on how to check out the credentials of any supposed institution which approaches you by phone.

6) Above all, young women, please simply be prepared to hang up that phone on any unusual conversations just as much as you would on a "heavy breather" or a guy who approaches you with strange talk or suggestions. Both genders should also be prepared to terminate any bizzarre conversations - males and females can both be scammed and exploited.

7) Move on and stop giving that pathetic creature your time and energy. He is controlling all of us while we do that.

8) To completely sound like a pedantic senior fusspot.....please, please pay attention to your grammar and spelling......some of the oversights on here are not simply netspeak

With sincere concern and in the spirit of helpfulness......thanks for your indulgence, take care and all the best with your careers.

#53 Parent mali - 2008-04-21

naaa....i am the latest victim. it kinda disturbed me that he was speaking so quickly as if he was trying to hide something. anyway...i was stoked that i actually got a phone interview - unannounced though. i went through all that sh*** and got really suspicious when he was asking me to take all these pics. i just had a medical done - but hey - i asked him what a picture of me from head to thighs would tell him about my throat...blabla...on top of it, i am not a native speaker and i informed myself about going to korea as an esl teacher - the LAW states that only native speakers can go to korea for that purpose, frustrating for me but anyhow i asked him anyway - he said that this institute would provide me with visa support. so...he is above the law too. I also asked him if there was some web page, but there is none for the sake of these childrens' safety blabla

#54 Parent ana - 2008-04-13
Re: PHONY DOCTOR!!! - Teachers Discussion

This said person also just called me, and said the same scenario but when he asked me to send photos plus that one from head to neck with mouth opened, i was shocked. He heard me surprised then he backed off. He didn't continue and said,he will call me again but there was already doubt in my mind so I surf his email here so there it is. Thanks for the warning.

#55 Parent princess - 2008-04-09

hi. i just got a phone call from dr carl stephens. same doctor your talking about. same activities he told me and i really find it weird. so weird that he asked me to put my finger inside my throat like deep! it was crazy!!! and he called me in the middle of my sleep! he was offering a job in beijing china and it was all crap!!! anyway, don't be a victim... God help us...

#56 Parent Brooke K. - 2008-02-25
Re: Dr. Carl Stevens lang200105@yahoo.com - Teachers Discussion

OMG. This happened to me TONIGHT. I had to go through the same exercises, and as it was my first job call back, I was excited and went through with it. But it seemed long and once he told me the type of pictures he needed...I knew something was up. I too am so glad I found this link, and thankfully I haven't given him any personal information or pictures. He told me he was from a school in Santiago, Chile...same story,everything. It seemed so peculiar to me I even went as far to e-mail the newspaper in Santiago, as well as the Santiago website and the local universities to see if anyone would help me verify the school.
His e-mail is the same as follows:


What a disgusting, disgusting sick man.

#57 Parent Koko - 2008-02-06
Re: Dr. Carl Stevens lang200105@yahoo.com - Teachers Discussion

THANK GOD I found this link...I was totally feeling stupid and as if I was the only one who would fall for this. But, I bet none of you gave him your flippin SIN #. Yep, I'm gullible and totally did! Caught me off-guard and said he needed to do a 'background check'. After reading this, I feel okay about reporting this as a possible Identity Theft incident! Too bad people prey on nice, non-confrontational people...He made me do the exact same 'exercises' and asked me to hypothetically talk to a mouse as if I were about to eat it- weird. Also asked me to tell him something 'personal and physical that I wouldn't share with anyone else' as he would be the acting Resident Doctor and I would need to feel comfortable coming to him with this information...I didn't answer this of course! He asked for 10 pics and I was waiting for him to say 'naked' to confirm my feelings that he was a fraud, but he was smart as he said 'from the breast up to see scars from possible surgery' as he had many people from third world countries stating they're healthy are end up not being this way. Would they not have to be naked for him to see these scars- hello? The others were to see ulcers in the pharynx if I were to be a smoker, etc., but how can a flippin digital camera detect this- major perv...I just wanted to get done with it at this point so BEWARE!!! Hope someone catches him!!

#58 Parent anonymous - 2007-12-27
Re: Dr. Carl Stevens lang200105@yahoo.com - Teachers Discussion

Asks for height and weight and clearly is too stupid to be a real doctor. All other posts are true. Could not give an area of Seoul, could not give website, could not give number. Def spoof and lonely loser.

#59 Parent marris - 2007-05-30
Dr. Carl Stevens never stops and will strike again! - Teachers Discussion

Thanks for posting all what happened, I just received a call from Dr. Carl Stevens (May 24, 2007) and of course we did some throat exercises and while doing those exercises I cant see any point how on earth would this help him choose a teacher or therapist for that matter. But still I went along, after we said our goodbyes I told my husband immediately and he pointed out that I should do some research first if this doctor is for real. Well, after I read the forum I felt stupid. I hope Dr. Carl Stevens would stop all these nonsense. And for all of those trying to look for a nice job out there it pays to read forums such as these and do some research before its too late. God Bless the Teachers.

#60 Parent anonymous - 2007-05-26
thank god i found this - Teachers Discussion

Dr. Stevens called me today as well. His questions were weird and he requested a full length picture, head to toe, which I thought was weird. He also asked if I'd ever had problems with my eyes or throat. Of what conseuqnece is that in teaching children with speical needs? I knew this was sketchy and I'm glad I googled his name. THanks a lot everyone...

#61 Parent mlpv - 2007-05-02

Hello, I guess I am the latest victim of this impostor!!! it is really proposterous... He called me last night at around 10 in the evening, and asked if I can work as an ESL teacher for children ages 6 to 12 years, however as he said, these children have some disabilities!!! The whole conversation was so overwhelming, with all the benefits and the compensation allegedly he is offering me... However, my reactions to our talk suddenly changed when he started to ask me to look at the mirror and do some of the exercises, allegedly are the "MOBILITY" classes of these children... It was really weird... At the end of the conversation, he asked me that there are a few reqiurements he needs from me, pictures of me naked with tongue in and tongue out... Thats when I felt weird... And started to check his name before I eat the bait... TRUE ENOUGH< THANK GOD>>> good people are still there in this earth... Let us continue to inform so that others may be spared from this HELL-BOUND soul... May God truly cast His powers to put an absolute end to this poor soul... Thank you to all of you and I hope to with ALL OF YOU in this plight to stop FRAUDULENT PERSONS, taking advantage of our TRUST!!! :\

#62 Parent Rheno747 - 2007-01-29
Hey, Guy - Teachers Discussion

Hey, Guy. How goes it? You still in Mexico? My contract expired in Thailand, and I didn't renew it. I'm back in the USA doing the capitalist thing again. Naturally, I hate it.

You seem to know some things about teaching in Latin America. You know anything about jobs down in Venezuela? Hugo is engineering a socialist revolution there and I'm thinking of going down to lend him a hand for a few months.

#63 Parent Guy Courchesne - 2007-01-06
The good Doctor doesn't exist - Teachers Discussion

After all this time...after all the warnings written, after all the cross posting I myself have done, I've realized that this whole Dr. Stevens character doesn't exist, and anyone posting their stories does so for some twisted means of getting attention.

Why do I say this? Well, for all the similar reports (just about word for word) nothing has ever been done. Here's a recent story to show you why this is all a weird game.


If a child can get on the net and get help, then anyone posting here would have done the same. Anyone...I had assumed the people posting here were adults, and I guess they are, but there is a twisted thing going on. Is there no other place to get sympathy?

#64 Parent The Owl - 2006-12-18
Great! - Teachers Discussion

Keep us posted if you can.

#65 Parent C - 2006-12-18
Will try my best!! - Teachers Discussion

He had no idea who he was messing with!! I'm going to try all I can to bring him down!!

I bet you didn't think I was this DETERMINED, huh...Dr Stevens! Make no mistake, there are people out there that are so much more clever than you are!! Your day will SOON come!!

Thanks for your support!!

#66 Parent The Owl - 2006-12-18
At last, someone who is determined! - Teachers Discussion

Go for it! Have this sicko caught.

#67 Parent C - 2006-12-18
Doctor Devious - Teachers Discussion

I just got a call last night from this so-called 'Dr Carl Stevens'!! It was unexpected and extremely unusual! I was excited at first, as this was my first official 'interview' for a job. It's a relatively new career change for me. I only posted my resume on Friday the 15 December 2006 and it was not on this site. This man was very calm and although I was suspicious, I went along with these throat exercises (which seemed fine, at first). He explained that some children had the inability to swallow and I thought that he just wanted to see how I would respond to the situation. It was getting very weird, as he suggested I should imagine his hand going down my throat and into my stomach!! Now I'm no fool! I have a degree in psychology and I know the limitations of normal behaviour and this certainly was NOT normal! I was interested to know where he was going with this, but no real substantial explanations. What purpose did this exercise serve to me as an EFL teacher? He only asked for my qualifications and age, and that's all!! He did most of the talking!! He even asked me about the mouse and raw fish! When he had asked me to send him all these photos of my larynx and throat...I knew he was really sick!! The conversation was not 'sexual' in an obvious way....but adult oral fixations are sexually perverse. This guy has an oral fixation and it's extremely intrusive. I immediately did a search for him on google and it brought me to this site. I feel violated as an honest woman trying to find an honest job in a dishonest world! Dr Stevens or whatever you may call yourself...I'm going to find out who you are...so beware, THIS IS A WARNING TO YOU!! Thank you all for posting your concerns and comments about this disturbing, disgusting man! I wish I had read them sooner!!

#68 Parent Connie - 2006-11-07
What makes you think this creep would send you a real picture of himself? - Teachers Discussion

Do you really believe that is an actual picture of this creep? I seriously doubt it. He most likely pulled it from an advertisement. It that's the case, and I highly suspect it is, this young is being slandered.

There is a reason you lock the door to your home. So, keep in mind that cyberspace is also full of predators. Just keep your wits about you whether you're on the phone or the Internet. If it sounds too good to be true or someone says ANYTHING inappropriate to you just hang up. People can play all kinds of tricks over the phone and the web.

Thank you, though, for warning us and please stay safe everyone!

#69 Parent Teachers Latin America - 2006-10-24
Call the cops - Teachers Discussion

Call the police, make a report, give them all the details, and tell them about all the warnings on the net.

#70 Parent rain dancer - 2006-10-23
latest victim - Teachers Discussion

hi. i guess i would be the latest victim of this sick person. unfortunately, i went as far as sending him some pictures. i guess my trusting nature worked against me this time.

i began to have serious doubts when he began to talk about swallowing live mice... there i drew the line and began doing a search. unfortunately, the name dr. carl stevens did not pull up any valid strings. only when i typed in his email addess did i find this discussion thread.

i feel so shocked because i never thought there are some people who can be so cruel and twisted as to victimize those who only want to pursue a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

for all of you who posted this thread, thanks. and i hope this guy finds absolution soon.

in case he gets caught (and he will soon), i am willing to present evidence. if anyone wants to catch him, i am still in touch with him.

#71 Parent russelle - 2006-09-11
The Bogus Dr. Carl Stevens - Teachers Discussion

I had the similar incident last sunday. (sept 10, 2006)
He called me and ask me what time can he call, since I was out. Eventually I told him after 3 hours.
At first he stated that the teaching job is about teaching students between 6 to 12. In the afternoon I have to assist these students for some physical exercises who has difficulty in swallowing.
Towards the middle of the discussion I had a hunch that is not really about it. He asked to go to a digital camera. I said no it's not possible.

I guess when there's a calllike this Dr. Carl Stevens block him from stating what's the objective of the exercise and whar are the variable connected to this. He wasn't able to answer it. So i just said good bye.

May God forgive him for what he is doing...
Karma always pay you back.

#72 Parent maggie - 2006-09-09
i think it is - Teachers Discussion

Actually,i really think he is, cos he mentioned the school for disabled kids,which i noticed many people talked about here.He also said school would begin in October or November.I can't prove or disprove he is the one but comparing my experience with that of others makes me think.......really think he is the same person.

#73 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-09-08
What makes you think so? - Teachers Discussion

How sure are you that this is the same guy? Why do you think so? If you can definitely connect, and you have more information, it might really help get the guy stopped...

#74 Parent maggie - 2006-09-07
oh my GOD!!!!! - Teachers Discussion

A few weeks ago,one fine morning,i got this exciting call from a guy who claimed was the overseer of a school for kids with disabilities.He said they had a branch in the USA and in Beijing and asked if i was willing to work in one of those places and i was free to choose which one.i was sooooooo excited.He spoke so calmly i believed him!!!.The only good thing i did was i told him to send me and email,giving more details so i would know what i have to deal with.He told me abt kids who couldnt see well,who couldnt swallow etc.Salary 2200 USD/mth.It sounded so awesome i had to tell my girlfriend immediately and we started praying for it to materialise so that my dreams could start coming true.
Luckily for me,he never wrote and as disappointed as i was,i decided to put up a new resume here with my new number so he could contact me.Ironically,i was just about doing so today,just before i sent this post when GOD just gave me this idea.I started reading previous posts about a filthy doc and it occured to me it was the same person!!!
What a world.I may be superstitious but stuffs like this,back in the motherland,it would be considered a "secret society" kind of guy cos i really donot believe he would waste money and time calling people for the fun of it.People he doesn't know for that matter.
GOD HELP US!!!!!! :\ :\

#75 Parent Lee - 2006-08-29
Avoid this psychotic Doctor caller - Teachers Discussion *Picture*

An ESL teacher looking for another school in China. I haven't posted my resume in this website, but posted to another site.
Like those other teachers complaining to this person Dr.Steven, same thing happened to me and to the rest of my friends and co-teachers. What a crazy person...so ,avoid this psychotic Doctor. I asked him where he got my contact number, but couldnt give name of the site, so I started to doubt,especially when he asked me to send him my pics with tongue in and out.Maybe, he noticed my doubts to him, so he never called me back. But, to my other friends, he continued calling them asking them to take photos especially on the vaginal area.My friend kept her temper and pretended to send her pics to him as part of the so-called crazy requirements, but she asked first his own picture. This crazy guy sent a picture, I' not sure if he is really the one or just using another one as a front of his ill thinking. Below is the said picture.If this is really the caller Doctor, hope he'll be caught by the police.But, if he is just using another person...beware true owner of this...Try to look at this!!!!

#76 Parent Valerie Anne Celo - 2006-08-29
DISCUSTING DOCTOR - Teachers Discussion

He has a really discusting requirement. I have some apprehensions at first. Thank God! I double checked and found out this site! He is a pervert!

#77 Parent John - 2006-08-28
The Bogus Doctor - Teachers Discussion

This man has been the subject of sporadic complaints for some considerable time. Having read most of them it is difficult to deduce whether his interest lies only in the people he speaks to and/or in children that may or may not be in his care. (If any)

I understand he is based in Canada. I also understand that what he is doing is strictly illegal in Canada and if apprehended and convicted, he could face a significant period of imprisonment.

You will never catch this guy on your own but he must be caught for someone somewhere will eventually succumb to his persuasion with potentially tragic consequences. Please don't do nothing about this hoping that he will somehow be caught by some other magical means. It is YOUR evidence that, if properly presented, will help the Canadian Authorities catch him.

As I have earlier advised in this forum, the first move must be to send a full report on his contact and on the content of his calls, to the Canadian Embassy in whichever country you live in. This should be done by EVERYONE who has heard from this man. The Canadian Embassy should inform the Canadian police and let them have the chance to catch him.

Once he is caught the world will be rid of him and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you helped!


#78 Parent ed lesona - 2006-08-28
PHONY DOCTOR!!! - Teachers Discussion

I have received a phone call this morning that lasted for 36 minutes and 57 seconds from a man named Dr. Carl Stevens. He said that he is a physician who is running a special clinic for children with disabilities. He was looking for someone who could teach the English language to these children at the same time, take care of their special needs. As I am also a nurse, I was excited about this "job" in Korea or Canada. I gave him some general information about myself and went through this self examination of my eyes and throat in front of the mirror. I did not mind it at all because he gave me explanations about the activity and he was correct, based on what I know from studying nursing. He then asked me to send a 1-2 page introduction letter, my transcript of records, a 2x2 photograph and a whole body shot. THE SHOCKING PART WAS WHEN HE ASKED ME TO TAKE DIGITAL SHOTS FROM HEAD TO CHIN, HEAD TO SHOULDERS, HEAD TO BELOW THE BREAST AND HEAD TO BELOW THE PUBIC LINE, WITH MY MOUTH WIDE OPEN, TONGUE IN AND TONGUE OUT. If it were for medical reasons, as he claimed it would be, then there is nothing malicious about the photographs. THE PROBLEM WAS IT WAS TO BE SENT TO HIS EMAIL ADDRESS WHICH IS lang200105@yahoo.com. IF THESE INFORMATION ARE CONFIDENTIAL, AND IF HE IS TRULY A DOCTOR, HE SHOULD HAVE HAD THE DECENCY TO SEND VIA POST MAIL PERTINENT DOCUMENTS ABOUT BATHEL INSTITUTE AND THE CHILDREN WHO ARE HOUSED THERE BEFORE FISHING OUT SUCH PERSONAL AND PRIVATE INFORMATION FROM HIS PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES. HE SAID HE WOULD SEND THE 11-PAGE DOCUMENTS ONLY AFTER I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED WHAT HE ASKED ME TO DO.
NEVER HAVE I HEARD DISRESPECT FOR HUMANITY SUCH AS THIS...TO USE THE NAME OF UNDERPRIVILEGED DISABLED CHILDREN. HAD I BEEN TALKING TO HIM IN PERSON, I WOULD HAVE KNOCKED HIM UNCONSCIOUS WITH MY BARE FISTS. CRAZY PERSON! THANK GOODNESS, I FOUND ALL THESE ARTICLES in this website. I do pray that no person would ever fall into this trap. We're all just looking for decent and legal jobs for our family. I hope this jerk is caught soon. This Dr. Carl Stevens needs serious psychiatric evaluation and treatment.

#79 Parent ed lesona - 2006-08-28
perve doc on phone - Teachers Discussion

after having read all these postings, now i feel really stupid. that dr. stevens is a real perve!

#80 Parent Dilruba Christensen - 2006-08-20
Dr. Steven Carl / Throat Expert - Teachers Discussion

Thanks Frank,

For your support! It feels good. I hope no girl flew over and met this man...I can't even imagine the scenario.


#81 Parent Michael - 2006-08-20
yup - Teachers Discussion

i am sure that infomation posted on forums like this make a difference to peoples' lives all the time... but it's nice to hear about it every now and then


#82 Parent Frank - 2006-08-20
One positive development... - Teachers Discussion

Dilruba contacted me today with an alert that Dr. Stevens a/k/a Dr. Hamilton a/k/a Dr. Peterson, etc. had posted a job ad on the Korean job website "HiTeacher.com"

She and I contacted the webmaster and asked for help in this matter (offering information about this man provided in this thread).

I just received a reply from the HiTeacher.com webmaster informing me that he has removed Dr. Stevens' job posting and deleted his account.

Thanks, Dilruba for keeping a watchful eye. Congratulations! These discussion forums truly can make a difference!

#83 Parent Frank - 2006-08-19
A VERY creepy and dangerous situation! - Teachers Discussion

Wow!!! This is an extremely creepy and dangerous situation. Many thanks to you, Dilruba, and all the other posters before you for keeping this serious alert ALIVE and LOUD!

It's so important that potential victims like you, and others, take the time to post this information.

Somehow I had missed this entire discussion until you made your addition to the thread.

Keep up the good work! You might be saving lives here...

#84 Parent Dilruba Christensen - 2006-08-19
Dr. Stevensen/ throat specialist

Yes, this man has called me today august, 19th, 06, and and also asked me to do the same exercises as he he has asked other women.

I did find him very calm and secure though, but couldn't make up what he was really after. I have not sent him any photos, as I wanted to check him out before doing that. Thank god that I found this link.

Sincerely, Dilruba Christensen

piccolagrnd 5,
S-245 42 Staffanstorp,

#85 Parent Anne - 2006-05-20
Dr. Carl Stevens lang200105@yahoo.com - Teachers Discussion

Same situation as those listed above. Shady telephone interview/conversation. Asked me to stand in front of a mirror while attempting swallowing exercises, etc. Strange phone demeanor. Claimed to be from Bathel International in Tusan, South Korea. I had just posted my information on Mark's ESL job board, and Dave's ESL cafe job board. And I've only sent out my information to about 7 "schools."

#86 Parent KS - 2006-05-05
Dr. Peterson/Hamilton - Teachers Discussion

I did a search on the net and someone got to record the line he was using. it's 195852201, this I believe is a netphone account. This number leads to a lot of sites from China. I think he's using a server based in China.

#87 Parent KS - 2006-05-05
additional info - Teachers Discussion

I did a search on the net and someone got to record the line he was using. it's 195852201, this I believe is a net-phone/internet phone account. This number leads to a lot of sites from China. I think he's using a server based in China.

#88 Parent Lavel - 2006-04-09
Dr. Stevens throat pervert - Teachers discussion

Same thing happened to me although he called himself Dr. Stevens. He talked to me for over an hour about exercise therapy for disabled children, asking me to stick my finger in my throat and swallow three times with my mouth sealed air-tight around my finger. The worst part is that I did it, gagging into the phone several times. Then he talked about swallowing a mouse in detail, pressuring me about it and making me feel like a closed-minded ignorant American for not being willing to do it. I feel like such an idiot for falling for this shit. Watch out for this asshole.

#89 Parent Robyn - 2006-04-02
Disturbing phone interview with "Dr S. Peterson" - Teachers discussion

I myself have the pleasure of speaking with the shady Dr Peterson. I feel stupid, b/c I knew it was shady, but the money offer was good and his questions on how to deal with these "disabled" children were distracting. He drilled me with questions on how would I feel physically when eating a live fish the size of my pinky finger. He called me twice, a week apart and around the same time. Unforutatly, I did send him 8 pic's of my pharnyx. He did not ask me to take off my clothes or anything. There was nothing sexual about the converstation per say, just that he was a quiet talker and creepy. Along with asking to try swallowing with your mouth open, tongue in/out, and tell him if you can do it, he asked me for my birthdate so he can do a criminal record check. He also said that he could not give out his phone number and there is no website advertising the school, "Bathel Internationsl" for privacy of the disabled childre-which I knew was BS, but I did not say anything. And I really feel stupid, b/c only you yourself can do a criminal record check.
I am ashamed to admit this, but it happened, and I hope someone can put an end to this. I did find out that he can not access any personal info with knowing my address and phone number, thank God. It's just an unsettling feeling, and very shady and disgusting! I am still in shock.
Let's keep this warning info going, so no one gets hurt.

#90 Parent Halla Mohieddeen - 2006-03-26
Dr Hamilton strikes again - Teachers discussion

This guy's been around for over a year - he called me before I left the UK for China last year asking for all sorts of nonsense to do with my throat.

He is a complete pervert and luckily I'd checked this site and a warning had been posted about him so I knew to hang up as soon as he started asking about my throat.

This guy is a sicko, and he's been trying to do this to teachers looking for work all over the world. Keep this thread active so that if people do get dodgy calls from this man they know to avoid him asap.

#91 Parent Teachers Latin America - 2006-03-24
Dr Hamilton/Dr Peterson - Teachers discussion

Thank you very much for posting your experience. It is important to continue to get the word out on this person, and just as important to contact your local or national police so that this person can be eventually caught.

#92 Parent Melissa Patton - 2006-03-23
Correction....... - Teachers discussion

Correction: the email address given by "dr. steven peterson" was englang2005@yahoo.com

Melissa Patton - 2006-03-21
China: WARNING!!!! WARNING!!!!

WARNING!!! WARNING!!! A man claiming to be a doctor named steven peterson >:-( called me most likely using info from this website and offered a job teaching English to children with diabilites such as difficulties with swallowing and closing and opening their eyes, in Shanghai, China at a private institution named Bathel International; a residential school he claimed is similar to a medical establishment housing underprivilged children. He asked several personal questions and towards the end of the coversation/interview requested exactly 18 photos of my "pharynx" or throat as he claimed, with my tounge extended outward and clear picture of my throat so as to determine my visible health status before approving an application of employment. These series of photos were to be taken by myself or another with specific instructions such as "head to chin with as he stated, "tongue in and tongue out", "head to shoulder with tongue in and tongue out"; "head to pubic hair line with tongue in and tongue out". These photos were to be photographed using a digital camera with high resolution in good lighting and without obstructions such as clothing or jewelry >:-( and sent to him at the following email address: englang@yahoo.com. He spoke of "eating mice" to help adapt to the culture of China which would later assist me in teaching children at this supposed facility. When asked where he located my information, he could not site this website or any other website and did not say that I'd contacted him directly. This is a word of warning--------------He may be try to use my personal information for his own devices and may attempt to contact you as well. To recruiters, school liasons and those seeking employment, be forewarned. Please try to report/expose this man if he does contact you in the near future!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has anyone had a similar experience?

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 02:55 AM]

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