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#1 Parent Denise - 2010-12-09
Re Teaching as a single mom

Hi did u manage to go and teach? I want to do the same and would love some advice?

#2 Parent yes - 2008-02-08
Re: Teaching as a single mom

There are many single mothers teaching ESL overseas. Post your resume on ESL sites and contact schools directly. Right now China is hot hiring English teachers.

Kat - 2008-02-05
Teaching as a single mom

Hello all- I am an American single mom w/ several years experience teaching ESL in Asia, with a graduate degree and a 2 year old. Im thinking of going back to Taiwan or Europe to teach, pay off debts, etc and Im wondering if any of you has experience and advice w/uprooting kids, if schools even hire teachers w/ kids, daycare systems, etc. Thanks.

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