Return to Index › Looking for info about teaching abroad
#1 Parent Henry - 2004-12-10
Teaching FAQ Link

> Does anyone recommend any good websites or schools I can search ?

Free-ESL has some good information on getting started in the TEACHER > EMPLOYMENT section. Check out the Teaching FAQ there which covers the basics of getting started.

Christina - 2004-12-09
Looking for info about teaching abroad

Hi there,
I have just graduated from University in Ottawa, Canada with a Bachelor of Science degree. I'm thinking about teaching overseas however I think I'd like to find a contract for a fews months or 6 months. Is that possible ? I think a year may be too long.
I notice that without TESOL certification you can still apply to jobs abroad.

I'm just getting started with trying to find some information and I seem to be a little overwhelmed.

Does anyone recommend any good websites or schools I can search ? I also noticed that most of the jobs are in China and or Taiwan.
Is there any way to find jobs in the Carribean ???

thanks for the help,

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