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#1 Parent John Santamore - 2004-12-21
Yes Youngdo

Hello fellow teacher. My name is John Santamore and I am a current teacher at YES Youngdo. What I found funny about you inquiry is that I am currently helping to open the school that you are going to be working for in Bucheon. I am only here temporarily but I can ensure you that you will have no problems with this school. You will always be paid on time and you will find that your surroundings will be accommodating.

You will be introduced to several counselors that are both friendly and helpful. There names are Rosie, Christine, Sean and Charles. (Sean does not speak english that well yet, but he is trying hard to improve, so help him out if you can)

There is plenty to do in the area and there is some nice nightlife to be experienced.

The curriculum is well structured and easy to follow. I wish you lots of luck and enjoy your time in Korea. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.

John Santamore

#2 Parent Scott - 2004-11-22

I'll be starting there in January as well...I got some good information off of Dave's ESL Cafe. I'm sure you've seen what it says there, but just in case...Youngdo has a pretty good reputation from what I can tell. They are reccomended(sp?) by EFL-LAW, so that's somewhat of a comfort. Which schols are you both going to be at? I'll be in Bucheon.

#3 Parent Vannessa - 2004-11-08
me too

I'm going to be starting there in January. From what i've heard and read it is a pretty good school. But i would like additional info as well.

Jill - 2004-10-14
Yes Youngdo english school

I am considering working for the Yes Youngdo English school in Seoul Korea. Does anyone have any info on them?

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