Return to Index › Has anyone heard of Joy language school? - Teachers discussion
#1 Parent brio - 2007-12-29
Re: Has anyone heard of Joy language school? - Teachers discussion

Hi, I am working for Joy right now, and it is alright-I get paid on time and have nice co-workers. However, I am looking to quit because I desperately hate the location of my school (Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang.) I am wondering if anybody knows the policy for breaking contract with Joy. How long of notice do you have to give them for them to cancel your work permit (which is what I have instead of a visa now-slightly shady, it seems.) Should I just bail after my next paycheck? I want to work in another city in China and am told that to do everything above board I need to have the company who sponsered my visa/work permit (Joy, in this case) cancel it, but I don't want to get screwed over for money if I let them know a month in advance; I can see them withholding pay or something...please advise, I'm desperate.

#2 Parent twinkle - 2006-04-21
which branch? - Teachers discussion

tell exactly where the place is.Joy language schools are all over china,it started in Taiwan. I am working in joy school for 2 years now and i can say that our branch is good, i can get my money on time and the chinese partner teachers are all qualified and can speak good english. Joy school has its own curriculum to follow so its quite easy to prepare lessons coz they have a complete teaching guidelines to follow.But i heared that some branches are not doing great.

, - 2006-04-21
Has anyone heard of Joy language school? - Teachers discussion

It's my first time teaching in China. I am looking around and was offerd a jon teaching at Joy Language school. Has anyone heard of the school? Is it a good palce to work?

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