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#1 Parent Laughable - 2009-03-14
Re: What can I expect?

Thankfully the kind of liberalism that you would be happy to see students in China embrace is not on the horizon. The way things stand, the main body of the tertiary student population here is immature intellectually.
Either they believe firmly in the saying 'no pains no gains', expecting to get somewhere in life simply on account of studying hard while happily looking down on their less talented classmates, or they realize they're not as intelligent as they had first thought, making them try to save face by blaming their college teachers for their poor progress.
You'd encourage them to pursue the latter course. Laughable!
By the way, would you please inform us how long you've taught in China? Your post implies you're out of touch with what's happening within the tertiary education system here - I'd be very surprised if you'd taught here for more than a couple of years since the beginning of the new millenium.

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