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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

As I've said these people love to project their insecurities onto others.

Some posters may like to call the regular posters 'losers,' but I'd say that we're all winners on our own terms. Even if those terms simply mean having a sense of integrity and self respect.

Also, who needs to care about what one did before coming to China? I'm more interested in what they're doing now! I've also witnessed many a foreigner who came to China as a mere English teacher move onto better jobs or into entrepreneurship. Those that push the whole 'real teacher' thing are usually the ones that have no hope of doing better for themselves.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Can you prove that 98 per cent of them are not?

Here is an idea for lazy women: Study hard, get a decent fucking job, don't marry, support yourself with your own money.

If all women did this there would be no problems.

Men do not owe women anything and have no moral or financial obligation to help women.

Everything should be about personal and individual responsibility, that's it.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Here's a clue: "I would say that."

It's just his opinion and doesn't necessarily mean that he's either right or wrong. I'm a little less pessimistic and estimate that 80% of Chinese women being freeloading parasites would be much closer to reality.

Anyway, where are your credible academic sources to prove that he is in any way wrong? How do the experts determine which characteristics make a woman a freeloading parasite? If one was to take a pragmatic view, one could quickly conclude that many women across the world are freeloading parasites under the guise of seeking love, affection or whatever who in reality seek resources and financial security. Even Turnoi whose views tended to be nothing like those of Silverboy's in regards to such issues, partially admitted that as such.

#4 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Is there a source to the "98 per cent of mainland Chinese women are freeloading parasites"?

Yes, I would say that 98 per cent of mainland Chinese women are freeloading parasites who don't want to work. And the thing is, they prove it on a daily basis with all their idiotic TV dating programs.
#5 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Oh, what's your job Mr Hero? Still stuck in China teaching ESL are we?

FYI, modelling is a real job. Construction is definitely a real job! You are another uni snob perhaps?

Building is a man's work...better than baking pies with flies I'll warrant.

I am of the opinion that he'd like to be stuck in China teaching ESL but they wouldn't have him.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Yes, I would say that 98 per cent of mainland Chinese women are freeloading parasites who don't want to work. And the thing is, they prove it on a daily basis with all their idiotic TV dating programs.

Having said that, you may find a few good ones in Shanghai or Beijing with their own apartments and good jobs.

Taipei is the place to go if you want a Chinese GF. I've been there twice this year on business, totally different to China.

You may have done ok with your wife, believe me, you are in a very tiny minority of "lucky" ones.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Oh, what's your job Mr Hero? Still stuck in China teaching ESL are we?

FYI, modelling is a real job. Construction is definitely a real job! You are another uni snob perhaps?

The USA poster you mention does not live on food stamps. If he really did live in his mothers basement and is not paying rent I say good for him, he is smart. I've had two of my my properties, non-mortgaged ( that I bought with my own money ) rented out before and I've lived downstairs rent free at my family house with my mother. That's how you make money. Sure, I would take my Mum's car out sometimes and put fuel in it and pay half the grocery bill when I lived with her.

It's not really a problem if you have a car and internet access. Yes, most mainland Chinese women will not help you if you are sick as men with illness are a financial liability in the eyes of Chinese women. Makes no difference if you are married or not. In fact, worse if you are married to one, she is more likely to divorce you and take half of everything.

I know men who this happened to, I know plenty of people it happened to.

The "loser" tag is just water of a ducks back to me. Yes, any man who is in his forties and divorced with no kids is a loser. What fools these men are, they should have all gone to China and married a selfish woman and had a kid with her.


#8 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

I doubt the people who need to grow up on this board are so "young". You and Silverboy are the only mature ones. The others may have wives and kids and they still are children in adults' bodies.

Sociopaths are inherently immature and childlike, it is one of their surface personality traits. They will call you a jerk when they are being a jerk to your face. Call you a racist when they're being a racist. Call you immature or crazy when what they are writing or doing shows them doing exactly just that.

Again, they live life for themselves. They don't contribute anything to others. All they do is eat a lot of food, pass a lot of gas, and shuffle off the mortal coil.

#9 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Just remember that there are several posters here who have had enough of your crap and will not sit back and ignore it.

That's funny, the entire complement of current posters can scarcely make up 'several.' And that's including poster/s who try and sound like San Migs and Turnoi. Hope you asked their permission? I actually agree with much of what SB says- wife or no wife. SB says most Chinese women are freeloaders-most. He will correct me if I have that wrong. Anyway stop pretending you are San Migs, please.

#10 Parent Bollix - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

You have a mortgage, scouselad? Oh, I forgot, you are not included in the 1% you call "idiots". Just exactly what career path did you take in your own country, Thatcher's Child? Did you have a proper job before you decided to come to China? Did Silverboy ever have a proper job? Modelling at college then construction work. His income is not earned.

You and your master Silverboy are so self-opinionated, you just believe everything you say is true. Unfortunately, there are a few sycophants on here who support you. One is on food stamps, living in his mother's basement in good 'ole U.S.A. The other has just recovered from a heart attack. Strange really as he posted on here about healthy eating. But when the genius Silverboy said that Chinese women would not help you if you were ill, did this poster challenge that view as he is married to a Chinese woman and they have a child together? No, he did not, which proves he is desperate to be part of the little group.

I suppose it makes you feel good to rubbish other people. Just remember that there are several posters here who have had enough of your crap and will not sit back and ignore it.

Many a young person on this board needs to grow the hell up. Once you have a mortgage, a real
career, kids etc you will probably put national/global politics far down your list of

It is you who needs to grow up and stop looking to that loser Silverboy for guidance.

#11 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re On Trump

Then you'll get Mike 'the electric fence' Pence. Not sure about his politics, but I will look forward to the LGBT collective shitfit.

#12 Parent pandamic - 2018-03-29
Re On Trump

Unless Trump passes away due to natural causes, or is killed accidentally/murdered in the meantime!

#13 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

It's a waste of time to think if about national and global politics if you can't really do anything about it. Those people who want to get rid of Trump can do so in 2020 but they need to vote.

A lot of the Democrats complain about Trump but many of them did not bother voting because they thought Hillary was a "sure thing". Ain't no such thing except death and taxes!

Americans are ungrateful, Trump should be a dream come true. He'd probably get on well with Boris Johnson.

#14 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

It's a waste of time to think if about national and global politics if you can't really do anything about it. Those people who want to get rid of Trump can do so in 2020 but they need to vote.

A lot of the Democrats complain about Trump but many of them did not bother voting because they thought Hillary was a "sure thing". Ain't no such thing except death and taxes!

#15 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

That is all too true, John. Both "sides" if you want to call them that can make themselves seem sympathetic under the right cirumstances. In the end though, their agendas are usually about controlling people's minds, not freeing them.

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

I tend to find that the labels get thrown about a little too easily. Being the slightest bit conservative doesn't automatically make one a Nazi or Alt-Right or whatever the latest slur is.

Likewise, calling anybody that dares to drink a beer other than Bud Light/Pabst Blue Ribbon and watch soccer rather than baseball or NASCAR a 'Commie' can be equally as jarring.

There seems to be an attitude of 'you're with us or them' in the world right now; yet I suspect that there's a silent majority that just want to get on with their lives rather than partake in such bullshit.

There's many a person back in the UK that would consider themselves to be socialist due to industrial roots, yet can't stand the hard left's political correctness that ensures that they are condemned if they speak out the slightest bit against immigration.

There's also many a person that consider themselves to be more right wing, but haven't got a massive urge to burn all the gays and actually have a fair few non-white friends.

Many a young person on this board needs to grow the hell up. Once you have a mortgage, a real career, kids etc you will probably put national/global politics far down your list of priorities.

#17 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

That was an interesting article you linked. You are right he could possibly be a domestic terrorist. Yet even from our enemies we may pick up useful information. I'd like to think of the hard left and the alt right as two peas in a pod fighting over who gets control of the minds of human livestock in the world.

Whatever happened to moderates, eh?

#18 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

There was an interesting excerpt of a piece of work that I read about the hard left the other day; I'm not sure that I could possibly admire the guy who wrote it (he's pretty much undoubtedly a domestic terrorist), but the points are worth considering - (taken from:http://justnotsaid.blogspot.ca/2012/10/ted-kaczinski.html - I can't be bothered to dig further and reference properly):

Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20th century leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, "politically correct" types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much a movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types.


By "feelings of inferiority" we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strictest sense but a whole spectrum of related traits: low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred, etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.

When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights advocates, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities. The terms "negro," "oriental," "handicapped" or "chick" for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory connotation. "Broad" and "chick" were merely the feminine equivalents of "guy," "dude" or "fellow." The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal rights advocates have gone so far as to reject the word "pet" and insist on its replacement by "animal companion." Leftist anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the word "primitive" by "nonliterate." They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)

Those who are most sensitive about "politically incorrect" terminology are not the average black ghetto-dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any "oppressed" group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual, white males from middle-class families.

Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals), or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit it to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not suggest that women, Indians, etc., ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology).

Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

Words like "self-confidence," "self-reliance," "initiative", "enterprise," "optimism," etc. play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone's needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his own ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser....

Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e. failed, inferior). The leftist's feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual's ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is "inferior" it is not his fault, but society's, because he has not been brought up properly.

[The leftist's] feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself....

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principle, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists' hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

We emphasize that the foregoing does not pretend to be an accurate description of everyone who might be considered a leftist. It is only a rough indication of a general tendency of leftism.

Due to that unfulfilled need to make themselves feel superior, you could trick many a leftist into sounding like a bigot by deliberately leading them on; eventually they will end up stating that those supposedly oppressed people are in some way inferior to themselves.

#19 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Thanks for the response

Thanks for the lengthy response. I enjoyed reading all of it. Certainly ethics and morals cannot be defined by only people who do or don't marry, or do or don't believe in religion. We can look at the personal behavior of people who eventually come out of the wood work with their real agendas. For me, I was an idealist and romanticist in my early twenties although that ended real quick after I started working overseas. Now, I have shifted positions in many ways, ways that I myself would not have believed if you had told my younger self. I realize my life experience can seem unique compared to others, but certainly I will change for the good. Not everyone can say that about themselves. You are the model of consistency on this forum. O'Shei and I can be your wingmen. I hope John doesn't mind me speaking on his behalf like that.

#20 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Really...who cares what Turnoi has to say about anything? He provides a really good model for people on how not to live your life. For all his supposed PH.Ds and religious background he is worse than the weasels who post on this site talking about how great china or other countries are. Someone who works hard cleaning dishes and ends up running a few restaurants imho are much more qualfied to speak on the wisdom of life than he ever will be, no matter what ethnic/religious/cultural background they may come from.

God you have a long memory- a long and not too reliable one it seems. You seem convinced you have special qualifications to hate China- qualifications you were born with. You referred to beans spilled regarding your ethnicity but nobody else but you has referred to your origins on this forum so what are you moaning about?) Just popped in to cause trouble, eh?

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Hey Drags, good to hear from you. You raise some interesting and valid points. I think Turnoi did some good work in the past attacking certain individuals in the "crappy world of ESL" as he likes to call it.

However, yes, he does come across as being a university snob on here at times and he has done so many times.

I remember once a supermodel, it may have been Linda Evangelista or Christy Turlington once said "there is a big difference between being uneducated and being stupid" after being accused of being uneducated.
In fact, I feel there are many uni snobs posting on boards like this.

Being religious and going to church does not make someone a good person. I notice that Christian people and the "Christian lobby" often want to force their "moral mindset" on others and pass judgement.
It's happening right now with the "Coalition for Marriage" in Australia, which I suspect is a religiously motivated organization.

Someone having good morals is not about whether or not they like a few beers or enjoy the company of hookers. I have been accused of being a "drunk" on here ( even though I don't drink that often when I am in Australia ) and I've been accused of being "sordid" and "disgusting" and a "sex tourist" because I spend a lot of time in Pattaya. You see, according to some puritanical prudes on this board only married couples and those in permanent relationships have good morals.

This is utter nonsense and hogwash. Good morals are about respect for others, not cheating and lying or using deception and committing fraud, not selling drugs, not abusing animals, being financially independent ( it is ok to help others to help themselves though ) and helping people when they really need help. People with good morals don't cheat others or mislead them into working at rubbish training centres in places like China. People with good morals pay their debts, pay their workers what they are owed and also re-pay non-financial favors done for them. People with good morals and ethics don't make excuses for criminals on "cultural" grounds or because of their race and religion. People with good morals are not corrupt.

I have strongly criticized the Chinese many times but if white people are doing the wrong thing they should also face the consequences of their actions. Like I said to John O'Shei, the SJW types make excuses for Chinese people, Arabs/Muslims, African people/blacks, on cultural grounds because of their race and culture. Especially in the UK this is very common, and becoming common in Australia.

Not saying that white American and Australian people should be let of the hook either. In the USA for example some white police are bastards and just don't like black people. They also often use violence as a first resort, not a last resort. It's not just blacks who are victims though, the white Australian woman shot in Minnesota by an African American police officer last July is another victim.

SJW's could do good work if they really wanted to, but I feel many of them just hate their own Western culture and only white racism matters to them. Extreme left wing nutters always ignore human rights abuses in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Women's "rights" only matter if you are a Western woman.

The biggest problems in Western countries are insane housing prices, insane electricity and gas prices, expensive gasoline/petrol prices. People can become homeless because of this. These are what I would call real "social justice", issues in the West, not "womens right's" or even gay or lesbian rights, they pretty much have equal rights these days in most Western countries.

Left-wingers should focus on the real problems affecting Western society, not this "women's rights" nonsense" or "feminism", it's 2017 FFS, not 1977.

#22 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re On Turnoi

Really...who cares what Turnoi has to say about anything? He provides a really good model for people on how not to live your life. For all his supposed PH.Ds and religious background he is worse than the weasels who post on this site talking about how great china or other countries are. Someone who works hard cleaning dishes and ends up running a few restaurants imho are much more qualfied to speak on the wisdom of life than he ever will be, no matter what ethnic/religious/cultural background they may come from.

When I was posting on here regularly from 2009 to 2014 he would always appropriate my ideas, add a few words of his own and come back lecturing me on how these ideas are not understood by me, but since he was saying this it made him the authority. That is the typical Thieving act of scumbags who have a good intellect, nothing more than that. He shared my ethnic background with the Taffy poster without telling me this as well and tried to cover it up by asking me to change my email account so I won't get harrassed by the Taffy poster. What a joke.

The Turnoi's and Taffy's of this world will always see non-whites as in need of guidance and forever looking to them as makeshift little gods. Well, I have to say that makes them a lot worse than weasels in terms of honesty and integrity. Silverboy is the only one on here who gives the chinese and other non-white places moral responsibility. That is what make the world a better place, and not with intellectual sociopaths who go around pretending they know everything whilst they waste everyone's time.

By the way I noticed a poster calling himself "David" responding negatively to Turnoi's posts. I just want to put it on record that said poster is not me. David is in fact my real name, but this poster who responds very briefly to everything Turnoi says somehow kinows me personally and pines for differing opinions.

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Paintings are also a good buy and can be an investment. I am a fan of abstract art, eg, the late Sydney artist Brett Whitely , etc.

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

It is not a "supposed mentality of entitlement", it is real entitlement.

I have pointed out many times on here that if a Chinese woman expects a man to provide a house and car for her as a condition of marriage, then she has a severe entitlement mentality. She is extremely lazy to boot. I will admit there are a very small percentage of Chinese women who are not like this.

On top of that, a women marrying for a house and a car is prostituting herself, which many people on here fail to realize.

I know for sure that there are and have been men on this board who have married Chinese women and bought houses for them.

These same people get "offended" by prostitution when they themselves are in marriage/sex for money relationships.

I will say that someone who is in in a 50/50 relationship in every aspect is in a genuine relationship.

That means paying 50 per cent of a mortgage also. However, most Chinese women expect men to buy them an apartment outright, they don't want to contribute anything financially toward it.

That is just laziness, prostitution, and an entitlement mentality, nobody can argue otherwise.

#25 Parent Training Center Owner - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

A board for teachers cannot be expected to be a 1-dollar store. Daily input on Chinese women, their supposed mentality of entitlement or recommendation for using hookers and brothels is 1-dollar store level, and posts with such topics are normally made by users whose own level of intellect doesn't reach much further than that. They may masquerade as teachers but the contents in their posts usually expose them that they lack the necessary education and personality. Then, Fifi's Beer House with a lot of beer and "real men"'s talk is the more appropriate place to go.

There should be a public poll where users can give their votes on what topics they would prefer to discuss or read about.

#26 Parent Training Center Owner - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Good, thank you.

#27 Parent Training Center Owner - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Yes, watches and similar stuff is something that could be appropriate when talking about a teacher's hobbies. I am personally not too much interested in watches; I have a very cheap one bought in a market store in India almost five years ago. It still works. I spend my money on music instruments (playing in a rock'n roll band of friends one of my favorite hobbies) or some paintings.

#28 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

YouTube and Reddit are probably better for teachers from other countries, but it always tends to be newbies that don't really know the country; although there was a cool YouTube channel ran by a geeky looking black guy in Japan and although he'd definitely still get confused about stuff in Japan, he could actually speak a bit of the language etc.

#29 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Well, I would strongly agree with him if somebody was posting real hardcore pornographic material on here, or maybe even soft porn.

I have been accused of posting "porn" on here. I've never posted "porn" on here, another lie from a certain poster on here ( not Turnoi )

Posting pics of yourself with a girl whilst on holiday in Thailand is not porn. I posted one of myself several weeks backs in Pattaya with a mate of mine
from London, Kelvin, and his Thai GF.

Another one of myself and a friend of mine, a Thai girl, Bell. There was NOTHING pornographic about either of those pics.

I agree with you that talk about teaching only on here would be totally boring, especially in China as China is old hat now and has been done to death on here.

I've said it before, it would be better to hear of FT experiences in Japan, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. And those posters can share details of their daily lives, post a few pics, tell us about their quirky lifestyles.

#30 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

As for Beth, no, I had no part in trying to "ruin her life". I am not that vindictive. Sure, I did not like her but she has done nothing personal to me. I have no idea who was trying to cause trouble for Beth.

You didn't. You merely disagreed with her; it was some low-life that was responsible.

#31 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

A typical response from you. Yes, I did try to post some pics from Thailand a few weeks ago. There was nothing wrong with them. I don't really know if my "supporters" on here are my friends or not, I seem to have a bit in common with one of them however. FYI I have met people from this website in person before.

I don't care if you respond to this post or not. You are not the sort of person I would socialize with or associate with. I'm sure other people will respond though.

BTW, if you do read this, you should think about whether or not you are a paranoid person. Really, how could my comments and pictures have caused me any problems?

I've done nothing illegal, I don't sell or take drugs, I don't abuse kids. I love animals. I've never worked illegally in other countries. Certainly I've NEVER committed fraud, misled or deceived anyone.

I have an top level credit rating. I've never asked anyone to give me money, not in China, Australia, not anywhere.

Really, if a news outlet wants to do a story on me they must have nothing better to do with their time. Of course I know somebody could have could have copied my pics and comments and sent them elsewhere.

I am not that naive, but anyway, why would I give a shit?

As for Beth, no, I had no part in trying to "ruin her life". I am not that vindictive. Sure, I did not like her but she has done nothing personal to me. I have no idea who was trying to cause trouble for Beth.

Good if you won't respond. You are not the sort of individual I like, high and mighty and think you are better than everyone else. You are not. Maybe you should post elsewhere if you don't like others views and opinions.

#32 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Welcome back, SB!
To make a long story short: Bashing training centers on here for what they are would most likely be more appropriate topics than your "adventures" in the world of hookers. The latter topic is your own, personal and private matter. Keep it private, and everything will be fine.

Well I wouldn't stand for some geezer saying that to me on a forum which should cover all aspects of the ft's-world (including retired ft's) You'd have to pay for a smart-arse comment like that. Bloody cheek!! However, I do realise you have your own way of doing things- LondonGirl was proof of that.

#33 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

You are right and it is good that people are checking.

#34 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Think I can manage that.

#35 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

One thing for sure, we have been made aware that you are more popular than one would have realised. Welcome back.

#36 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

The last line is actually good advice. Yes, don't mess around with Asian visas these days, do not work on tourist visas and do not overstay if you are a tourist.

I know the Thai government is seriously cracking down on visa violators. Seems the Chinese are also.

Not sure if there are people with "multiple handles" on here, and I doubt I am not the only one who likes nice watches and jewelry. I was looking at some silver chains yesterday, I love silver, and a few watches.

I just bought a very expensive Seiko and I'm going to purchase a top line Oris soon, will set me back 3500 AUD, however I usually get 15-20 per cent discount, but still, ouch!

I need to stop spending so much, I've spend a lot this year, at least I paid cash for everything so no credit card debt.

#37 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Yes, I will even admit there are a few women who are prepared to give and take, not just take.
They are a tiny minority however.

I even had two GF's in China who never asked me for money. They wanted to marry though, and I'm never fucking marrying ever again! There is too much to lose!

#38 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

I forget to mention that I think someone found me on We Chat using the "People Nearby" function. I think you can find people within 20 km range.
So the school owner probably did that and told his friends. The only explanation I have.

#39 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

What about pics of watches, jewelry, nice shoes, etc? I don't see no harm in that. I like beautiful high quality things.

I watch "Jewelry Heist" on TVSN very often.

I know a single guy, an 45 year old MGTOW in Brisbane who spent 23,000 AUD on a watch, a Patek I think,
wtf! I like watches, but that's insane!

#40 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Just like Dave's Cafe, the ESLTB is a business. I am guessing it was an editorial decision not related to training centers or 'left-wing pc types'. If it was editorial, it was a good decision as you are tainting the Board with your "porn" and prejudiced views. Don't think the people who encourage you are really your friends, they are not. You were indiscriminate in your attacks on people who didn't know and even before you were removed, nothing had changed.

Reading some recent posts, two posters on here agreed to meet at a wedding in Inner Mongolia - just read the exchange of comments.

You complained recently that the Board would not publish more recent photos of you and your hookers in Thailand. Is that not 'entitled'. The Board did you a big favor. You left quite a trail over the years of comments and pictures, which in the wrong hands might have caused you a big problem. Very easy nowadays to copy and paste or screen dump and send them to a newspaper newsdesk. You know the sort of thing:the enemy of my friend is my enemy. Actions have consequences. We are confident we know the identity of the person who tried to ruin Beth's (Golden Girl) life by actions that arose as a result of her challenging the poster " hierarchy" on here. It was a callous act, but we don't believe you are that nasty.

Go on and do what you do. Put your 10 years in China behind you and enjoy your life, but keep your sordid tales, and prejudice off this site. Your fan club I'm sure will follow you on other sites. I do not want further chat with you on here so will not respond to you.

Well, looks like I'm not "welcome" here anymore but I need to reply because this is
especially in regard to me. That other bloke talks about political correctness, I 'm not
interested in that for now.

I really need to set the record straight.

1) I did not delete my own posts, Either the moderators did themselves or because of
"complaints" from left wing PC types who read posts on here. I doubt
personally it was Chinese school owners as I have not been in China recently ( not since
July/August 2015 ) so I can't directly cause trouble for them like I used to.

2) As for Chinese students and what I said about them, why would I be concerned about that? I
have not been in China for a considerable amount of time and won't be returning. All I
know is that Chinese people in ESL are more aware of me than I originally thought. If I
am in Australia how can these posts have any effect on me? All I said was that it's ok
to have sexual relationships with students 20 years old or over as long as they are not
in your own classes. Now, I don't even care about that. Why should puritanical prudes
and conservative types tell two consenting adults what they should or should not do? I
never cared about what Chinese people think, you think I would delete my own posts out
of "respect" for them?

3) The fact is that more than a few Chinese training centre owners DO KNOW who I am. Yes,
just from a username they won't know me. They would have seen my pics on here and on
other websites though. They are my REAL PICS and always have been. I don't hide my
identity like some other faceless cowards who post on here. If a training centre owner
did not see posts and pictures a Chinese teacher or an FT working for them probably did.

4) The death threats are real and I got the first on my old Nokia mobile phone in April 2014
from an owner of a New Oriental franchise. A female Chinese teacher threatened me first,
and then the New Oriental ( XDF ) boss. The threats were in Chinese and English. I in
turn threatened the New Oriental boss that there would be serious consequences for him
and his family if he did not back off. I told him I would "send the Koreans"
after him if he threatened me again. Guangxi FT's know what I'm talking about.

5) In July 2015 myself and some ex-pat friends of mine were staked by a crazy Chinese girl
who I confronted after hearing her say on her phone "we have to wait until they are
on their own". I've told this story before, twice on here. Now I don't know if that
Chinese girl in Chao Yang, Nanning was connected to a training school or not, I can't
prove that. A strange incident nevertheless. Also, around the same time I got a friend
request on We Chat which I accepted and it was a death threat from a school owner,
"You are SB" ?? "We are losing lot's of money because of you".
"The end is coming for you". How they got the We Chat ID I don't know. In
October 2016 I got another request on We Chat whilst I was here in Brisbane. A similar
threat. Another We Chat threat from China in March 2017 I was in Pattaya at the time.

This info should clear things up. I don't have We Chat now, not since September 10. I will
start using "Line" soon as that is the Thai equivalent of We Chat.

#41 Parent Owner of the best trainingf center in the world - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Welcome back, SB!
To make a long story short: Bashing training centers on here for what they are would most likely be more appropriate topics than your "adventures" in the world of hookers. The latter topic is your own, personal and private matter. Keep it private, and everything will be fine.

#42 Parent the real Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Well, looks like I'm not "welcome" here anymore but I need to reply because this is especially in regard to me. That other bloke talks about political correctness, I 'm not interested in that for now.

I really need to set the record straight.

1) I did not delete my own posts, Either the moderators did themselves or because of "complaints" from left wing PC types who read posts on here. I doubt personally it was Chinese school owners as I have not been in China recently ( not since July/August 2015 ) so I can't directly cause trouble for them like I used to.

2) As for Chinese students and what I said about them, why would I be concerned about that? I have not been in China for a considerable amount of time and won't be returning. All I know is that Chinese people in ESL are more aware of me than I originally thought. If I am in Australia how can these posts have any effect on me? All I said was that it's ok to have sexual relationships with students 20 years old or over as long as they are not in your own classes. Now, I don't even care about that. Why should puritanical prudes and conservative types tell two consenting adults what they should or should not do? I never cared about what Chinese people think, you think I would delete my own posts out of "respect" for them?

3) The fact is that more than a few Chinese training centre owners DO KNOW who I am. Yes, just from a username they won't know me. They would have seen my pics on here and on other websites though. They are my REAL PICS and always have been. I don't hide my identity like some other faceless cowards who post on here. If a training centre owner did not see posts and pictures a Chinese teacher or an FT working for them probably did.

4) The death threats are real and I got the first on my old Nokia mobile phone in April 2014 from an owner of a New Oriental franchise. A female Chinese teacher threatened me first, and then the New Oriental ( XDF ) boss. The threats were in Chinese and English. I in turn threatened the New Oriental boss that there would be serious consequences for him and his family if he did not back off. I told him I would "send the Koreans" after him if he threatened me again. Guangxi FT's know what I'm talking about.

5) In July 2015 myself and some ex-pat friends of mine were staked by a crazy Chinese girl who I confronted after hearing her say on her phone "we have to wait until they are on their own". I've told this story before, twice on here. Now I don't know if that Chinese girl in Chao Yang, Nanning was connected to a training school or not, I can't prove that. A strange incident nevertheless. Also, around the same time I got a friend request on We Chat which I accepted and it was a death threat from a school owner, "You are SB" ?? "We are losing lot's of money because of you". "The end is coming for you". How they got the We Chat ID I don't know. In October 2016 I got another request on We Chat whilst I was here in Brisbane. A similar threat. Another We Chat threat from China in March 2017 I was in Pattaya at the time.

This info should clear things up. I don't have We Chat now, not since September 10. I will start using "Line" soon as that is the Thai equivalent of We Chat.

#43 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

The best you could say is 3 out of the six posters on this site support training centres. One
thing for sure is we hear precious little from/about most training centres in China. As
we hear precious little from/about most FT's in China. Now what does that say ?

The Teachers Discussion Forum is now relegated to a handful of ex-pat dotards with multiple handles.
As always, School Reviews is replete with stories of corrupt private schools and victimized foreign teachers in China.
DO NOT come to China to teach without a Z-visa in your passport.

#44 Parent Monk - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Theoretically, that can happen. I'd feel humiliated if I allowed that to happen. The point is that people of either sex or race are able to interact on equal terms. One party buying watches or flats for another in return for love or sex is a one- way road that cannot work or only work for a pretty short time. Being able to mutually give and take is the way to go.

"I have a lot of sympathy for SB's dislike of gold-diggers; however, the truth is there are FT's around quite capable of attracting Chinese women who buy the watches and flats for them. "

#45 Parent Owner of a great training center - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Find out for yourself. You would be welcome to work for my training center. You will know what to expect. Unfortunately, Silverboy most likely would refuse such an offer. Talking about handbags, lipsticks, buying watches and apartments for Chinese women with a mentality of entitlement are great topics our students would be most interested in.

"Now what does that say ?"

#46 Parent Monk - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Do you know what a one-dollar store is? Shops with low prices will attract all kinds of people. Ten-dollar shops will certainly attract those who can afford to pay a bit more for items of higher quality. The question is not whether Silverboy was allowed to go too far. The question is whether a board like this is for people with a preference for one-dollar shops or for (real) teachers and whether topics on hookers or brothels or similar topics is appropriate for ordinary people with a preference for ten-dollar shops.

One's own preference for women and life-style in general, in whatever way it my be, is a private matter. You normally wouldn't talk about it in public to anyone not known in person to you. I personally wouldn't do such a thing either.

I don't think that Silverboy should be banned and that he would be welcome to post on here on anything with the exception of those relating to those posts of his previous favorite topics.

This board has deteriorated to a one-dollar shop level more recently.

"He was allowed to go too far and trussed up like a turkey- it was like something out of 'House of Cards' "

#47 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy


Many people who post on here do strongly support Chinese training centers. They have been doing it for years. Do you know why? It's the only place where they can find employment and get a job as a "manager" and so forth. They are unemployable in their countries of origin."

The best you could say is 3 out of the six posters on this site support training centres. One thing for sure is we hear precious little from/about most training centres in China. As we hear precious little from/about most FT's in China. Now what does that say ?

#48 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Well of course SB didn't have all his posts deleted. Here's one where he was being conciliatory in return. SB has shown that he's prepared to listen and would have done so again given the chance. He was allowed to go too far and trussed up like a turkey- it was like something out of 'House of Cards'

That is quite a conciliatory post and a peace offering. I am quite prepared to tone down the content of my posts in future if it is offensive to some readers. I think Fifi mentioned that I said I "don't forgive or forget". Not sure exactly if she was referring to me but I have forgiven plenty of people in my life. However, no I don"t forget. Fifi said she generally thinks I am happy, and don't get angry, that's true, but I am prone to short bursts of anger. I will also tell you I am very angry with mainland Chinese people because of two very bad things that happened to me when I lived there. Maybe I can forgive the one day.

I will admit that some of my posts that did appear on here and did not appear on here were offensive to women. I am opposed to over the top feminism, so it makes me a bit angry sometimes. Basically I don't like Women's Day because I have been asked by women I hardly even know to buy them gifts on this day before. Today I received no requests.

My advice to women on here is to condemn gold diggers whenever you come across them. When you meet new men you like be genuine and don't expect any material gain from them. You really will gain respect if you do this.

#49 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

What is this "political correctness" that makes you tired and is a pollutant on the Board. " It's simply a label of the right wing media for anything that attempts to improve civil rights. Nothing wrong in my book with calling a spade a spade but our Aussie friend had to take it to another level.

I doubt very much that 'O Shei is correct. If he was this would make Silverboy some kind of martyr. It is much more likely that Silverboy has realized he may have problems with what he has written over the years, especially about relationships with students, and asked for all his posts to be removed.

Threats to kill must be taken seriously but if it's true how did this happen? Training Center owners won't know who Silverboy is just from his online presence.

There is another possibility in that advertisers on here have had enough. Nothing changes things like a potential loss of income. I don't know and don't care but it's not political correctness to feel that posts about "deep-throating" young protitutes are inappropriate. Another poster thinks this is flamboyance.... Jeeeez!

#50 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

"Wrong. Many people who post on here do strongly support Chinese training centers. They have been doing it for years. Do you know why? It's the only place where they can find employment and get a job as a "manager" and so forth. They are unemployable in their countries of origin."

Is that true? You know this for certain? Or are you just repeating what has been said before?

I was accused of bring intolerant and yet people like you can write about "second rate individuals" with barely a thought.

As you are giving me advice on thinking I will return the favor. Don't blindly swallow all of the stuff posted on here in a form of "hero worship". There are decent people everywhere, you just have to know where to look.

It may well be a dirty business but just how many of these sordid places have gone out of business as a direct result of Silverboy's antics. Let's not forget that his first job in China was in such an establishment before he saw the light and moved on to universities/colleges.

#51 Parent Owner of a great training center, the best in town - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Yes, I love training centers and own one myself. First, you can make money quickly without too much effort. Second, you can call yourself a teacher and will be highly respected even if nobody would care to even look at you in your own country of origin. Third, anyone can do training center job; it's easy and does not require any education. Fourth, it's a good place for entertainment including things like dancing while being drunk. Fifth, as the owner of such a training center you do not need to be organized, and you should be be able to cheat and deceive to make your business successful. I was a former sewage worker, later a cleaner of restrooms at Hilton hotels before I opened my highly successful training center. Training center bashers are the scum of the earth and don't know what they are talking about!

"Many people who post on here do strongly support Chinese training centers. They have been doing it for years. Do you know why? It's the only place where they can find employment and get a job as a "manager" and so forth. They are unemployable in their countries of origin."

#52 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Being a manager of such a fast food restaurant is not actually a bad job, no matter how much Turnoi used to knock it. I guess that he just heavily values the prestige of the job, but it can be rewarding for those who feel no shame in working hard.

Even if you've worked your way up from being a cashier, waitress or even cleaner, you've got to learn a fair few business skills to keep that place ticking over nicely. What's more, if they then get promoted to store manager or above, they'll most likely be getting paid much more than most low level academic staff.

The people that usually have to work in training centres indeed couldn't get into such employment. What's worse, it can be easy money if you work out how to lazily plan all the lessons etc, therefore training centres tend to attract such individuals like flies around shit.

#53 Parent Gold Coast luxury watch lover - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Well that's your opinion. I for one am sick and tired of political correctness which has polluted this board in recent years. As least Silverboy was not politically correct.

And I suspect that Mr John O'Shei is correct that some posters on here with vested interests in training centres had him banned as he caused a lot of problems for many Chinese training centre owners.

I know as a matter of fact that two training centre owners, one in Guangdong and one in Guanxgi province have threatened to kill him. I suppose this knowledge will make you happy.

And no, I'm not Silverboy as you will say in your ignorance. I am from the Gold Coast which is near Brisbane where I know Silverboy lives. So for anyone who thinks this is a "coincidence" remember that there are over three and a half million people in the region from southern Gold Coast to Caboolture north of Brisbane. Many people here have worked and lived in Asia before and done business there.

#54 Parent Gold Coast luxury watch lover - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Yes, anybody who likes luxury watches must be Silverboy.

He is only person in Queensland, Australia who likes luxury watches.

You take idiocy to a new level.

You should watch the Archie Luxury channel on You Tube.

You would learn a lot.

#55 Parent no regrets - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

Wrong. Many people who post on here do strongly support Chinese training centers. They have been doing it for years. Do you know why? It's the only place where they can find employment and get a job as a "manager" and so forth. They are unemployable in their countries of origin.

These second rate individuals could not even get a job as an assistant Pizza Hut or KFC manager in the United States or England or Australia.

Think twice before you blindly believe there are many "decent" people posting or trying to post on here. SB may have an agenda, I'm sure he does,
but ESL in China is all about money, it's only about money, and there are people who will do anything to keep this sordid and dirty business continuing
into the distant future.

#56 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

If he has any common sense he will stay away from here and keep a low profile.

And what would he have to fear from people like you exactly?

Probably not all that much. As for 'those people he abused;' they have a tendency to believe that they can decide what is right or wrong, what can or cannot be said, therefore it was great that he'd regularly put them in their place.

#57 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

I have to agree. Just because some bloke is in his late forties and going bald and likes Pattaya and hookers it does not make him a bad person.

In fact, I think SB is more interesting than most of the boring and generic cookie-cutter posters on this board.

He is flamboyant, even Turnoi used to be, but he is just a washed up has been these days.

He could have been a star on TV (travel shows and the like) actually. Somebody sent me a You Tube video a while ago, it was word perfect and he made it exceedingly interesting. No Humming and Ahhing but smooth and fluent. Not for me to send such links out sadly. You are right 'flamboyant is the word.

#58 Parent Gold Coast luxury watch lover - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Well that's quite a good post. I think there may well be a few well-heeled Chinese ladies in Shanghai and Taipei and Hong Kong who would be prepared to buy luxury watches for their well endowed white Western boyfriends. I'd settle for a nice Oris Automatic or a 2000 dollar Seiko. We can't financially strain these Chinese gals too much even if they have deep pockets. That just would not be fair would it?

Poor old SB up the road ( highway ) from me down here on the Gold Coast. Only 70 km's from me somewhere in Brisbane's mighty suburban sprawl. Might meet him by accident at Pacific Fair one day. He could have had a wealthy and educated Chinese gal friend buying all these lovely watches for him but is instead using up his own cash reserves.

I agree, SB chose to stay in Nanning for so long where women are uneducated and broke as a joke. He missed out.

#59 Parent Gold Coast luxury watch lover - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Well said as usual John.

#60 Parent Grandma - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Mum Fifi is telling you to behave properly, dear Silverboy. If you don't comply, you will end up in a brothel washing dishes...hahahhahahaha

#61 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

So, a semi-colon actually can be used with a conjunction; HOWEVER, .................. I remember that certain doctor, if I am not mistaken, has previously confronted my friendly post (hey guys) and grammar on the same issue before. First, he did not like my "hey guys" for it excluded females, and then he went on about the semi-colon in my casual sentence. Having said that, I am not suggesting you are the same person but that you may be going way over board with your grammar lectures here. Just as I've been reminded what this thread is about, i'd point out to you that the person this topic is in memory of has not been exactly for such lessons as you offer on the board.

FTinPRC: (first reply)
A semicolon cannot be used in combination with a conjunction..

FTinPRC: (second reply)
Two independent clauses can be combined with a semi-colon OR a conjunction. They many NOT be
combined with a comma: "comma-splice".
#62 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

" Let's hope SB returns to lord over the canopy once more."

If he has any common sense he will stay away from here and keep a low profile.

You may see entertainment value in his rants but the people he abused are glad to see the back of him. And these people are not owners of training centers but ordinary decent people who came to this site looking for advice. Shouted-down, called "scum" from someone with a degree in Fashion Studies.

#63 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Their (((masters))) have always done a great job of leading their pets astray. Mind you, with average IQs rumoured to be just 85, it was easily done.

#64 Parent Chinese wife or a luxury wristwatch, which is better? - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Yes, whatever you say Turnoi. You could always go for a Seiko Presage Automatic, called the "poor man's Grand Seiko" if you didn't want to spend thousands of dollars. I've got one on order, lay-but, it's beautiful, put a deposit on it, 700 dollars, had to pay 25 per per cent up front, pick it up next week.

Sad to say, if your only option in life is to spend all your money on a woman you are the biggest loser, but I know you are not into women these days.

#65 Parent Monk - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

One-sided perspective, my dear. I would always spend 8000 Dollars on myself, or on my wife, on a watch or on a Chinese wife or whatever else if It was worth the effort. Your options in life are limited indeed. You are a loser then. Bad for you.

"I'm just saying, if a man had a choice between spending 8000 dollars on a Chinese wife or 8000 dollars on himself what should he choose? "

#66 Parent Revealer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Another non-quality post from a stalker.

#67 Parent Revealer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Fair enough if you like a dirty and shabby apartment filled with empty bottles of beer., full ashtrays, bad air and drunken, unshaven people in it who are aggressive. Seems your buddy Fifi would love to join the party.

"Nothing wrong with beers and ashtrays and being unshaven either."

#68 Parent Dinah Kopolowa - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Tyrants are people of low intellect and normally not fit for taking over responsibilities in national or international leadership. It's only the total failure of the former elites of pretend liberals like Hilary Clinton that allows them to come to power. Hilary did not answer any of the questions that were of interest to the average American citizen. Instead, she never left her Lyons and Rotary Club armchair. People will turn to those tyrant leaders with low intellect when previous elites failed to make the best of their intellect and to remain honest and consistent.

"France, Netherlands, Austria and another one that I forgot. Seems that they saw what damages tyrants are doing to the US and decided against it for Europe".

#69 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

"I'd rather have that Seiko instead of a wasting the same amount on a Chinese wife. "

What about when it's the Chinese wife who buys you that Seiko? Should you take it as a penny-pinching insult because it's not a Rolex? Having said that, pictures of watches on the site are colourful and fun. I have a lot of sympathy for SB's dislike of gold-diggers; however, the truth is there are FT's around quite capable of attracting Chinese women who buy the watches and flats for them. These men may be few and far between but the women are prepared to pay for these rare gems. You've either got it or you haven't. Mind you SB was pretty personable and charming but sometimes one can simply have a run of bad luck.

What's all this about poor old Turnoi masquerading as every other poster? There are forces at work who want us to believe it's Turnoi but I have my doubts.

#70 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Two independent clauses can be combined with a semi-colon OR a conjunction. They many NOT be combined with a comma: "comma-splice".

#71 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Are you sure "a semicolon cannot be used in combination with a conjunction"? I'd like to stick to the topic; however, when learning comes I'd rather improve myself. The semicolon and recent article use lessons from you have raised my interest.

A semicolon cannot be used in combination with a conjunction.
#72 Parent Chinese wife or a luxury wristwatch, which is better? - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Well, good to hear from you again Turnoi. How is life on the beach in a Philippines tropical paradise?

I'm just saying, if a man had a choice between spending 8000 dollars on a Chinese wife or 8000 dollars on himself
what should he choose?

It seems that you are not a very logical or rational individual.

Self-gratification using one's own financial resources should be the leading priority.

Spending money on wives is a waste of financial firepower that could be put to better use indulging ones own desires, needs, and fantasies.

You probably learned the hard way when you were married!

#73 Parent Chinese wife or a luxury wristwatch, which is better? - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Hooking is good for ones health Turnoi. Remember, variety is the spice of life, not just sitting around reading useless books about pinyin and putonghua all bloody day long!

#74 Parent no regrets - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

I have to agree. Just because some bloke is in his late forties and going bald and likes Pattaya and hookers it does not make him a bad person.

In fact, I think SB is more interesting than most of the boring and generic cookie-cutter posters on this board.

He is flamboyant, even Turnoi used to be, but he is just a washed up has been these days.

#75 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

During the last year, there have been at least 4 very encouraging votes in Europe that rejected tyrants: France, Netherlands, Austria and another one that I forgot. Seems that they saw what damages tyrants are doing to the US and decided against it for Europe.

#76 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

One reassuring trait which belonged to SB, Fifi, was that he didn't actually mind if you had different viewpoints from him. He was a very democratic poster, don't you think? I can sense your fear I believe that a regime change could produce tyrant posters. The lights are going out all over Europe.

#77 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Turnoi, you are such a liar

#78 Parent The Revealer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You should stop your stalking of other people on here.

I don't know about Turnoi and the issues you may have with that person. But I am sure that whoever this person is, he or she would not feel so happy to be associated with someone who condones sexist and useless talk of brothels, hookers and similar. In this, you are guilty by association. Take a hike!

P.S.: There seem to be some ongoing changes on this board - several users have agreed to stick to a line of reasonable communication among themselves. Folks like you refusing to adhere to such principles of communication may soon be history like your sexist misogynist buddy Silverboy.

#79 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Hi Turnoi

#80 Parent Monk - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

In a free nation you are entitled to your own opinion and lifestyle. But of what relevance is your preference of a Seiko over a Chinese wife? Do we really need to know?

I think telling you what toilette paper I was using yesterday at the place where all people are equal could perhaps be more relevant and interesting. Well, I will tell you in depth next time,lol.

"I'd rather have that Seiko instead of a wasting the same amount on a Chinese wife. "

#81 Parent Monk - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

In Germany, considering her more recent history, this is absolutely justified. Since neo-nazism is not only a German problem (and actually never was confined to Nazi Germany only in the past) but a common problem in all nations with perhaps the exception of Israel. Israel also exists to protect the Jewish community worldwide for the reason that other nations failed to stop the German nazi terror ending in the Holocaust.

"In Germany, for example, Holocaust denial is a crime and tourists and others who do nazi salutes can and will be arrested."

#82 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Hi Turnoi

#83 Parent The Revealer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You may be utterly wrong this time. The religious right are a part of the problem and not of its solution. The guiding line in this issue is whether women themselves feel degraded and discriminated as human beings by posts on brothels, hookers and similar. I feel you should adopt a broader perspective and do not only look at this from a man's perspective. This will open your eyes and make you (perhaps) a bit more "enlightened".

BTW, I also say that feminists or feminazis propagating the hate of all men are as blindfolded as those machos with their constant stories on hookers and brothels (and their most likely performance "failures" in such establishments,lol).

I think it's commonsense that talking about sex issues, hookers and brothels all day is quite strange and points to a somewhat disturbed personality. Again: this is a teachers' board, and most of the posters on here may not be interested at all to read all day about such stuff. This is to be respected.

"I feel some posters on here are from the religious right and want to impose their fairy in the garden "moral fortitude" on others."

#84 Parent Chinese wife or a luxury wristwatch, which is better? - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Nothing wrong with brothels and hookers as long as they are 18+. If this is a teachers board it should be just that, not a board of morals. Pedophile activity however is immoral and also a criminal offence.

I feel some posters on here are from the religious right and want to impose their fairy in the garden "moral fortitude" on others.

#85 Parent Chinese wife or a luxury wristwatch, which is better? - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

I'd rather have that Seiko instead of a wasting the same amount on a Chinese wife.

Luxury Seiko vs Chinese wife, it's a no brainer!

#86 Parent Chinese wife or a luxury wristwatch, which is better? - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Nothing wrong with beers and ashtrays and being unshaven either.

#87 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

In your case, "less is more", keep up the good work.

You did, perhaps by accident rather than design, come up with a great idea. By copying and pasting the whole post of the person you are responding to, you maintain a record that is still there if that person deletes the post or it is removed by moderators. The whole thread may be removed by moderators of course. Either way, the Forum is not then providing a platform for white supremacists, racists or misogynists. Win -win.

Copy and paste is not required for every post, but those of us watching out for hate speech have something to refer to for further action. The moderators need to take a firmer hand with these people. It is not acceptable and never will be. Is this Board "ailing" - I don't know, but it should be a safe place to ask questions, share information and not a place of regular abuse.

Reading your posting history I see you have had a regular argument with one or maybe two individuals. My advice - ignore them. You don't have to respond.

There seems to be some genuine, well-educated posters on here who don't deal in abuse. If you read the posts of the abusers it is usually when they have lost the argument. Decent people like this should be supported and will always rally to the cause.

#88 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Sorry I didn't know we were politicians; and, I regret to have confused you.

A semicolon cannot be used in combination with a conjunction.

#89 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

"The facebook owner is himself of Jewish descent. He may not care because it's business for him."

It will be of little importance in the future if the website owner(s) don't care or appear not to care.

There are many groups who by direct action will make them take notice. Pro-Publica is a group of investigative journalists who drew attention to the Facebook problem. There are other groups including lawyers who are challenging laws on jurisdiction for hate speech and racism. One loophole is where the server is located, but I've been told that this may not be relevant any more.

In Germany, for example, Holocaust denial is a crime and tourists and others who do nazi salutes can and will be arrested.

#90 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Sorry I didn't know we were politicians; and, I regret to have confused you.

#91 Parent The Revealer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Thus spake the hypocrite:

"O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth"

Siding with someone who is into brothels, hookers, racism directed against the Chinese like Silverboy is disgusting. Old curtain, thousands of bottles of beer with full ashtrays, unshaved and unwashed in a shabby Hohhot apartment - that's the world you live in. No wonder you enjoy Silverboy's brainless input on brothels, hookers etc. It shows what kind of person you really are, rotting in your own filth.

I met you in person once, remember?

Now go back to your bottle of beer!

#92 Parent Hilly Billy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Thousands of bottles of beer, full and dirty ashtrays in your shabby Hohhot apartment must have made you forget where you "went". No wonder you were rude when you were drunk.

#93 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth

#94 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Mistake! Never went there.

#95 Parent Hilly Billy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

That wedding party was in that shabby Hohhot apartment of yours, full with ash and cigarettes and thousands of bottles of beer.

#96 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Wow. Generally when people quote from other sources in their comments, those comments relate in some way to the quotes being used. My quotes add nothing to your argument, which is hard to follow at times.

Asking for unconditional respect on an anonymous online forum is like asking a politician to answer the question posed.

#97 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Since the board is for all appropriate people, I'll follow up on this gravestone attempt.

There is a whole publishing industry (mags for lads) that encourage men to be assertive and not to be conned. Any guy who's "been around" can identify the gold-digging women. Some rich men don't mind either. It's their choice, their lifestyle. They can have a "trophy wife" to put on display or in the worst cases attend a United Nations meeting. I'm curious as to where these generalizations come from, " a lot of men". How do you know this?
Although I understand your curiosity doesn't address me, I believe the forum is for all fit (or cretin) users. I discern men are much more likely to lose to women in cases of divorce and that especially when there're kids. Money and the rights who keeps the children are some of the most important issues of our societies when it comes to the assertiveness or to which one gets the boot. Chinese, for instance, have half-half deal when divorce settlemnt is drawn but kids are for a hard bargain. Men, which is not only in China, are forced to sign for that half and half compromise; however, they end up with alimony on top of the agreement. How tough this may be for some divorced males who pay and see their ex-wives with new studs is fortunately unimaginable to me. Most importantly here, Silverboy may be one of those unfortunate men who's got quite likely an axe to grind, but he's demonstrated his grievances awfully to say the least.

The issue remains, however, of appropriateness, as other posters have also noticed. I am not in the least interested where Silverboy proposes to park his penis in the Philippines provided what he is doing is not illegal. I'm not a prude or part of some moral majority. There are specialist websites I'm sure for sex tourists and where they can publish their experiences. But there are also students of English who come to this Board from across the world looking for resources. It is not just a closed-group of teachers or former teachers.
However there are other posters on, there are few who notice what is going on here. In short, the board's taken advantage of by all sorts of characters from the ones with vested interets to the ones with mental disorders.

Is the jury still out on HIV/AIDS? Maybe the hysteria of the 'gay plague' days has died down but it is still a dangerous virus, certainly in parts of Africa. I would be convinced by a sound scientific argument that it is all a 'hoax' as Silverboy claims. We seem to live in an age where expert opinion is discarded in favor of fake news, (global warming and climate change is an example) and so those with the loudest and most persistent voices or Tweets are heard. According to Trump, climate change is also a hoax, invented by the Chinese to gain economic advantage.
Sticking to deranged Silverboy who the forum now is projecting as a hot commodity, I would be surprised if he were really departed. SB's unpleasant body odor is evident in the current contributions on this very thread.

Silverboy has shouted-down dissenting voices on this Forum for years. Using terms like 'feminazi' for one female poster, who was far too open about her identity, and who exposed his lack of knowledge of English language teaching. And after that it became very sinister, with someone on this Forum setting-up fake profiles on Facebook for her and contacting her European employers. To be fair to Silverboy, I don't think it was him.
There're fakes everywhere on the internet unfortunately; this site isn't any different. What's sad is that most of the real posters have lost confidence in the forums for the fakery, and complete disregard for topics and messengers.

In a nutshell, the fixer-upper attitude may only work if the majority of pseudonyms that come to write here now improve their relationships with each other, focus on teachers' issues and give respect to one another unconditionally. Let me begin by saying that for a limited period of time i'll accept SB's stinky breath or Turnjakunen's high horse approach even if they are reincarnated. Be forewarned, however, that my last post for FTinPRC which I've written prior to my pledge here has been submitted.

Regards to all doctors, psychos and hard working teachers everywhere

#98 Parent Rubbish Bin - 2018-03-29
Re: Re SB was master of the canopy

Your internet "love" is an illusion. Can't you find anyone in real life in your environment instead? You must be a poor person with personal problems!

#99 Parent Avatar - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

One year of drinking full time, all alone with your Chinese books, and nothing has changed: Same phrases (crap school, for example), same ideas, same insults, same absence of contents. We were already quite tired of you (the drunk uncle at the wedding) when you left, nothing has changed there either: We are still tired of you.

#100 Parent Hilly Billy - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Crap English again! Go back to school, boy!

#101 Parent Avatar - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Turnoi, you are the one whose English is mediocre

#102 Parent Hilly Billy - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Debate? You are the best example that debate is useless and impossible. I am tired of your crappy English. Incomprehensible.

"It does seem that you are on a mission which is sad for any debate on forums".

#103 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

The facebook owner is himself of Jewish descent. He may not care because it's business for him. Facebook is organized carelessness, not tasking any responsibility whatsoever. I am wondering what this Facebook owner will do when the same neo-nazis, racists or antisemitic folks posting on Facebook will perhaps burn his house one day.

"Facebook has been criticized recently for anti-Semitic practices in allowing advertisers to focus on people who search for topics like, “Jew Hater” or “ How to Burn Jews”. "

Then there’s the Russian group promoting racist, anti-immigrant and homophobic political messages. Several hate-groups, including white supremacists and neo-Nazis have also been given space on Facebook. "

#104 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

aren't some of us rare forum creatures :)

Articles are rarely used with abstract nouns: ...of such value deserves praise.
#105 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

There will always be some limits to freedom of speech or expression. Try shouting “fire” in a crowded theater. Some of those limits can be seen in laws across the world and they cover “hate speech.” There are also laws about discrimination.

Websites and social media are not immune from action being taken. The defense that would be used on this site is that content is user-generated, but this may not absolve the owners of some responsibility.

Facebook has been criticized recently for anti-Semitic practices in allowing advertisers to focus on people who search for topics like, “Jew Hater” or “ How to Burn Jews”. Then there’s the Russian group promoting racist, anti-immigrant and homophobic political messages. Several hate-groups, including white supremacists and neo-Nazis have also been given space on Facebook.

Now there will be some, like another poster here on this topic, who believe it's all just a matter of degree and really 'X is a decent human being'. The logic goes something like this: Pol Pot was a mass murderer but he's better that Joe Stalin as Joe killed more people.

#106 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Yes, some of us are rare and of such values that deserve to be praised. Dr. Turnjakunen is such a unique multiple headed snake that's been rattling the board for ages.

Articles are rarely used with abstract nouns: ...of such value deserves praise.

In memorium of Grand Sicko

#107 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You've come with a new user name and you've attacked me. Moreover, you've continued to lecture me which you've had supported by some other pseudonyms that grow here like mushrooms out of the rotten trees in forests. In the end, you've chosen "to you" me as if you had the right to analyze one of very few real posters on this wood-decay fungus board. Anyhow, your ghost writing won't discourage me, like it has some other true users before, from posting on this public forum for teachers that deserve much better than what you are offering them.

You did start it by questioning the relevance of Silverboy's "ejaculations". And I
am glad you had the courage to do so. You also used the term 'Silverbitch' so I assumed
you would be OK with a cretinous confrontational style and you proved my point.
#108 Parent Dinah Kopolowa - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You are the hypocrite because you ignore SB's misogynistic posts on purpose.

#109 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

There is a whole publishing industry (mags for lads) that encourage men to be assertive and not to be conned. Any guy who's "been around" can identify the gold-digging women. Some rich men don't mind either. It's their choice, their lifestyle. They can have a "trophy wife" to put on display or in the worst cases attend a United Nations meeting. I'm curious as to where these generalizations come from, " a lot of men". How do you know this?

The issue remains, however, of appropriateness, as other posters have also noticed. I am not in the least interested where Silverboy proposes to park his penis in the Philippines provided what he is doing is not illegal. I'm not a prude or part of some moral majority. There are specialist websites I'm sure for sex tourists and where they can publish their experiences. But there are also students of English who come to this Board from across the world looking for resources. It is not just a closed-group of teachers or former teachers.

Is the jury still out on HIV/AIDS? Maybe the hysteria of the 'gay plague' days has died down but it is still a dangerous virus, certainly in parts of Africa. I would be convinced by a sound scientific argument that it is all a 'hoax' as Silverboy claims. We seem to live in an age where expert opinion is discarded in favor of fake news, (global warming and climate change is an example) and so those with the loudest and most persistent voices or Tweets are heard. According to Trump, climate change is also a hoax, invented by the Chinese to gain economic advantage.

Silverboy has shouted-down dissenting voices on this Forum for years. Using terms like 'feminazi' for one female poster, who was far too open about her identity, and who exposed his lack of knowledge of English language teaching. And after that it became very sinister, with someone on this Forum setting-up fake profiles on Facebook for her and contacting her European employers. To be fair to Silverboy, I don't think it was him.

I appreciate your comments: we can agree to disagree on some things.

#110 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You did start it by questioning the relevance of Silverboy's "ejaculations". And I am glad you had the courage to do so. You also used the term 'Silverbitch' so I assumed you would be OK with a cretinous confrontational style and you proved my point.

#111 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Agreed. There are certain things that you cannot compromise on, and degrading people by racism or misogynism are instances that you have got to be "intolerant" with. It certainly will be impossible to change the mind of people with such views, and this is not the issue here. But when such views of hate and degrading people are propagated in public, they should not remain unchallenged. Active resistance is necessary. Since this forum is one for teachers, such topics are off-topic here anyway and could turn off people who find them abusive and disgusting. In other words, a board like this is no place for drunkards but one for teachers.

"You are right. I am intolerant of misogynists and racists. I am intolerant of people who objectify women in the way he does. And so should you be".

#112 Parent Mark Bellingham - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Ok, I am new on here and I only got a chance to read the SB posts over about the last six months or so before deletion. I agree with some of what he says especially the entitlement mentality of women these days but still there can be stereotypes. For instance I know women in Taipei and Shanghai who bought apartments themselves without financial assistance from men or from their families. As for hiv and aids I think the jury is still out on that one. I feel it is not the threat it once was and many medical professionals are still in conflict over the issue. I agree with you about North Korea: a dangerous situation, the sb is wrong about that. I notice this sb is also into the mgtow movement. I don't really follow any movement but I'd say I adhere to mgtow philosophy. My personal opinion is that it is good for men to re-gain their confidence , assert themselves and start saving money again. A lot of men have been conned into thinking they must provide for women over the years and that is wrong. As for sb bragging about his sexual adventures in Pattaya I'd agree with you that that is tacky and tasteless. For sure men can go there and have a good time but to brag about it on the internet is tasteless. We will agree on some things and disagree on others.

#113 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

A single-handedly doctored thread of such a value deserves a praise

Articles are rarely used with abstract nouns: ...of such value deserves praise.

#114 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko


There's a lot worse people out there then posters like SB. In fact posters like SB, Turnoi and co are not bad human beings. Look at these female abusing animals!

#115 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

A single-handedly doctored thread of such a value deserves a praise :)

#116 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You are an unfamiliar poster with a condescending tone and conclusion in your reply. While you may say that my post to you isn't different, you may not say that I've started it. It does seem that you are on a mission which is sad for any debate on forums.

#117 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Another unfamiliar ghost writer who shaddows himself? Ill-written rants by a non native speakers? What a "value!

His English is crap and largely incomprehensible in his ill-written posts. Someone who needs to show the world how crappy his English writing skills are by his constant rants on here that contribute nothing of value to this board at all.

"I hope you are not a native English speaker as we can make allowances for your writing skills."

#118 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You are right. I am intolerant of misogynists and racists. I am intolerant of people who objectify women in the way he does. And so should you be. I am also intolerant of people who choose not to look at the evidence - cancer and drinking; HIV and Aids and more recently those who he calls "libtards" because they don't see a military solution with possible deaths and injuries totaling 2 million for North Korea. He's also screaming anti-Chinese abuse in almost every post.

I made no direct comments on his choice of lifestyle or his marital status except in response to a one word reply. Of course marriage is not for everyone but why has he made it such a crusade? It's rather patronizing to believe that people can't think for themselves. I never stated he was a failure but pointed to some inconsistencies in his story. My post was about the appropriateness of his comments on what is a Teachers' Forum. And in that I have been vindicated because, for whatever reason, they have all been deleted. Is this a moral issue. I don't know so in Silverboy's words to many posters who challenged him - "just run along."

"Express your opinion but don't come across as being a fool. You come across as being
intolerant, naive, and lacking life experience."
You are a bit late with this. This question should first have been addressed to Silverboy. According to what I've been told he has abused people on here for almost a decade!

#119 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re: Re SB was master of the canopy

Oh, did you fall in love with him? I bet he didn't in your case as he detests Western women (his own statement).

"SB, I miss you".

#120 Parent Mark Bellingham - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

It seems that you want to criticize this Silverboy for his lifestyle choices. Are you intolerant of the choices of others?

If you think he is rude and crude then you have a right to say so but don't be all high and mighty and try to tell others what is moral or not moral.

You also think that men in their late forties, divorced and with property are failures and people who have ruined their lives.
In that case, millions of men have ruined their lives. Marriage and kids is not everyone's cup of tea. There are many other paths one can take in life.

Express your opinion but don't come across as being a fool. You come across as being intolerant, naive, and lacking life experience.

#121 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re: Re SB was master of the canopy

Change the typo "a" for the correct "i", then you will get it right.

And yes, you are a hypocrite with respect to totally ignoring SB's rants on and hate of women.

#122 Parent Dinah Kopowa - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You are absolutely right. Playing that unashamed sex tourist against his love for animals sounds like the approach of a hypocrite, to say the least.

"An unashamed sex tourist who likes animals. Sounds like a good role-model for your children".

#123 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

His English is crap and largely incomprehensible in his ill-written posts. Someone who needs to show the world how crappy his English writing skills are by his constant rants on here that contribute nothing of value to this board at all.

"I hope you are not a native English speaker as we can make allowances for your writing skills."

#124 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re SB was master of the canopy


#125 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

I could not care less about a person behind the Fifi nick with such a high degree of hypocracy in the posts made by that person.

"Fifi is a sensible young lady with a good set of morals."

#126 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re SB was master of the canopy

SB, I miss you.

#127 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re SB was master of the canopy

I personally would welcome SB back to posting on other topics than women, marriage, brothels and similar stuff on here. I don't like and will always resist outright feminism directed at men in general on here but I will always defend the dignity of women as human beings. And yes, there are terrible men and women that you should always fight against for what they do or represent, but that is not based on sex or such.

"Let's hope SB returns to lord over the canopy once more".

#128 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

Well, you did not understand the 'In memorium post' did you?

I did notice you are a very frequent contributor. If this forum is a 'tool for teachers around the world' as you say, then don't you think the standard of all contributors needs to be improved? You can call me a cretin, I really don't mind. You can even swear if it makes you feel better. You do know where the term "handicapped" comes from don't you? For all animal lovers out there, it relates to horses and horse racing.

You are right that "we" (not sure who "we" are in this context) should do better. "Physician Heal Thyself" as the saying goes. Here's an example:

"Now, if you are incapable to comprehend this message, do f*ck off with all your names and the philharmonic that you've been using on!"

I hope you are not a native English speaker as we can make allowances for your writing skills. Sorry, to burst your bubble but I am not Turnoi, BTW.

"Oh, can you remember what topic is to be debated so that all those people get some sort of
aid here?"

The original topic was related to the removal of Silverboy's vulgar and abusive posts (Fifi asked where they had gone) and the comments around the Seiko watch. I can see that with Silverboy's posts removed and only the responses remaining, newcomers might have comprehension problems. It would probably be better if all the responses were removed as well. There's no need for further debate.

#129 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

This is a public forum for teachers rather than "the idea to help people" who are mentally handicapped. Anyone has the right to post here; however, if someone (especially one who hasn't posted much on the board) calls a frequent user "an imbecile", the poster is a cretin himself. Such eslteachersboard writers as you (your fine pseudo) and your orchestra have only destroyed the forums that are supposedly tools for teachers around the world. Anyway, we don't have to take debates "literally", but we owe the folks who assume their teaching positions a lot more than we offer them here. Now, if you are incapable to comprehend this message, do f*ck off with all your names and the philharmonic that you've been using on!

Oh, can you remember what topic is to be debated so that all those people get some sort of aid here?

You really are an imbecile.
This is a Board for teachers. The idea is to help people. If this is too difficult for some of you then stay away!
#130 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

An unashamed sex tourist who likes animals. Sounds like a good role-model for your children.

#131 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
SB was master of the canopy

In response to Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko (Fifi)

SB is good and honest when it comes to rightful bashing of training centers and their crappy owners. That other side of his personality with respect to his posts on Chinese women, brothels and the like is disgusting and should not be tolerated on here. Being not a hypocrite and loving animals does not make his rants on Chinese women and his talk about brothels any better. This is a teacher's board, and why the hell should any of his input on marriage nonsense, brothels, hookers and the like have any place on here? Get a life, will you?!

I suppose all giant forest trees must crash down to the forest floor eventually, even the most sparking reign must end. The good thing is young saplings see opportunity, shoot up towards the light.

Fifi is a sensible young lady with a good set of morals. Let's hope SB returns to lord over the canopy once more.

#132 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

It is to laugh................

#133 Parent Mum's Troll - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko


"You really are an imbecile."

As far as that poster is concerned, I agree.

"The idea is to help people. If this is too difficult for some of you then stay away!"

#134 Parent Charly Brown - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

SB is good and honest when it comes to rightful bashing of training centers and their crappy owners. That other side of his personality with respect to his posts on Chinese women, brothels and the like is disgusting and should not be tolerated on here. Being not a hypocrite and loving animals does not make his rants on Chinese women and his talk about brothels any better. This is a teacher's board, and why the hell should any of his input on marriage nonsense, brothels, hookers and the like have any place on here? Get a life, will you?!

#135 Parent Doctor Strangelove - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You really are an imbecile. You have taken this literally. It is a pastiche, a 'piss-take' of the Brisbane Bonker's love affair with himself, The Australian fool posts his pictures when he was younger - so sad. Approaching 50 years old he is beginning to realise he has wasted his life and all he has to show for it is some notches on his bedpost. Don't be fooled by his early retirement nonsense - he inherited property and manages to travel based on the rents and term deposits. At other times he is a man-child living with his family.

Bragging about his "deep throating of newbie 20 year olds" but trying to make it sound normal with a picture of a watch - that Fifi thinks is "Superb". C'mon, can you not see this for what it is? The clue is in the title of the post - maybe it's too subtle for you.

Now let's wait for the obscene John O'Shei to appear. He always agrees with Silverboy, so let's give him the Silverboy treatment. He's had a pretty free ride on here so far. I look forward to it.

Just remember that this is not the only website out there. People who lack compassion for other human beings deserve to be challenged.

This is a Board for teachers. The idea is to help people. If this is too difficult for some of you then stay away!

#136 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

I like Silverboy. He is no hypocrite. And he cares for animals.

#137 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re In memorium - Grand Sicko

You and the Silverboy have so much in common :)

FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
In memorium - Grand Sicko

When I first cast eyes on this wristwatch my long quiescent privates trembled in the manner they had that afternoon many years ago when Xiao Zhang followed me back to my teachers residence.

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