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#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Great Expectations

Don't forget to mention the information about you and your use of fake degree documents and your posts on here given to the Chinese authorities. As a result, authenticated degree document are required now from Western FTs for obtaining a Z visa. Low-lives like you need to be exposed by whistleblowers to stop them from doing further harm to other people.

Now go back to your baking pies with .....looool

The good thing about you if anybody wants a laugh is you're easy to fool, cos you're thick. In reality I have never needed recourse to fake degrees. However, every single FT with a fake degree I have ever met knows ten times as much English as you. There's not a another poster alive who would believe you can print out a fake degree at the Exeter crematorium rest room. But you, you they call the hook-line-and-sinker fake German.

#2 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re Great Expectations

Don't forget to mention the information about you and your use of fake degree documents and your posts on here given to the Chinese authorities. As a result, authenticated degree document are required now from Western FTs for obtaining a Z visa. Low-lives like you need to be exposed by whistleblowers to stop them from doing further harm to other people.

Now go back to your baking pies with .....looool

What he means is he will blackmail, threat and inform other bodies like he informed the Spanish Tax authorities and other bodies concerning LondonGirl.
#3 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

BTW, I pointed the PSB to some links on here with your posts on condoning the use of fake degrees some
time ago,

I was in a bit of a hurry when I saw this your post before, getting the girl's dinner: chicken breast, green beens and rice. Anyway, I was only thinking about how your actions might affect me- now I realise that what you have done in effect is launched(tried to) a killer-blow on the forum and all who write and work for it. I am not surprised the PSB were rubbing their hands together and salivating, you may as well have said: "Here's a forum which you should get blocked on the Internet!" What on earth possessed you to do such a thing? Are you totally unhinged!!?

#4 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

No. My background is very solid, unlike yours. BTW, I pointed the PSB to some links on here with your posts on condoning the use of fake degrees some time ago, and I also communicated your personal details as far as I know and could verify them. I hear that my information sent to them was read with great interest. Now, have a guess why there is requirement now to get all degree documents authenticated. And I am glad that fakes and imposters like you will find it much harder, if not impossible, to screw schools and students in China. They deserve much better.

Here you go again. You not only spied on LondonGirl and informed the Spanish tax authorities on her but you have contacted the Chinese PSB about me. You are mixing it with the wrong man, Turnoi. You are a spiteful and jealous psychopath. Let me see what you have really been up to over the years. This will take a while.

#5 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Ocean University was exceptional in not keeping what they promised before I arrived there in terms of a suitable apartment. I refused to stay in a run-down apartment and being charged a monthly "rent" for the same. It was certainly not because of my accent as I was not assigned Oral English classes there. My assignments included classes in Linguistics and supervising undergraduate and graduate student theses. You make things up and manipulate, and all that comes from you are lies, lies, lies. As always.
Go back to your swimming pool infested with piranhas, lol.

Stage 2.
You did a bunk from that establishment and found another victim school within days. It only took a further few days before you ran away from that second school. It's always somebody else to blame in your life, isn't it?

#6 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Great Expectations

Without wanting to refer to Charles Dickens' novel in any way, I am quite confident that it will not even take a calendar year before they will be stopped. I was listening to the bush drum to be confident about that. But I will not say more...hahahaha

What he means is he will blackmail, threat and inform other bodies like he informed the Spanish Tax authorities and other bodies concerning LondonGirl. He is without doubt one of the nastiest excuses for a human being that the Lord ever created.

#7 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Ocean University was exceptional in not keeping what they promised before I arrived there in terms of a suitable apartment. I refused to stay in a run-down apartment and being charged a monthly "rent" for the same. It was certainly not because of my accent as I was not assigned Oral English classes there. My assignments included classes in Linguistics and supervising undergraduate and graduate student theses. You make things up and manipulate, and all that comes from you are lies, lies, lies. As always.
Go back to your swimming pool infested with piranhas, lol.

According to Foxy your soviet accent is so atrocious that you need to speak so slowly that a 30 minute lesson would take you three hours. Foxy is a pain in the arse but his English is crystal clear,
#8 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

No. My background is very solid, unlike yours. BTW, I pointed the PSB to some links on here with your posts on condoning the use of fake degrees some time ago, and I also communicated your personal details as far as I know and could verify them. I hear that my information sent to them was read with great interest. Now, have a guess why there is requirement now to get all degree documents authenticated. And I am glad that fakes and imposters like you will find it much harder, if not impossible, to screw schools and students in China. They deserve much better.

And did you quickly commission another couple of universities in USA before you woke up groping for your dentures in the dark?
#9 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Great Expectations

Without wanting to refer to Charles Dickens' novel in any way, I am quite confident that it will not even take a calendar year before they will be stopped. I was listening to the bush drum to be confident about that. But I will not say more...hahahaha

I dread to think what future drivel we may have to endure during the rest of this calendar year from 'WILLIE' and his soulmate 'Fifi'.
#10 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Fake teachers like you with a fake degree document issued by your "dear" training centre. Nice company where you belong, hahaha. 150- 200 yuan is nothing; they are peanuts compared to that what I would normally get for a public lecture of 90 minutes (minimum 500 Euros + extras for covering travel and hotel), []

we just turn up at a training centre and collect our 150-200 yuan per hour for our like-it-or-lump-it-lesson plan classes- the schools brag about us not being soviet teachers but the real things. It's not unknown for the school to be opposite the PSB.
#11 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Language instructors teaching Oral English or any other foreign language are ranking low in the hierarchy of a uni faculty and consequently are paid according to the lower pay scale in the public service. Real and properly credentialled professors are the backbone of a university, they do research and lecture in their field of expertise and oversee research project of graduate students. Since you are not qualified as either as a language instructor or a university professor at all, you lump them together with the idea suggesting that uni profs teach Oral English. This can only come from a fool, lol.

Oh yes. Well, if you were treated with such high esteem at that Ocean University in Shandong, then why did they unceremoniously sweep you into some rat-infested box room, obliging you to skedaddle/do a runner? According to Foxy your soviet accent is so atrocious that you need to speak so slowly that a 30 minute lesson would take you three hours. Foxy is a pain in the arse but his English is crystal clear, so I bet he needed a drink after speaking with you- I bet he became obsessed he was going to get a knock on the door from the KGB..scarrrrrrrrrrry!

#12 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

That's what only a fake "teacher" like you can write. It's good that you can no longer cheat Chinese employers with your fake degree documents and that the Chinese do now require authenticated degree documents because of fakes and pretenders like you, lol.

Married Western Pensioners in China don't need to bother about showing any teaching credentials, Another Willie, we just turn up at a training centre and collect our 150-200 yuan per hour for our like-it-or-lump-it-lesson plan classes- the schools brag about us not being soviet teachers but the real things. It's not unknown for the school to be opposite the PSB.

#13 Parent Carpe Diem - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

What are folks like you doing on this forum who are not properly credentialled teachers for anything, including ESL? Go back to your beer house to keep on gossiping, lol.

What's he doing on this forum if he does not teach English????
#14 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

That's what only a fake "teacher" like you can write. It's good that you can no longer cheat Chinese employers with your fake degree documents and that the Chinese do now require authenticated degree documents because of fakes and pretenders like you, lol.

No point in having a wonderful correspondence course education if nobody can understand your soviet type accent! maybe Foxy had had a tin or three when you spoke though?
#15 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Language instructors teaching Oral English or any other foreign language are ranking low in the hierarchy of a uni faculty and consequently are paid according to the lower pay scale in the public service. Real and properly credentialled professors are the backbone of a university, they do research and lecture in their field of expertise and oversee research project of graduate students. Since you are not qualified as either as a language instructor or a university professor at all, you lump them together with the idea suggesting that uni profs teach Oral English. This can only come from a fool, lol.

Well to be competent with any useful mechanics to teach students oral English, which is mainly what we teach, their teacher must be trained by his nanny right from the cradle. Failing that we risk the gradual structural erosion of the English Language.
#16 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

He is not perfect! Neither are you. Nobody is!

He would need to find an EFL post at one of China's best universities in order to keep his job. Or at a key public senior high school. Easier said than done, especially for a non-native speaker of English.

As for private high schools and private colleges/universities in China, many of them teach the lowest ability students. There are no entrance exams for student applicants. That is bad and contrary to what happens at many western private educational institutions. You must know this!

Then there are training schools that teach EFL only. You lump together private schools that teach what state middle schools teach with private training centers. You shouldn't do that - they represent two different categories of education providers.

The first thing to try to guarantee yourself before entering China to teach EFL is that you won't lose your job during your teaching contract. Generally speaking, public education providers are the best bet in this respect. They don't go bust nor are they controlled by meddling parents who know little about education.

Turning up at a private training center on a tourist visa to be part of a pool of potential FTs for the Chinese boss to pick the FTs whom he thinks will make him the most money from is asking for trouble! Properly credentialled westerners can get teaching jobs without jumpimg through hoops like that!

Having second language English speakers as teachers is about as successful as men from logistics manning the Naafi. Such men will often be considered for teaching jobs as long as they have linguistic degrees, the idea being is they are competent at the mechanics of the language. Well to be competent with any useful mechanics to teach students oral English, which is mainly what we teach, their teacher must be trained by his nanny right from the cradle. Failing that we risk the gradual structural erosion of the English Language. We have seen some of that by spelling changes made by Americans for mainly political reasons.(although that is not really harmful in itself just indicated what can happen when foreigners want a say-so)

Reset both my tablets, I never felt I owned the machines with Amazon and google in charge- sod their apps, I'll do without or side-load.

#17 Parent UNCARING - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

He is not perfect! Neither are you. Nobody is!

He would need to find an EFL post at one of China's best universities in order to keep his job. Or at a key public senior high school. Easier said than done, especially for a non-native speaker of English.

As for private high schools and private colleges/universities in China, many of them teach the lowest ability students. There are no entrance exams for student applicants. That is bad and contrary to what happens at many western private educational institutions. You must know this!

Then there are training schools that teach EFL only. You lump together private schools that teach what state middle schools teach with private training centers. You shouldn't do that - they represent two different categories of education providers.

The first thing to try to guarantee yourself before entering China to teach EFL is that you won't lose your job during your teaching contract. Generally speaking, public education providers are the best bet in this respect. They don't go bust nor are they controlled by meddling parents who know little about education.

Turning up at a private training center on a tourist visa to be part of a pool of potential FTs for the Chinese boss to pick the FTs whom he thinks will make him the most money from is asking for trouble! Properly credentialled westerners can get teaching jobs without jumpimg through hoops like that!

#18 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Ha ha ha ha ha
What's he doing on this forum if he does not teach English????
Ohhhhh that's too good.... I love it!!!!
Taffy you are a jewel.

I'm bound to day that I think Foxy is the jewel, he seems to have gotten all broody about 'Another Poster' and has taken him under his own wing, and is saying all the right things in Another Poster's interest. I mean, they are both a bloody nuisance with their rubbish posts...but fair's fair and credit where it's due. Have a nice Sunday, Fifi. I will be spot-painting all the knots tomorrow, doing them twice before a primer.

#19 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Ha ha ha ha ha
What's he doing on this forum if he does not teach English????
Ohhhhh that's too good.... I love it!!!!
Taffy you are a jewel.

#20 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Yes I recall you telling me a few years ago that when you spoke to 'Another Willie' he has this soviet accent barely understandable. I don't think there's a poster you Yes I recall you telling me a few years ago that when you spoke to 'Another Willie' he has this soviet accent barely understandable. I don't think there's a poster you haven't skyped ,is there?

Nope, I could understand him ok. But of course he had a Soviet accent, which caused him to slow his speaking speed down so that others could follow him.

A few tins of beer can have the same effect, btw! :b

However, the terrible listening ability and limited vocab of many Chinese students and their Chinese teachers would make it hard for them to understand him.

Anyway, as far as I know, he was teaching German in China, not English.

Of course, the Chinese as non-native speakers of English, many of them with poor listening and oral skills, are untrustworthy judges of what comprises acceptable oral English of an FT in class, both Chinese teachers of English and their students.

I'm not on Skype any more. Actually, before that I didn't Skype with quite a few of the regular posters.

Sadly, few posters are posting these days. I hope SB and Drags resume posting soon.

For the love of god I hope you're right and he did stay away from English learning students and concentrated on teaching German. Whether or not as a second language speaker of German he should have been teaching that language is not our business, not out concern.

Well, well, you may be good for 'Another Willie' after all, clearing up a bone of contention for him, enabling him to rise slightly in my estimations. Just one puzzle I have, wots he doing on this esl forum?

#21 Parent UNCARING - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Yes I recall you telling me a few years ago that when you spoke to 'Another Willie' he has this soviet accent barely understandable. I don't think there's a poster you haven't skyped ,is there?

Nope, I could understand him ok. But of course he had a Soviet accent, which caused him to slow his speaking speed down so that others could follow him.

A few tins of beer can have the same effect, btw! :b

However, the terrible listening ability and limited vocab of many Chinese students and their Chinese teachers would make it hard for them to understand him.

Anyway, as far as I know, he was teaching German in China, not English.

Of course, the Chinese as non-native speakers of English, many of them with poor listening and oral skills, are untrustworthy judges of what comprises acceptable oral English of an FT in class, both Chinese teachers of English and their students.

I'm not on Skype any more. Actually, before that I didn't Skype with quite a few of the regular posters.

Sadly, few posters are posting these days. I hope SB and Drags resume posting soon.

#22 Parent UNCARING - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom


I'm looking forward very much to reading all of your future posts featuring:

some more 'drivel' on training centres and their lackeys, as you have just stated!

#23 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Glad to see you have returned to the board; you aren't one to be driven away easily. Your stamina in this respect perhaps emanates from your Soviet upbringing.

Yes I recall you telling me a few years ago that when you spoke to 'Another Willie' he has this soviet accent barely understandable. I don't think there's a poster you haven't skyped ,is there?

#24 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

ESL is so full of poorly educated folks like Alias Taffy and his soulmate Fifi. That's why they mostly post drivel and can never go beyond that level.

No point in having a wonderful correspondence course education if nobody can understand your soviet type accent! maybe Foxy had had a tin or three when you spoke though?

#25 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Oh my gosh...
If you keep going like that, you will pass SB on my list for the remote island with a palm tree.

I need to dispatch a pair or rats- that should do it?

#26 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

I had been away for a couple of days because of a public book presentation with local press and TV present.

Hahaha! And did you quickly commission another couple of universities in USA before you woke up groping for your dentures in the dark?

#27 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

I had been away for a couple of days because of a public book presentation with local press and TV present.
Now that I am back I am able to continue posting.
Thanks for the 'attribute'.
SB's posts are to some extent entertaining, although the contents of his posts are often not what I would expect on a board like this one.
Please wait and see until I post some more 'drivel' on training centres and their lackeys, lol.

#28 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

ESL is so full of poorly educated folks like Alias Taffy and his soulmate Fifi. That's why they mostly post drivel and can never go beyond that level.

I dread to think what future drivel we may have to endure during the rest of this calendar year from 'WILLIE' and his soulmate 'Fifi'.
They (sic) are incorrigible, that's plain enough. There is no cure for them (sic).
#29 Parent UNCARING - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

I dread to think what future drivel we may have to endure during the rest of this calendar year from 'WILLIE' and his soulmate 'Fifi'.

They (sic) are incorrigible, that's plain enough. There is no cure for them (sic).

I even prefer reading that Irishman friend of SB's posts, though he likes to talk dirty, to their (sic) unabating stream of useless drivel.

Glad to see you have returned to the board; you aren't one to be driven away easily. Your stamina in this respect perhaps emanates from your Soviet upbringing.

You rarely post useless drivel, that's an attribute!

#30 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

This women topic is a dead horse, and you can speak only for yourself.
More drivel that deserves the drivel award of the year.
What's more to come? :D

#31 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Oh my gosh...
If you keep going like that, you will pass SB on my list for the remote island with a palm tree.

#32 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

My gosh, Taffy, you surprised me with this post.

Why is that? Men dictating to women what they should or shouldn't do is illogical. We all need to feel the breeze running through our hair.

#33 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

My gosh, Taffy, you surprised me with this post.

Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Women taking the lead in fight for freedom

Nice to see courageous Iranian women demonstrating.

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