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#1 Parent Zac - 2004-07-06
Re: Thanks & Sorry

> Mr Zac, Sir and Taka,

> I'm not good at writing, really. But it takes a lot of practice as my
> foreign teachers told us.

> He told us not to only memorize vocabularies but to make use of them.
> He made us listened to songs and watched movies (some of which were
> really awful) :)

> Then he would ask us what we saw or heard. Like the movie
> "Dragon Heart"

> He then wrote what we say on the board, sometimes to a maximum of ten
> words at a time but it is always about five or six and explained the
> meaning to us.

> Example: We would say

> 1) Flying animal, which is "Dragon" (we must add an
> adjective in front)
> 2) Arrow= He corrected it to "Bows and Arrows"
> 3) Arrow shoot in backside = "Arrow hit his
> backside/bottom/butt"
> 4) Riding horse= "Horseback riding"
> 5) Prince (add an adjective in front)

> We were first told to make 3 sentences with each word, using
> Past/Present/future tenses

> Then with these five words we were told to make a funny short story
> in our own words minimum 50 to maximum 100.

> I will write something like this,
> "One day, an Ugly Prince went horseback riding in the forest,
> then he saw a Majestic Dragon flying above him. The Ugly Prince took
> out his bow and arrow and shoots the dragon. Luckily, the arrow
> missed the Majestic Dragon, flew back and hit the Ugly Prince in his
> butt. The Ugly Prince started crying and rode his horse back to the
> castle looking for his mother."
> He would then collect our homework, correct our mistakes and hand it
> back to us. Then we were told to rewrite it again.

> He then ask us again about the movie and would add in more words, we
> again were told to make another story with all the words in including
> those given previously (200 WORDS) he kept on adding until we reached
> our 1000 words story. He always tells us to make funny stories.

Howdy Anne,

Very nice model!

I am trying to design a mock lesson plan to help my graduate students. It's Free 4 them. Maybe I can add some of your information. Initial main page can say, thanks to everyone.. and Anne Wang.

Please post more.

Don't call me Mr. Just call me Zac, Z, Zman. I've more name choices, if you need more........

#2 Parent Anne Wang - 2004-07-05
Re: Thanks & Sorry

> hi Anne, My name is Taka from JP. You know how can improve my English
> to write as well as you.

> Thank you.
> Taka

Mr Zac, Sir and Taka,

I'm not good at writing, really. But it takes a lot of practice as my foreign teachers told us.

He told us not to only memorize vocabularies but to make use of them. He made us listened to songs and watched movies (some of which were really awful) :)

Then he would ask us what we saw or heard. Like the movie "Dragon Heart"

He then wrote what we say on the board, sometimes to a maximum of ten words at a time but it is always about five or six and explained the meaning to us.

Example: We would say

1) Flying animal, which is "Dragon" (we must add an adjective in front)
2) Arrow= He corrected it to "Bows and Arrows"
3) Arrow shoot in backside = "Arrow hit his backside/bottom/butt"
4) Riding horse= "Horseback riding"
5) Prince (add an adjective in front)

We were first told to make 3 sentences with each word, using Past/Present/future tenses

Then with these five words we were told to make a funny short story in our own words minimum 50 to maximum 100.

I will write something like this,
"One day, an Ugly Prince went horseback riding in the forest, then he saw a Majestic Dragon flying above him. The Ugly Prince took out his bow and arrow and shoots the dragon. Luckily, the arrow missed the Majestic Dragon, flew back and hit the Ugly Prince in his butt. The Ugly Prince started crying and rode his horse back to the castle looking for his mother."
He would then collect our homework, correct our mistakes and hand it back to us. Then we were told to rewrite it again.

He then ask us again about the movie and would add in more words, we again were told to make another story with all the words in including those given previously (200 WORDS) he kept on adding until we reached our 1000 words story. He always tells us to make funny stories.

#3 Parent Zac - 2004-07-05
Re: Thanks & Sorry

> hi Anne, My name is Taka from JP. You know how can improve my English
> to write as well as you.

> Thank you.
> Taka

Hey Anne, I'm also curious, spill your secret. Maybe I can use some of these with my students.


#4 Parent Taka Kimura, Tokyo, Japan - 2004-07-05
Re: Thanks & Sorry

> Don't forget me Mexican Chihuahua. LOL So much the better if it comes
> with a bottle tequila. I can sit down one evening and enjoy it with
> my Chihuahua till sunrise. LOL

hi Anne, My name is Taka from JP. You know how can improve my English to write as well as you.

Thank you.

#5 Parent Anne Wang - 2004-07-05
Re: Thanks & Sorry

> Thanks again Nathan, Jack, DoS, and Bill. Those were the kind of
> suggestions and comments I was looking for.

> And for the rest. I am sorry if I offended you in some way. I
> honestly did not mean to.

Don't forget me Mexican Chihuahua. LOL So much the better if it comes with a bottle tequila. I can sit down one evening and enjoy it with my Chihuahua till sunrise. LOL

T.C./The New Guy - 2004-07-04
Thanks & Sorry

Thanks again Nathan, Jack, DoS, and Bill. Those were the kind of suggestions and comments I was looking for.

And for the rest. I am sorry if I offended you in some way. I honestly did not mean to.

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