Return to Index › Re: Rise and Fall, coming and going
#1 Parent HireEd - 2009-10-27
Re: Rise and Fall, coming and going

If you are correct. GOD HELP US ALL!!!

#2 Parent Aquillah - 2009-10-26
Re: Rise and Fall, coming and going

U.S has dominated world affairs, enjoyed its being a SUPERPOWER and a capitalist. But U.S/America is collapsing. It won't be a major player and a Superpower in the end....God maybe is judging U.S because it inserted materialism, paganism and every lust anyone can imagine in place of God they used to believe and who has blessed the land for many years.
The Western should be wary of the new superpower....once a peasant society-the sleeping dragon has awakened (China).We have no choice...it has started.China is in better position than U.S. China itself is well on the way to becoming one of the world's dominant military powers. Already, its standing army alone has more than 2.25 million men.Its expansionism is going on , proposed dollar to be replaced-dollar might dry up.

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