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#1 Parent boots43 - 2004-07-03
Re: In response to Mary D

> Excuse me,

> Text above notes, an open invitation for men to have some fun there.
> You owe Mary D. a great big apology.

> If you really want to improve your written English, just ask!

> Zac

Zac, have you read everything Mary has written in here? I think if you had you would agree that Mary is not owed an apology by anyone.

#2 Parent Zac - 2004-07-02
Re: In response to Mary D

> Hey, the male dominant mentality over there has crept into your
> blood. Get out of there before it's too late. Take a breather from
> that place, come to China and have some fun. Cheers

Excuse me,

Text above notes, an open invitation for men to have some fun there. You owe Mary D. a great big apology.

If you really want to improve your written English, just ask!


Anne Wang - 2004-07-02
In response to Mary D

Let me make some of my points clear to you if you did not read some of my previous postings.

I did not condemn all Cameroonians or Africans teachers. I did say that my former Cameroonian teacher was bad and lazy, that was about all. I was proud of my former British teachers, who were blacks (Nigerians) and give them credit where due.

I may be vicious with my response to Joe Lee, but it was meant to spur him on and fight for his Cameroonian teachers. Then one smart-### Ghanaian, jumped to conclusion and came after me, and others followed suit, sad to say, a good teacher as you claim yourself to be joined in the fray and accused me for looking for a one way ticket out of here.

Im now wondering how good teacher you are, how good are you actually in reading and understanding a whole text or are you only good at jumping into conclusions, or are you trying to stir up anti-African sentiments against me by clipping part of the text and posting it here.

I was a victim myself, and if you were to be in my shoes what would you do? I guess you answers in the post tell it all. Yes, Cameroon women do exist, Cameroon women can bow and kneel to your man when abused and insulted, and I dont blame you as you come from a different culture, a culture where BIGAMY is legalized. Where some women have to live and share a same man till death do them apart.

Oh! I, too apologize for this posting- neither do I have any intention of encouraging bad topics.

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