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#1 Parent Robin Day - 2004-05-18
Re: ESL online

Spoke with a Korean teacher last night and asked him about interactive ESL software. He said he had seen a lot of examples but that children don't like to study and won't use it. I guess the power and popularity of having a teacher in front of the kids is inescapable.
Same with webcam teaching. Classroom ESL is also a group social learning setting and the 2-person webcam interaction is missing this.
Webcam teaching seems more suited to motivated adult learners.

#2 Parent Robin Day - 2004-05-17
Re: ESL online

I think it is a fad that has not caught on YET. Most new things come about because of salesmanship. I did not have a PC till 1993 and all I did was use it as a typewriter. I was not a regular user of the internet till 1998. Many books and movies I see were popular years back. Things take time.

Garry Andres - 2004-05-17
ESL online

Am I showing my ignorance or is computer tuition, in real time, a very new thing? I have been talking over the internet for over 5 years. It is my overseas telephone. When my 'now' wife left Canada to go back to Singapore we kept in contact with the computer. I soon found out what lenghths both her and I would go to to speak to, and see each other on the video cam. Now I am in Singapore.
I see countless ads from people, companies, agencies and schools crying for ESL services and when offered this high-tech, practical and easy solution they ignore me, or tell me my services are not required. Why then do they offer so much, including internet access, housing, travel, vacation and medical but fail to see the evident. One wonders if the offers are sincere. At least I do.
Am I wrong?

Sour in Singapore.

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