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#1 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-09-22
Re: Hate ESL...but need food


> When I first began reading your epic, I was inclined to empathize
> with your middle-age dilemma, for I too had been at the top of my
> former career -- in this case, music -- and suddenly found myself
> with no choice but to accept (even greet) the inequities of the ESL
> game for the sake of feeding my family. However, I soon noticed that,
> like so many others these days, you have been placing the blame for
> your ENTIRE misfortune on non other than George Bush. Of course, it
> has already been proven (by one of our board colleagues, no less)
> that you chose to accuse the wrong political party, let alone hombre!
> Despite my own deeply negative feelings for both Messers. Bush and
> Cheney, I care even less for their opposition. B-U-T, when I read of
> your likening George Bush to Adolf Hitler, I find that I must
> register my vehement protest.

> I don't know exactly how old your are, sir, but I've been on the
> scene long enough to have witnessed (as a young kid) the years just
> following WWII. It was a time when refugees fresh out of the Fhrer's
> "playpens" were piling into New York City by the thousands.
> I even recall once having been on the "D-train" from the
> Bronx and asking my mommy about the funny-looking NUMBER tattoo on
> the wrist of a child sitting across from us. She quickly shushed me
> up with no reply. When I was old enough to savvy such things, I began
> my own research into the entire issue and very quickly learned of
> man's unspeakable inhumanity toward his fellow. I saw the gruesome
> photos from Dachau, Buchenwald and Auschwitz ... body heaped upon
> body ready for the furnaces. All of this, as we have learned, was
> planned, marketed, and executed by only ONE man -- Chancellor Hitler.
> He damned near destroyed an entire race of humans. What I'm driving
> at is that to compare George Bush with a m*%h#!f*&k#! like Hitler is
> not only unfair but moronic! I don't care for the US's Iraqi
> involvement and a dozen other things for which George Bush & Dick
> Cheney are directly responsible, but we are still a democratic nation
> -- albeit much maligned of late -- with solid intentions of
> continuing to promote peace on earth and good will toward men (...
> and women!). From time to time, a few of our methods may seem a bit
> "strange," but, not to worry. Unlike SOME OTHER PLACES,
> here there are no gruesome concentration camps awaiting you should
> you be other than a WASP or hold political, religious, or even moral
> opinions differing from the norm. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ... I think
> you owe President Bush an apology!

> Keep on flipping those Azars, man ... they're not as greasy as either
> the burgers or the fries!

> The Arrogant One

And I think you owe those tortured in Abu Gharib Prison and Guantanamo an apology sir!! Yes, my comparison is a big extreme, but I can clearly say that it is NOT moronic to compare Bush to a latter day Hitler. In no way, using this hyperbole, do I mean to demean the gross suffering of that time; rather, I DONT want that to happen again. Every country has its Hitler in history. Yes, some worse than others.

As for accepting responsibility for my situation, I have and more than you could know from that armchair of yours. But, I will place blame where it is due. Actually, I felt this strongly when I was successfully employed as an engineer. What really amazes me is that you, even in your weakest moments, support people who have no concern for your welfare or world peace and happiness. That I find moronic but apropos for your time and maybe education.

Ill also have you know that I served in the US Army in 1982 when Reagan was the president. While in Berlin, Germany, I guarded a man you should know, Rudolf Hess in Spandau prison. I saw things in the army that gave me things to think about while I was pacing back and forth in the Berlin cold on that grey wall. It was then the truth of Americas agenda hit me and ever since that 17 year old boy came home, I learned things that I carry today. I do NOT consider myself an America but a world citizen. Maybe thats why I can do this ESL thing in any country.

Anyway, you dont matter to me, but I did cast my absentee ballet and it wont be for yours truly W.

The Smart One

#2 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-09-22
Re: Hate ESL...but need food


When I first began reading your epic, I was inclined to empathize with your middle-age dilemma, for I too had been at the top of my former career -- in this case, music -- and suddenly found myself with no choice but to accept (even greet) the inequities of the ESL game for the sake of feeding my family. However, I soon noticed that, like so many others these days, you have been placing the blame for your ENTIRE misfortune on non other than George Bush. Of course, it has already been proven (by one of our board colleagues, no less) that you chose to accuse the wrong political party, let alone hombre! Despite my own deeply negative feelings for both Messers. Bush and Cheney, I care even less for their opposition. B-U-T, when I read of your likening George Bush to Adolf Hitler, I find that I must register my vehement protest.

I don't know exactly how old your are, sir, but I've been on the scene long enough to have witnessed (as a young kid) the years just following WWII. It was a time when refugees fresh out of the Fhrer's "playpens" were piling into New York City by the thousands. I even recall once having been on the "D-train" from the Bronx and asking my mommy about the funny-looking NUMBER tattoo on the wrist of a child sitting across from us. She quickly shushed me up with no reply. When I was old enough to savvy such things, I began my own research into the entire issue and very quickly learned of man's unspeakable inhumanity toward his fellow. I saw the gruesome photos from Dachau, Buchenwald and Auschwitz ... body heaped upon body ready for the furnaces. All of this, as we have learned, was planned, marketed, and executed by only ONE man -- Chancellor Hitler. He damned near destroyed an entire race of humans. What I'm driving at is that to compare George Bush with a m*%h#!f*&k#! like Hitler is not only unfair but moronic! I don't care for the US's Iraqi involvement and a dozen other things for which George Bush & Dick Cheney are directly responsible, but we are still a democratic nation -- albeit much maligned of late -- with solid intentions of continuing to promote peace on earth and good will toward men (... and women!). From time to time, a few of our methods may seem a bit "strange," but, not to worry. Unlike SOME OTHER PLACES, here there are no gruesome concentration camps awaiting you should you be other than a WASP or hold political, religious, or even moral opinions differing from the norm. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ... I think you owe President Bush an apology!

Keep on flipping those Azars, man ... they're not as greasy as either the burgers or the fries!

The Arrogant One

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