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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

I d happily bomb your place of residence and I 'd use napalm for extra cruelty. This is what should happen to the Chinese drug town. Hit the bastatds with napalm, fry the fuckers!

#2 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

Your posts suggest you know little about China and Australia which you claim to be from. Where the "bombs" should be directed at is the place out of where you post on this site. End of story!

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

Australia does not have any city where the majority of the population are drug dealers.

This Yufeng city should be wiped off the face of this planet. Either bomb it by use of air strkes or send in the army or death squads to kill the inhabitants of this drug city.

Women and children should be shown no mercy either. Guilty by association. End of story!

#4 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

"However, the Chinese have taken measures to stop fentanyl production"

If true, this would be a very good gesture indeed.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

There's a belief that the Chinese want to fuck the West in revenge for the Opium war; there's even Chinese supremacists that support this idea. However, the Chinese have taken measures to stop fentanyl production, so that might not be so true.

Ketamine is a tricky one due to its legitimate production and uses, especially as a local anesthetic in the third world and for veterinary stuff. But a lot gets out to the wrong people and used for inappropriate purposes. China is actually pushing other countries to make changes to international laws to control Ketamine more strictly, because of the negative effect it has upon Chinese society, but many in third world oppose such proposals.

As for Meth, that's relatively easy to produce domestically anywhere. It was mainly kept out of the UK for years by coke dealers who disliked it as it was far less profitable; but the Eastern Europeans brought it in. I'm not sure if we can always blame the Chinese for all meth issues outside of China.

#6 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

There're plenty criminals in Australia, so should we "kill them all" by dropping a few nukes to the areas of focus?

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

Yes, you are right. The Chinese need to really fix up this mess. The problem is that a lot of these Chinese drugs are ending up in the United States, Australia, Canada, and other places. The Chinese authorities really need to think about how the actions of their citizens affect the rest of the world.

Rodrigo Duterte is a good example and inspiration for the Chinese. Go to that town and clean the whole place out and shoot drug traffickers ( including women and children ) on sight.

If the Chinese don't want to do that then send the army in there and level the place.

Often I am not really serious when I post things on here but I am serious when I say that a city whose economy is based on illegal drugs deserves to be bombed with multiple air strikes.

This Yufeng city is obviously good for nothing if so many families are involved in the drug trade.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

The Americans? I'd argue that China should clean their own shit up and to be fair, they did launch a massive raid involving the military a few years back. However, they should probably turn to Rodrigo Duterte for inspiration.

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

Typical of you. Now defending drug dealers. A city where 20 per cent of the population are drug dealers must not be allowed to exist. The figure is probably much higher than that, at least 30 to 40 per cent of the population are probably involved in the drug trade. This is often the case in drug towns. There would also be many other people who know what is going on and turn a blind eye or profit in some way from drugs. Guilty by association. This drug city should be wiped out by use of military force. No sympathy for the kids there either. They will be future drug dealers.

Better to kill them all now before they can do damage in the future. No mercy for drug dealers, their families, their kids. Get rid of this scum!

#10 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

Typical bullyboy

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Great news from Sothern Guangdong

The Americans should park a few aircraft carriers in the South China Sea and launch hundreds of jets to hit that city with bunker buster bombs. Just flatten the entire city, it is obviously good for nothing. Something like "Rolling Thunder" in Vietnam. OR a one off nuclear strike might be order for Lufeng. I m sure the libtards on this board don"t have the stomach for that. Whatever, this drug city should be wiped off the face of the Earth.

FT - 2018-03-29
Great news from Sothern Guangdong
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