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#1 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-08
Good riddance

Good riddance. We even have it in writing.

#2 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-08

You really are as dumb as you write. Are you really a teacher? ...God forbid. No, it wasnt me. If I wanted to say something, Id do it myself. The only one masquerading here is you...as a teacher.

#3 Parent Jeff - 2005-01-08
I wonder...

I wonder if Marc and "the bouncer" could be the same person, such as Esl in Asia,

nice try Esl in Asia.... we know it is you.

Just ignore them William Box, i am sure you have better things to do.

#4 Parent The Bouncer - 2005-01-08

Dittums to that go back to your park bench go feed the pigeons or something

#5 Parent Marc - 2005-01-07

ENOUGH already. you are one weird dude. don't come back to this board again.

William Box - 2005-01-07
Apologies to The Board - Last word to eslinasia

To the members of the board: You have my sincere apology and undying gratitude for having endured what I'm certain was, at best, an annoying, nay, disgusting confrontation of personalities between myself and ESLinAsia

ESL has unwisely decided to take our differences to another level. A path that is perilous for each of us if the subject is further pursued.

Therefore, I'll make this my "swan song."

To ESL in Asia,

It was fun for awhile.

I've got a few random thoughts for you and I'll disengage.

The game is fun until you go where the rules of the game don't permit you to go. That's where you went. You can't play the race card. It's in the rules.

Read, or see the movie, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? George and Martha. Remember their game? The child that was killed in an auto accident. Well, anyway, just in case you haven't read it or seen the movie, I'll let it hang there and you can research it.


It's a good thing you're having the guts to fight your way out of the ghetto. I'll give you credit for that. But, you've just spent the past few weeks destroying everything positive about your escape and subsequent acquisition of a degree. Both laudable accomplishments. I commend you. You're proud of your achievements, fittingly so, but you haven't LEARNED anything. You'll always be just a kid from the ghetto with a degree.

Maybe in the world of the poor, the disadvantaged, your piece of parchment gives you stature. In the World Community, it doesn't mean a damned thing. Nearly everyone out there has sheep skin. It's what you do after you get it that counts.

Your degree placed you in a position to get a job. That's all. Nothing more. Now you've got to start the learning process. Now, you've got to educate yourself. You're nearly forty years old - better start soon.

Your image of me is that of an indigent old geezer sucking on a bottle of wine while lying on a park bench. That's ok. It doesn't bother me. But, something is bothering you. Until you are able to come to grips with your own soul nothing you do or attempt to do will ever satisfy you.

After a somewhat protracted and convoluted journey we've finally arrived at the truth. And, your insecurity provided it. Your attacks on Harwell were simply the product of your own prejudices and bigotry. Place the blame where the blame belongs - on you, not me! Not Harwell. Your own hatred is consuming you.

Another thing about old age, eslinasia, nature has seen fit to equip older persons with the ability to see into the future, a sort of clairvoyance. I've seen many others like you and I KNOW how you'll end up. I know you better than you know yourself.

The game. The game. You killed the Child by playing the Race Card! Nothing can be the same again.

Move on.

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