Return to Index › English spelling
#1 Parent Chunping Alex Wu - 2004-08-02
Re: English spelling

> I have noticed that many native English speakers can't spell their
> own language correctly and that many foreigners tend to spell English
> words better than the native speakers. Why do you think that is?

> (If possible, please reply to my e-mail address. Thank you!)

That's because:
1. Carelessness caused some of the LEARNED scholars to make mistakes like those. They even never mind to proofread what they have written before publishing, though there are so many handy toots for spelling and grammar error checking.
2. Some of the writer were from the "native speaker" catagory, but were on the illiterate level. They never know the exact spelling, but just type whatever sounds like. Those were the ones that give our foreign native teachers the bad names.
Alex Wu

#2 Parent Sanja - 2004-05-22
Re: English spelling

"a teachist and writist"

LOL :))

#3 Parent Michael Joseph Beauchot - 2004-05-22
Re: English spelling

Oh, but Robin, can we start inventing the language again as we want it to be?

Of course we can.

a teachist and writist

#4 Parent Robin Day - 2004-05-22
Re: English spelling

I taught university English in Korea for several years and many students pass in homework/assignments without using Spellcheck or a dictionary. It is just being lazy. Students would come to Help Desk and ask the native teacher to "Please help me with my grammar". Actually, the intent was to get the foreign teacher to rewrite the whole page, including structure, punctuation and spelling, and then get an A in a different teacher's class.

I don't like the word typist (or stewardess or actress).I am a typer. When I use a tissue I am the wiper not the wipist.

#5 Parent rboert - 2004-05-21
Re: English spelling

ayntmie :)

#6 Parent Michael Joseph Beauchot - 2004-05-21
Re: English spelling

rbeort tanks four thuh humer

#7 Parent badspeller! - 2004-05-21
Re: English spelling

memorization. The English words with strange or illogical spellings (there are soooo many)have to be memeorized and Asians are especially good at memeorizing stuff because the Asian school systems use a lot of memeorization (ie. famous quotes from Mao's Red Book). It's also very difficult to live without spell check!

#8 Parent rboert - 2004-05-21
Re: English spelling

Thts rgiht Rboin,
evreyoen mkaes tpynig mtsiakes.

chseer! :)

#9 Parent Robin - 2004-05-21
Re: English spelling

People have become lazy typers, they don't care, and there is no spellcheck on this site.

#10 Parent Karl - 2004-05-20
Re: English spelling

Hello Cynthia,

Sanja made a good point. If you have noticed by now, your posting has a misspelling:

"maybe non-native speakers study the langauge more seriously."

Small details that native speakers miss.



#11 Parent Cynthia - 2004-05-20
Re: English spelling

maybe true quite often, and some mistakes could simply be typo's...but wow! what a thing to say so directly in a forum, then request people to only reply to your e-mail.
you made a general public announcement.
isn't it only fair that replies are public as well, to give the entire forum a chance to be informed?
you have made a good point...
maybe non-native speakers study the langauge more seriously.

Sanja - 2004-05-20
English spelling

I have noticed that many native English speakers can't spell their own language correctly and that many foreigners tend to spell English words better than the native speakers. Why do you think that is?

(If possible, please reply to my e-mail address. Thank you!)

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