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#1 Parent Proud to Be Canadian - 2004-08-06
Re: Canadians in China... Vicki Premo

Not all Canadians are like that. Watch out for Vicki Premo. She's from Ontario, Canada. She'll steal your money and corrupt your children.

#2 Parent Proud to Be Canadian - 2004-08-06
Re: Canadians in China

Not all Canadians are like that. Watch out for Vicki Premo. She's from Ontario, Canada. She'll steal your money and corrupt your children.

#3 Parent Chunping Alex Wu - 2004-08-02
Re: Canadians in China

> well, is that prejudice or what? I don't know a lot of Canadians
> either but I will say my small sample(probably as large as doctor
> John's) have made me think that canadians are a very good(and
> healthy) group of people.
> ps I am Not Canadian myself - just a pro-Canadian american

Hi, ESL teachers:

I am a Chinese-Canadian. I have taught more than 15 years in China. 10 before I emigrated, 5 after my retirement from the Canadian Edu system. During my stay, I had never called sick for one day, even if I were really sick. I thought of the difficulty the admin might face, and the discontinuity in my students' learning process.

At the same time, I do appreciate the international spirit you experts all shown in rendering the service in places like most part of the orient where most of everything are much more under the the standards, and eventually be exposed to the dangers of getting sick. I believe whoever said about the canadian were just a joke. Canadians used to have lots of jokes about Newfies. So are the Americans. Ever since the War of 1812, the Americans are trying to get it back from the Canadians. No hard feelings.

Alex Wu

#4 Parent boots43 - 2004-06-16
Re: Canadians in China

Mike, I agree with you. It is difficult to deal with people who are determined to stereotype. Meeting irrationality with rationality is frustrating for those who choose to be rational. Thanks for your post.

#5 Parent Mike - 2004-06-15
Re: Canadians in China

What an insult you make with your post. I am a proud Canadian who has worked 18 months in Korea and have never had even one day off sick. Maybe your co-workers are sick of you !!!

#6 Parent boots43 - 2004-06-15
Re: Canadians in China

Stereotyping any group of people is not a good thing

#7 Parent Jay - 2004-06-15
Re: Canadians in China

I can back up with more examples. All the Canadians I am working with now (5 of them) have the symptoms you described. They are sick all the time, complaining about everyone around them and backstabbing each other. It must have something to do with their genes.

#8 Parent Robin Day - 2004-05-17
Re: Canadians in China

Expats in general can be a strange bunch. They often act as if they are cut lose from the legal constraints in their own countries. Their only security is their passport, bank account and ego.

#9 Parent Chinateacher1 - 2004-05-17
Re: Canadians in China

Hum , Canadians are always sick?
Do you know alot of Canadians , or are you basing this on a sample of one?
backstabbing ? What nationality is immune to this?
Curious what nationality would you be Dr. John?

#10 Parent Michael Joseph Beauchot - 2004-05-16
Re: Canadians in China

well, is that prejudice or what? I don't know a lot of Canadians either but I will say my small sample(probably as large as doctor John's) have made me think that canadians are a very good(and healthy) group of people.
ps I am Not Canadian myself - just a pro-Canadian american

doctorjohn - 2004-05-16
Canadians in China

Are all Canadians so sick?

All of the Canadians I have met here in China have a hell of a time gteting by. Candians seem to be sick all the time, and perpetually in need of medicine. Is this a characteristic of Canadians in genral?

Being sick, and backstabbing gossip much be the Canadian national pastimes, from what I can see.

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