Return to Index › A camera for creating your own pics and videos in multimedia-based language lessons
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re A camera for creating your own pics and videos in multimedia-based language lessons

I doubt any of the cheapskate soy boy beta blue pill white knight socio-economic loser types ( eg, caring ) that frequent this forum will be buying that Lumix any time soon.

Only us older well off established older blokes with rental income and share/property portfolios can afford such luxuries..

This is not a board for those who can indulge in such purchases, especially not for the trivial purpose of teaching in China.

#2 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re A camera for creating your own pics and videos in multimedia-based language lessons

Jesus Christ, good little number that copy&paste lark, if you can nonchalantly purchase a camera like that! I bought this Halina Panorama for under two quid last week. I also purchased three rolls of 35mm Fujicolor film for ten quid but that should last me a year.

Another Willie - 2018-03-29
A camera for creating your own pics and videos in multimedia-based language lessons

I bought this digital camera today with functions for both pics and videos and some additional equipment to use for creating materials in multimedia-based language lessons. The idea behind this is to record scenes of daily life on a variety of topics following an a recognized curriculum that are of real interest to students and are not as dull as ordinary textbook-based language lessons. This will be incorporated into some written material like worksheets with activities for students and some explanatory notes on language use based on such audiovisual material. After having put some units together, it may be solid basis for a workshop within the framework of continuing education for other language teachers. This could actually be done for several languages with second language learners in mind, not only covering English.


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