Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
In response to Re MGTOW (May's Police Constable)

That's absolutely wrong of them. Instead, they should confess their sins and pray. And their Theresa should come and vehemently clean up these dirty park places at night with either a big broom or a frying pan in her hands. Amen.

Don't now ,May, I am in two minds. On one hand it's not very nice to have two blokes moaning and groaning under the same gazebo you have taken your sweetheart for some youthful petting. But on the other hand it's nice to see our leaders setting a good example for cohesion when we talk about ethnic harmony within the community- and the rich get to part with a little cash to help poorer members of society.

Getting back to the original theme, yes these blokes on the forum here who are successful with women, be it Pattaya or Brighton do have time to give a blow-job by blowjob account for us, as would have the incumbent secretary of state if he had a mind for cottaging and the like.

Messages In This Thread
Re MGTOW -- Mum's Troll -- 2018-03-29
Re MGTOW -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re MGTOW -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re MGTOW -- May's Police Constable -- 2018-03-29
Re MGTOW -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re MGTOW -- May's Police Constable -- 2018-03-29

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