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#1 Parent Outahereasap - 2010-02-28
Re: CHEAT something about salary

I have just received the e-mail below:

Hi - you can add my name to the list of people, who have a problem with M _ _ _. V _ _ _ _ _ has given me an explanation in the twisted Chinese logic necessary to screw me out of the money for contract completion bonus - you told me they would not do something that dirty - well they have!

Crikey, all I can say is that one lives and learns! VZ is truly the lowest of the low. That's equally as disgusting as the contract breach that he has unashamedly perpetrated on me to cheat me outa my Spring Festival holiday pay! No doubt, I can look forward to being cheated out of my completion bonus too, just like you!

#2 Parent Turino - 2010-02-27
Re: CHEAT something about salary

from my most recent experiences, i see a rather dangerous trend in china where the dishonest local employers and authorities cooperate much more than, say, 10 years ago. then, i see plenty of "opportunities" that offer some unreasonably substandard contractual agreements for fts too and since we've brought some locals' english over that elementary level and we are not needed as much anymore, there often isn't any room for negotiating. they've got their own to abuse which is much easier and cheaper.

Unfortunately,I have no choice but to agree with you on the two points in the above quote from your post in this thread,which I've chosen to highlight above.

The first of two of your observations that I've chosen to highlight informs us that we cannot expect justice whenever it may be due us here in the PRC.It has become apparent to me that they've learned how to manipulate us for their own ends,and the recently modified system of official release papers is frequently misused to drive those FT's they deem to be troublemakers out of the country.

The second of two of your observations that I've chosen to highlight informs us of the custom here of Chinese employers abusing their Chinese employees,sth that's been on the go ever since I first set foot on these shores,and sth that too many Chinese employers dare to impose on their foreign teachers these days, much more common among private sector bosses than state sector ones.

Cheers and beers to those of us who choose to go on teaching here,amidst all the unfairness,and also to those of us who've had enough and look elsewhere for employment opportunities!

#3 Parent englishgibson - 2010-02-27
Re: CHEAT something about salary

any ft on mainland china can easily be tricked by local employers and that even if he/she has the appropriate work permit or not. many local english language contracts are tricky and they often aren't translated from chinese accurately either. chinese language contracts are usually to stand as "legal" in the court, so many fts contractual agreements are, as it's been said here, worthless paper. and, as it's been said on here before too, chinese, if it's managers, employers or authorities, they stick together no matter what. THESE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS WHY FOREIGN WORKERS SHOULD NOT COME TO CHINA AND THE ONES THAT HAVE BEEN IN FOR A LONG TIME SHOULD BEGIN THINKING OF HOW TO EXIT THE COUNTRY SOONER OR LATER.

from my most recent experiences, i see a rather dangerous trend in china where the dishonest local employers and authorities cooperate much more than, say, 10 years ago. then, i see plenty of "opportunities" that offer some unreasonably substandard contractual agreements for fts too and since we've brought some locals'
english over that elementary level and we are not needed as much anymore, there often isn't any room for negotiating. they've got their own to abuse which is much easier and cheaper.

cheers and beers to a sixth sense of a ft when accepting an offer from any local employer on mainland as well as cheers and beers to a prep plan for a safe exit :)

#4 Parent Outahereasap - 2010-02-27
Re: CHEAT something about salary

Thanks for your input.
I must say what you say is in line with my observations as an FT with more than a few years of teaching experience here in China.
As it happens, I don't have a work visa, lucky me! That said, I should point out that my former colleague had one. Even so, he was cheated out of his holiday salary too, and received zilch as travel allowance for his mid-contract holiday break, just like me. I think it's worth mentioning this here to illustrate that when it comes to dishonesty, this school's actions are not determined by one's visa type.
By the way, the FAO here will really, really be in the lurch if I can get a job offer elsewhere fast. You see, my former colleague's replacement won't arrive until one week from now. At present, I'm teaching my classes from last semester, whereas his (or her) classes are awaiting his (overdue) arrival.
Please, please let me land a job fast! I'm keeping my fingers X'ed!
Before finishing this post, I'll reveal that the school's name is M**** High School of Sichuan, and the FAO's initials are VZ, V for his English forename, and Z for his Chinese surname. You've been warned! I'll post the full details when I'm outahere, as the last thing I need is to be the focus of undeserved Chinese vindictiveness here.

#5 Parent K B - 2010-02-26
Re: CHEAT something about salary

I've been in a similar situation to you in China not so long ago. If you don't mind, I'll give you some advice concerning how to proceed in the near future.

Get out as soon as you can. In your case, that will probably require you to take another teaching post very soon, and leave there with your 5200 RMB, to cut your losses while leaving your school with egg on its face, ie one foreign teacher short at very short notice. Remember that if you walk between paydays, you'll have done your school a big favor by working for free, as the salary owed to you at that time will be withheld! Best to walk as soon as you've been paid the previous month's salary. That means you'll only teach 3 days for free. Or you can always claim a bad back, and go sick till you walk! Just the kind of deception your crumby school deserves!
Do not name amd shame that school till you've left and are well clear. But if you can't get another job fast, keep your mouth shut while you complete your contract.
If you tell others there about your having been cheated out of a month's salary, you won't get support. On the contrary, you'll be ostracised and deemed a troublemaker! Chinese stick together, even when they're in the wrong! I suspect you already know that.
Don't report the school to Beijing for contract breach. If you do so, the word will get back to your bosses at your school very quickly, and you'll be persona non grata there until your contract is up. It's terrible to be shunned and scowled at, even worse than being a leper, I'd think! Not only that, but the school will try to find fault with your teaching in order to take its revenge.
Finally, I'd say that if you don't have a work visa, you can leave without fear of reprisals. But if you have one, beware of being blacklisted, which will prevent you from teaching in China therafter. Hopefully, you don't have a work visa. I didn't have one when I got out of a crock of s_ _t similar to the one you're in.

#6 Parent Outahereasap - 2010-02-26
Re: CHEAT something about salary

They are obviously trying to withhold the salary and your bonuses and other things due to you for no good reason.
Is there any clause in your contract according to which you will not be paid during vacation time when you did not work because of vacation?
Is that a private or a state-run High School?

Thanks for your timely response,Turnoi. Now, in answer to your two questions:

1) There is NO CLAUSE IN MY CONTRACT according to which I will not be paid during vacation time when I did not work because of vacation. That's why the school couldn't refer to it in order to justify non-payment of my February salary. Instead, the FAO has used a lame excuse to "justify" said non-payment.
2) The school is a state-run High School (of Sichuan province).

I'm now actively seeking another job, and hope to get one that will pay at least enough for me to recoup the 5200 Yuan shortfall in my salary due to the school's blatant dishonesty, by means of a slightly higher salary, 2200 Yuan holiday travel allowance as opposed to zero here, and air fare allowance higher than the 4000 Yuan here(for a two semester contract). What's needed is that I get such a job offer by Mrch 3rd, when I'll have been paid 5200 Yuan, hopefully!Then I'll walk out on the school.
Otherwise, I'll have to stay, and collect my salary until my contract expires at the end of the semester, albeit I'll have been cheated out of 5200 Yuan!
It seems that my contract here isn't worth the paper it's written on!

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