Return to Index › China: Hired by schools, or recruiters?
#1 Parent BluePinay - 2004-12-03
Recruiters, NO!

First search the internet, there are lots of schools needing FT's and doing with a recruiter will be a risk on its own. Recruiters will sell you to the school and not really interested in providing you with the best offer.

Yakup? I've heard so much about them and some of them are not so nice. :ush

#2 Parent Maveline - 2004-12-03

About Yakup:

1- At http://www.tesall.com/ there is an ESL School Reviews search box on the top of the screen; If you write Yakup, you will find some info.

2- Same thing on this board: If you enter Yakup in the Google search box, you will find posts; also on the School Reviews board, there are posts about Yakup.

3- A search on www.eslcafe.com would also be advisable.

Good luck

Paul Sorensen - 2004-12-03
China: Hired by schools, or recruiters?

I've seen other posts about recruiters here, but I was wondering if anyone had any well-founded opinions about the good and bad of pursuing teaching employment in China directly through a school or through a recruiter. And, was wondering if anyone knew much about organizations named Yakup International, China Foreign Education Information Network, and Princeton College in Canada. Thanks!

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