Return to Index › The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'
#1 Parent Decadent - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

I expressed my criticism of SB's posts many times on here. I think your "question" is totally unjustified here.

#2 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

"You won't get posters like SB and Turnoi fiddling under the desk. Both have different priorities in life but more important things to do."

Ha ha ha

#3 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

I really doubt that anyone else here is really interested how many times you masturbate and then either fail or are successful at it...LOOOL

To be fair it can affect you mental and physical well being. Probably best to take up a hobby whether it be brass rubbing, knitting for the ladies- something to do with your hands. Good cold showers will do you a world of good- stay under until you purge your mind of invasive thoughts. You won't get posters like SB and Turnoi fiddling under the desk. Both have different priorities in life but more important things to do.

#4 Parent Latina in LA - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Where were you when Silverboy was writing - repeatedly writing, and in details - about his sexual exploits?

#5 Parent Decadent - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

I am not confused. It's just funny that certain posters on here feel the need to discuss their sexuality in public on a board like this one. SB is another case in point. I am personally very open to sexuality, "practice" it on a regular basis to keep healthy. But I wouldn't talk in public about it as it really is a private matter.
It's just the less brainy posters on here who have identified themselves as non-professional teachers who would talk about it in public on here. They mostly haven't got anything useful to say otherwise.
If you need sex or want to talk about it, go to a dating site. I really doubt that anyone else here is really interested how many times you masturbate and then either fail or are successful at it...LOOOL

Nothing confuses men more than women discussing their sexuality. Fire fears water.
I too masturbate daily, usually after a male's premature ejaculation.
The intelligent "more decent teachers" on this board have read Foucault and were not insulted by Fifi's post.
#6 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'


#7 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

I too masturbate daily, usually after a male's premature ejaculation.

I got this Aussie cobber and he says an experienced man doesn't do that. He says at critical moments he dons a pair of virtual wellingtons- he takes his mind on a walkabout, shop windowing for beautiful Seiko watches, which is guaranteed to keep a blokes mind captured. He also says that he really sets his own Seiko alarm (which he keeps on his person in case the woman substitutes a soggy turkey and does a runner while he's looking at them timepieces) to give her about 40 minutes (about average for average woman) to achieve ecstasy. Can you leave your e-mail and I'll tell him to give you a bell?

#8 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Very important for the world to know...LOL
This is a teachers board, and your post again is one that is an insult to the intelligence of
the more decent teachers on here. I bet you aren't one of them.

Nothing confuses men more than women discussing their sexuality. Fire fears water.
I too masturbate daily, usually after a male's premature ejaculation.
The intelligent "more decent teachers" on this board have read Foucault and were not insulted by Fifi's post.

#9 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

"I bet you wouldn't catch Turnoi grunting over some old picture of Eva Braun he'd found in his attic!"

Very funny!!! Very deep.

#10 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Taffy, don't be ashamed of masturbation. I do it almost every day.

You should promote me to number one, Fifi. It must have knocked the stuffing out of SB when you revealed you weren't Latino- he had only just made concessions to his Asian only rule; whereas I have always pictured you as a nice curvy Caribbean girl, but even then I wouldn't like to be dogmatic.

As for the above, one could go blind. I bet you wouldn't catch Turnoi grunting over some old picture of Eva Braun he'd found in his attic!

#11 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Turnoi, you have not healed from your time in a soviet prison, you have remained paranoid. You seem to accuse me of I don't know what; I never did anything whatsoever to you. You are barking at the wrong tree, man.

#12 Parent Decadent - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Very important for the world to know...LOL
This is a teachers board, and your post again is one that is an insult to the intelligence of the more decent teachers on here. I bet you aren't one of them.

Taffy, don't be ashamed of masturbation. I do it almost every day.
#13 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Awww, Taffy...

You know Taffy, when SB is on some plane going towards those sunny beaches with beer, during those moments, you, by default, become my #1 on that virtual deserted palm island.

#14 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

No we used to brag about how brave we were and how many strokes were involved. This was corporal punishment and not beatings up; as I said nobody lost their temper. Yes, you do try and fight for children's rights, Fifi. They do get away with rather too much these days though.

#15 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Taffy, don't be ashamed of masturbation. I do it almost every day.

#16 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Thank you for educating us FTinPRC (didn't know this one at all)

Yes, it went over my head too. It is rather moronic language, I'm bound to say. I certainly didn't wish to accuse you of it. The only spanking I know, is the normal one..and of course one can say 'had a spanking good time= had a good time.

#17 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Here is a comment that is all right: Superfluous my ass!

#18 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Do you have some problems with reading skills perhaps?

You had nothing substantial to say on the topic, and your comment therefore was superfluous.

#19 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Can't stand paranoid Turnoi but I have to kinda agree with his statements:

"Your lifestyle is wrong if you fail to defend yourself against those hurting you.

Taking caning or any other form of beating without reaction such as this is humiliating. Never accept such treatment from anyone! Kick him/her back!"

#20 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Don't know whether you are one of those "serves-them-right" folks. And I am not talking about occasional beatings of children although that in itself isn't right either. I once was disobedient to my teacher at High School (I was 14 yrs of age by then), and when he beat me because of this, I hit him back and that was more severe than what he did. I was much stronger at that time than him. He never did that again, and that's the only thing such people deserve. If these authoritarian assholes can't deal with kids in any other way, they should not be teachers. I have never beaten up my own kids; I do hate violence towards those much weaker. It's unfair and disgraceful!

You should have kicked that person caning you in his/her dirt ass!

Your lifestyle is wrong if you fail to defend yourself against those hurting you.

Taking caning or any other form of beating without reaction such as this is humiliating. Never accept such treatment from anyone! Kick him/her back!

I suppose that's right. On the other hand I was brought up (at school) to endure the cane, and that was controlled beating without anybody losing their temper, as I see it. Mind ,it used to smart like hell and skin was often removed, but didn't really make me live in trepidation. What do you think?
As for my nipper...she beats me up and means it.
#21 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

So, what exactly are you doing with the exception of only writing about it on here? Examples, please, instead of empty claims!

I do respect children and I do fight for their welfare
#22 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Thank you for educating us FTinPRC (didn't know this one at all)

#23 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'


#24 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Sorry about the cane, Taffy. No matter what Turnoi writes, I do respect children and I do fight for their welfare (I think you know that of me, right?)

#25 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Parents should never beat their children; beating them up means you have lost your temper and have no good arguments.

I suppose that's right. On the other hand I was brought up (at school) to endure the cane, and that was controlled beating without anybody losing their temper, as I see it. Mind ,it used to smart like hell and skin was often removed, but didn't really make me live in trepidation. What do you think?

As for my nipper...she beats me up and means it.

#26 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

So you are posting to say that you won't post?

#27 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Don't know who you are talking to. My reply was to the Taffy poster. Since you, IMHO, did not say anything substantial on the topic that I posted on, I can safely ignore your post.

#28 Parent In The Know - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

You are so wrong again. And it seems you know nothing about real life. I also doubt you ever had any children yourself to care for. To me, the monkey poster just pointed out what would become of the psyche of children who are brought up that way by being beaten up and continuously yelled at. Folks like Trump don't need anyone's compassion and probably even don't want it. The case of Trump was obviously just an example to illustrate the point that the poster wanted to make.

I hope you will never have to deal with children under your care, you are not good for them!

I would take me A LOT of compassion-generating posts like yours, Turnoi, to make me decrease my spite for trump. And it would not be good because I do think that spite is necessary to fuel resistance (or revolution).
#29 Parent In The Know - 2018-03-29

Why shouldn't people take it seriously? If you side with the SB poster with all his misogynistic remarks on Chinese and other women, his racist input in China, then it seems that your "spite for Trump" is just lip service. And perhaps readers on here shouldn't take you too seriously because of this.

Standing up against Trump and all racist and other input on here targeting people because of their gender or ethnic affiliation is a serious thing., But I don't think you are serious in this matter at all.

Now, I wonder whether your friends from the mods have the guts to allow this post through. In the end, it doesn't matter. I know what kind of person you are.

You take this forum too seriously
#30 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29

"If you don't laugh you'll cry."

You take this forum too seriously, Taffy.

#31 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

I would take me A LOT of compassion-generating posts like yours, Turnoi, to make me decrease my spite for trump. And it would not be good because I do think that spite is necessary to fuel resistance (or revolution).

#32 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Don't know either. For parents in general: In many European nations, beating up children - whether by spanking or in any other way - is a serious crime, and the parent concerned can go to jail for that and/or their children will be taken away from them to be put under the care of some charity organization or some foster parents.

Parents should never beat their children; beating them up means you have lost your temper and have no good arguments.

I have learned that Trump obviously was beaten up by his parents, and most likely, this also has contributed to becoming the awful person he actually is.

On a serious note do they have corporal punishment in USA.
#33 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29

Taffy, you are a married man...

Hallo, Fifi.

What do you think or arrogant posters? Now am I right or am I right that before you send a post you have the option to delete it at some future date if you take up that option?

I think that wealthy restaurant owners like CL have got the cheek of the devil swanning on here and enlisting the moderators to delete their posts in bulk. And then, now listen to this for cheek, they write another post and contemptuously sneer at us all by maintaining they will be back 'in due course' to get the post just written deleted also. Bloody Hell, we've seen some rotters on this forum. hahaha! If you don't laugh you'll cry.

#34 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Taffy, you are a married man...

#35 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Don't know whether you are someone spanking his/her children for being disobedient. Being disobedient in life is sometimes necessary and of vital importance if you have a bit of brain. BTW, monkeys won't allow someone to spank them. They either run away or become violent and give you a big bite.

Once more: Thus spake the monkey....LOL

Hahaha, that was funny.

On a serious note do they have corporal punishment in USA. Perhaps Fifi has something to say on that- do you spank, Fifi?

#36 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Don't know whether you are someone spanking his/her children for being disobedient. Being disobedient in life is sometimes necessary and of vital importance if you have a bit of brain. BTW, monkeys won't allow someone to spank them. They either run away or become violent and give you a big bite.

Once more: Thus spake the monkey....LOL

You should be spanked.
#37 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Thus spake the monkey.

You should be spanked.

#38 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Eating up our own species is disgraceful. We should better use some rattle snake to give all those evil-doers a big bite. Thus spake the monkey. :D

Hahaha? Or a crocodile! The other poster didn't seem to mind them being devoured, as long as no hanky panky occured under the jungle canopy.

#39 Parent The Monkey - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Eating up our own species is disgraceful. We should better use some rattle snake to give all those evil-doers a big bite. Thus spake the monkey. :D

Eating the poor creatures is just as disgusting as having sex with them in my opinion
#40 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Then we have sexual contact with monkeys and primates providing the world with AIDS

Not true, it came from eating the meat of chimpanzees:

Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

For many years scientists theorized as to the origins of HIV and how it appeared in the human population, most believing that HIV originated in other primates. Then in 1999, an international team of researchers reported that they had discovered the origins of HIV-1, the predominant strain of HIV in the developed world. A subspecies of chimpanzees native to west equatorial Africa had been identified as the original source of the virus. The researchers believe that HIV-1 was introduced into the human population when hunters became exposed to infected blood.

Wotever! Please stick to salient points, Fifi. Eating the poor creatures is just as disgusting as having sex with them in my opinion

#41 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Then we have sexual contact with monkeys and primates providing the world with AIDS

Not true, it came from eating the meat of chimpanzees:

Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

For many years scientists theorized as to the origins of HIV and how it appeared in the human population, most believing that HIV originated in other primates. Then in 1999, an international team of researchers reported that they had discovered the origins of HIV-1, the predominant strain of HIV in the developed world. A subspecies of chimpanzees native to west equatorial Africa had been identified as the original source of the virus. The researchers believe that HIV-1 was introduced into the human population when hunters became exposed to infected blood.
#42 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Life came from Africa

So does death and imprisonment and disease. Right from before the New Testament, the Africans showed the world how to run a slave industry with the whole of the Jewish nation imprisoned by the Africans. Then of course we have the imprisonment of English Coastal Villagers by other North Africans, notoriously named The Barbary Coast Pirates. Better start another paragraph.

Then further down Africa, African Chieftains persuaded iffy white mariners that they could make a quid buying fellow Africans. Everybody's a winner!!

Then we have sexual contact with monkeys and primates providing the world with AIDS. Now, now, they want to flog their precious wild animals to the yanks to stick over their mantelpieces!

#43 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

An interesting post!!!

#44 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

Life came from Africa, money from abroad. When oil and money run out and people kill each other, the life will come back to Africa out of where money will go abroad. For all that, I must prepare my kids somehow.

#45 Parent In the Know - 2018-03-29
Re The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

My comment on the military coup in Zimbabwe is here:


It may matter to some extent in my reply to your post. My reply comes from firsthand experience (see my previous post).

Let me add an important detail: In my student days, I had been in contact with left-wing political student groups with a political orientation to the Chinese concept of communism. They were generally known as ‘maoists’. The same group heavily supported the liberation of Mugabe’s and his ZANU’s liberation struggle against the white rulers of that time.

The maoist students groups in Europe have long gone, but the political affiliation between Mainlnd China and maoist-oriented Mugabe have remained. Chinese rulers are autocrats like Mugabe, and they seem to have so much in common.

No wonder that these countries cooperate so closely. Zimbabwe is rich, and the Chinese are hungry for all kinds of resources that that country has to offer. Two devils have united to make more profit. Disgusting!

Curious - 2018-03-29
The Chinese connection to the Zimbabwe 'coup'

The US used to be the one doing those things. Now it's China.

A visit by Zimbabwean army commander Constantino Chiwenga to China would not normally be seen as unusual, given Beijing's status as Zimbabwe's largest foreign investor and longtime ally.

But days after Chiwenga returned from a recent trip to meet senior Chinese military leaders, Harare was plunged into political chaos as the Zimbabwean military -- led by Chiwenga -- seized control and placed President Robert Mugabe under house arrest.

In that context, Chiwenga's visit to China has come under scrutiny, with speculation that he had sought Beijing's tacit approval for a possible move against Mugabe.

In 2015 alone, Chinese investment topped $450 million, accounting for more than half of all foreign investment into Zimbabwe.

In January this year, Mugabe met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, where he was told by Xi, "China will never forget its old friend." But writing in the influential state media tabloid Global Times on Friday, Wang Hongyi, an associate research fellow at the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, said concerns had begun to grow over the long-term safety of Beijing's investment in its African partner.

"Chinese investment in Zimbabwe has also fallen victim to Mugabe's policy and some projects were forced to close down or move to other countries in recent years, bringing huge losses," said Wang. "Bilateral cooperation did not realize its potential under Mugabe's rule."

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