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#1 Parent [name garbled because of Asian fonts] - 2008-08-28
Re: EF Fuzhou

Some of your hypotheses are truly amazing, Mister Fish! A first-timer in a classroom doesn't deserve much compassion - it's his or her initiation rite but it should not be one the second, third times around! Yet the way you sounded you want a laowai teacher to have special favours for every new beginning... 

In point of fact, the first couple of lessons are in many cases the least challenging ones. A little nervous, having a serious bout of stage fright? BUt that will go, and you must assert your control or quit. If you do the latter, perhaps it's in the interest of your students? If you overcome your inhibitions you have attained some maturity (one hopes). 

But what matters is whether you can deliver in the long run, over the whole term. A teacher must be set goals and objectives he or she has to attain. That is where lesson plans come into the picture. And lesson plans must be organised around the structures of the target language:Do you need to cover grammar structures, syntax, or  stylistic forms? The students will need to pass standardised final exams in other relevant language-related subjects; you will have to fit into the overall scheme of things. Your students must be prepared for life, not be used as your personal guinea pigs. Your instruction has to conform to certain standards. A good school requires you to follow their guidelines to the detriment of your desire for freedom - in the interest of your learners. That's what you are paid for. 

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