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#1 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Strange for a so-called teachers board. How many school kids are posting here instead of REAL teachers?

Ah, like the SB Toddler, unable to keep up, you have to resort to lies in order to hide your inability to comprehend reading.
#2 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Then low and behold the name-dropper wades in and lays claim to having
taught Pol Pot's victims.

The granddaughters of Pol Pot's victims (as well as Vietnamese) are being denied entry into Thailand to provide sexual services.

Thai national economic theory is preventing vacationing grandson's of Western soldiers from providing war reparations in the form of sexual fee for service to the female descendants of their former Indochina adversaries.

Mongers with political consciousness should travel directly to Cambodia and Vietnam to storm the beach and invade the locals.

#3 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Then low and behold the name-dropper wades in and lays claim to having
taught Pol Pot's victims. He seems to have sobered up eventually realised he would
have to be 97...and promptly denied ever saying it at all.

Ah, like the SB Toddler, unable to keep up, you have to resort to lies in order to hide your inability to comprehend reading. What's the matter, can't quote me to support the above statement? No, of course you can't. Go back and read it again and try harder this time. I realize that English is your second language, colloquial cuteness being your first, but really you don't want to fall back to ESL Level 2, do you?

#4 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

haha, you are not a real man.

I don't give a shit about your former students.

Their problems are not the business of Western taxpayers.

You are the ultimate ignoramus.

He lays claim that we should call him a name-dropper but he still could be a name-droperess.

Been a funny old week for me. To start with some grease-monkey, some back-room boy, wanting to make a name for himself, insinuates that I shouldn't be availing myself of the NHS since my only qualifications seem to be, being a white Brit, with over 30 years of paying UK taxes. Then low and behold the name-dropper wades in and lays claim to having taught Pol Pot's victims. He seems to have sobered up eventually and realised he would have to be 97...and promptly denied ever saying it at all.

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