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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

The fact that such people can easily be found on this board just shows that teaching English tends to lead to mental illness.

#2 Parent UNCARING - 2018-03-29


Jon was one of the substitutes, but was not called upon to play.

However, his new team, Bolton Wanderers won the game 1 - 0, and moved out of the relegation zone of the English Championship.

I'm sure a particular FT/former FT who used to post on the board will be celebrating his hometown team's victory with a bottle or two of San Migs beer.

(There may be an attached photo that shows Sammy Ameobi striking his first goal for Bolton since October.)

#3 Parent UNCARING - 2018-03-29

I have just heard on TALKSPORT RADIO that Jon Flanagan has been loaned out to Bolton Wanderers by Liverpool FC.

Great he wasn't fired and that will be playing tonite in Bolton against Bristol City in the EFL division. At least he can get a regular game now.

Joey Barton was correct about his old mate not being fired. Joey is wise beyod his relatively young years.

A certain Boltonian who used to post on here will no doubt agree with what I have said.

Time to go now to watch the game live.

Come on you Wanderers!

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

Any teacher that goes round claiming to be an 'expert' in China, deserves such treatment. They are normally some of the creepiest ones.

#5 Parent Edmund Trebus - 2018-03-29

You are very quick to judge others, but refuse to share how your life has improved since relocating to the USA? Are you helping others, or have you built a business there?

#6 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29

Only LG could tell us that.

#7 Parent Edmund Trebus - 2018-03-29

The livermore poster was betrayed by a former colleague she worked with. The IP behind the fake linked in profile was traced back to Dalian, China, therefore it was an ex colleague she must have pissed off, perhaps with her arrogant manner or her views on being an "expert" on teaching.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

In that regard I also agree. My time of altruism on this board and in real life is over. Apart from warning young men not to marry and telling them to go MGTOW I have no intention of helping others anymore. I 've done my bit over the years.

#9 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Yes, we need to be a bit more selfish! Agreed! My time of altruism on this board is definitely over, and I am no longer willing to help out other individual posters as I did in the past.

We've all done a lot on this board in the past to warn others about the pitfalls so that they will not encounter them in the future; but there's still a need for us all to be a little more selfish and do what we feel is right for ourselves going forward.
#10 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Your holy mission will be in vain... :D

If I can achieve anything on this forum it will be to reduce the innuendoes and smutty remarks down to an acceptable level.
#11 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Correct. Degrees alone don't make you an expert. It's degrees plus experience plus personal commitment.

I believe that you have a degree. At least two of them. Four of them stretches credibilty however. Anyway, even if you have four degrees that does not make you "smart". Experience is what counts.
#12 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

May your dearest dreams come true! lol

Well, if she turns out to be a hottie ( she refuses to post pics) she can happily join me on the back of a motorbike in Pattaya.
#13 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

You will not acheive anything. Go and wank yourself, that's all you are good for.

#14 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29

Why were you at the hospital, Taffy?

Just a check up with a consultant. It will be my last one as I was pronounced fit and well and all over it.

#15 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29

Why were you at the hospital, Taffy?

#16 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29

I will help you rebuild, Taffy.

Oh, I ride bikes too but mine are a bit neglected (not ridden) since I run everywhere now. However, I have been discharged as a hospital/clinic outpatient (just on Friday)

You can come and help me but don't bring any carpenters.

#17 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I believe that you have a degree. At least two of them. Four of them stretches credibilty however. Anyway, even if you have four degrees that does not make you "smart". Experience is what counts. Recently I have been asked to help design and constuct a "super rollercoaster". I am thinking of declining as this project is of epic proprtions. People are going to get killed building this thing. My uni days are not of much use with this.

#18 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

As you well know I was in e-mail contact with you before on quite a regular basis. Are you naive enough to think you are the only one? Are you aware of how much hate mail I get? I get postive mail also but I just delete all the negative stuff nowadays. All e-mails I get are kept confidential. I never disclose the contents to others. I fear that with you however this is not the case.

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

That is just a pic of a single croc. Maybe you can be the next Steve Irwin, lol!

#20 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Well, if she turns out to be a hottie ( she refuses to post pics) she can happily join me on the back of a motorbike in Pattaya. She will have to pay her own way though.Women can't expect to recieve financial aid from men. As for sex, that's a different story. Prepared to give her a few freebies. [ ]

#21 Parent Colin - 2018-03-29

Yes, please help -and come with your motorbike and SB sitting behind you, lol.

If I can achieve anything on this forum it will be to reduce the innuendoes and smutty remarks down to an acceptable level. That Silverboy should be setting you all an example, as I understand he is a professor of linguistics. It's a pity he seems emotionally maladjusted also.

#22 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Thanks SB!

Have a great time in Thailand.

#23 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

No, you didn't really say so. And what others say or may think is irrelevant to me. The purpose of publishing these pics on here is to demonstrate

- what impacts of teaching of Linguistics and language teaching can have in non-Western nations like Nepal,
- that anyone can do it when properly qualified and committed to a cause and that such services are highly appreciated and worthwhile the effort,
- that it is a challenge even enriching yourself not only those who you serve.

My trip to Nepal was meant to be purely touristic, and in the end the outcome was a semi-working trip with positive effects for all concerned. It was a voluntary service and I was not paid for it in any way. And it's similar to what I was involved in in Kenya years ago.

I am retired now and can do what I want without any obligations to anybody. I am still being kept busy due to requests from other parties that either want to incorporate some of my publications into their software projects or who request me to lecture on a topic that is relevant to them. And then I still have a last PhD student in Nepal whose dissertation project I supervise.

I never said they are useless. I said that others may think so.

Below there is one, lol.

I like to see pics of people with animals.
#24 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Yes, please help -and come with your motorbike and SB sitting behind you, lol.

#25 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Our steadfast Scottish beer drinker would highly appreciate, I figure. Hopefully, he will not be rude to them as he used to be to other people while drinking, lol.

I will post a few pics of myself with Soi 6 girls in the coming weeks. The hottest women in Asia reside in Soi 6.
#26 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

I don't know which case you are referring to. If I really did, then there was a good and legitimate reason for it.
Like you, I am not a person to be "played" with, and I will always respond in kind. Reasonable and legitimate.

In the case of one particular person you really did "put her in her place" didn't you?
#27 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Oh what kind of network would that be? I bet it is a myth. Or do you rely on firsthand information you gather about Chinese crap schools and TC goons at brothels in Pattaya from hookers and pimps? lol

I also have my own little intelligence gathering network and on top of that I have been in e-mail, phone contact with, and even met two posters from this board in person in the past.

That point is an indicator for an identity conflict that a person with an immigrant background may have. Wu with his Asian (or better: Chinese) appearance would not be the only one in this respect. There is some research about it in nations with larger parts of the population that have an immigrant background. It's nothing to be assessed in terms of "good" or "bad" but in terms of a person that has some mental problems. My own experience with Wu and his way of stalking clearly attests to that. As I said before, the world doesn't owe him anything, and he should grow up.

And BTW, even if Drags does despise the Chinese what has that got to do with anything?
Turnoi seems to think there is something bad about this.
#28 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I never said they are useless. I said that others may think so. I like to see pics of people with animals.

#29 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I will post a few pics of myself with Soi 6 girls in the coming weeks. The hottest women in Asia reside in Soi 6.

If the pics are rejected on here I will personally e-mail them to you.

#30 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

I do hold exactly 4 legitimate graduate degrees. Someone with let's say 2 doctorates must at least hold 2 Master degrees to qualify for admission to the doctorate in most European education systems. It's totally irrelevant whether you believe this or not. The intellectual capacity and a certain expertise in the majors of graduation (whatever they may be) will become evident by the public contributions such a person makes, not necessarily by the graduation documents such a person holds.

FYI, there haven't been such things like undergraduate degrees (for example a B. A.) in the European system at the time when I graduated. Students of my generation used to study for a Master degree as a first university degree and were graduated upon submission of a Master thesis and several additional oral and written exams in one major and two minors at that time.

My own contributions over the years (not only on this board, but also somewhere else in the form of printed and other media) attest to this what I can claim for myself, and they are there for everyone to see.

It's always the same thing: when it gets critical for someone else, that person will try to badmouth the messenger. Some time ago, you were challenged on your claim of holding a degree in Applied Linguistics. I cannot remember any input on your part that would attest to this. It's a childish game to play in the end, isn't it?

The claim of four or five however is BS. I don't believe that even for one second.
#31 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

You DO. As for intelligence level, then you must be as "intelligent" with your post to Colin on the deep levels he has sunk into, lol. Grow up!

Saying that I "hate" my own ethnic group also shows how little intelligence this poster possesses.
#32 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

No. Even after receiving certain emails from Wu regarding my "failures", I felt a moral duty not to reveal his personal details in public he had given me before. However, when Wu decided to publish these details in public on here and to repeat his accusations regarding my "failures", I no longer felt it necessary to treat these details confidently. My own mistake in this mess is that I spent so much time and energy on trying to really help him out. Now, if you want to challenge me on this, I will take the liberty to publish all the emails between Wu and me to back up what I say. I make backups of my emails on a regular basis.

Poor old Dragon, why is everybody today eager to pass on all the information about him that he no doubt gave to them in trust.
#33 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Are you referring to Baruch Spinoza? He isn't even 17 century. Baruch "Sandinista" is totally fictitious, and you must have made it up. Your own "inadequacy" is the hate of your own ethnic group and thus of yourself from which all the former stalking comes from. Grow up!

If he were a Jewish Man living in the 17th century, I'm sure he would have hated a gentleman named Mr. Baruch Sandinista.
#34 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

He may have one or two real degrees. The claim of four or five however is BS. I don't believe that even for one second.

#35 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

The "information" about Drags you mention is just lies and malicious gossip, innuendo to say the least. It is a total fabrication. I know this as fact.
I'll bet you even had something to do with it. I also have my own little intelligence gathering network and on top of that I have been in e-mail, phone contact with, and even met two posters
from this board in person in the past.

And BTW, even if Drags does despise the Chinese what has that got to do with anything?

Turnoi seems to think there is something bad about this.

Censorship of pics on here is juvenile, childish, totally immature. I hope mods on here will not indulge in picture censorship in the future.
It lessens the credibility of this site considerably.

#36 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Controlled Opposition

Training centre owners love anyone who is corrupt, a beta male wimp or a pedophile. I totally agree with you.

There are a few good ex-pats in China but the majority of them are self-serving scum.

I don't know why China always seems to attract the lowest of the low.

Never had this problem when I've lived in Thailand or Hong Kong.

#37 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

When you learn how to think for yourself, then I will value your opinion Sir.

#38 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

Time truly shows the true natures of people. We've seen the 2 on this forum who could not take the burden of doing right.

#39 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re Controlled Opposition

The Colin and AW types are what traning center bosses, pedophiles, and corrupt westerners love. These people don't care about anyone but themselves, and will latch on to anything that sounds virtuous.

Hypocrites are worse than goveling weasels. They are examples.

#40 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

Actually, "David Wu" is not my real name. I have given my real name to this character before, unfortunately.

Saying that I "hate" my own ethnic group also shows how little intelligence this poster possesses. If he were a Jewish Man living in the 17th century, I'm sure he would have hated a gentleman named Mr. Baruch Sandinista. If he were an old maid living in China during the dawn of the 20th century, he also would have used the word "hate" to describe the young Men and Women who tried to briing to an end to the arranged marriages and the foot bindings of underage girls.

People like Him stand for absolutely nothing. All those degrees he supposedly have collected only shows an admission of inadequacy.

#41 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

In the case of one particular person you really did "put her in her place" didn't you? That seems to be a very "sexist" thing to do me thinks!

#42 Parent monash freeway - 2018-03-29

I was reading the post by Mr Foxy and the subject of integrity. I have deducted through use of psychology that honest people have integrity. For example Mr Silverboy is honest and has integrity. He would be good in fighting some wars. There are very few like him. The people who do not sell out the principal. I must go and study some psychology now. Talk to you later Mr Turnoi.

#43 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

The sexist component in many of your posts is the constant reference to hookers, brothels, "laid" and similar. As if women in general can be reduced to sex objects. Even if it is wrong and should not be posted on a board like this one, I have no problem in tolerating your approach if you kept it to yourself and regarded it as an entirely private matter as most people with a bit of common sense would do.
I would never make a post on how lucky I felt when I was copulating with one of my lonesome crocodile ladies, lol.

It's funny how women who are really anti-feminists are often ignored.
#44 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29

I will help you rebuild, Taffy.

#45 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

I am afraid your house was broken down and swept away by the avalanche that came down the hills followed by an earthquake. Now it's time to build a new training centre to compensate for it until the next avalanche comes down to destroy the same...loool

#46 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29

Willie, aka Taffy, was challenged by some posters on account of the drivel and rotten advice he had posted. We certainly don't need another Willie posting. I suggest you change your username.

Have you taken leave of your senses, Foxy? Now, coming from Turnoi I can understand it, whenever things are running smoothly he can't resist having a tug at the lion's tail, hahaha! And then I bite him and he's none too happy.

I've been busy at another house, doing some more floorboard work (old boards about 15 inches across)

Anyway, I shall put your fighting talk down to a bad bottle of whisky...this time. You is two naughty boys! smack smack smack!

#47 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

It's good to be nasty when you have to put people in their place.

Anyway, I won't bother you.
#48 Parent Colin - 2018-03-29

Yes, you're right!

The photo I had submitted with my post got censored out. I guess it looked too much like another poster whom we both know rather well.

Anyway, in case the same thing happens to some of your upcoming photos in Thailand on this board, please be so good as to send me them for my viewing pleasure! I know I won't be disappointed as I know from some of your previously submitted photos that you do have a good eye for attractive gals!

We should all be careful making easy with other peoples photographs because we can never be totally certain that person hasn't sneaked one of us. Maybe the mods did you a good turn.

Poor old Dragon, why is everybody today eager to pass on all the information about him that he no doubt gave to them in trust. Turnoi says, he was ashamed of fellow Chinese people...when at the same time he wasn't bashful about using his own Chinese name for others to see??? That doesn't add up now does it??? Perhaps Turnoi is telling porky-pies about his old chum.

Then today, we heard about another veteran poster from Silverboy, and between him and SB they aim to stitch him up for the Beth situation, when we all know that there was a criminal genius, a Professor Moriarty, lurking in the shadows directing the whole murky business. In fact if posts hadn't of been deleted I am sure we could have found one that says "she deserved all she got!" She deserved none of it I am sure.

Yes photos and posts can go missing, and this can just come down to pet-dislikes, without any logical reasons. You will need to ask the moderator if you're concerned.

#49 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

If you put "mateism" and "integrity" on the same level, then the comradeship among old nazis in Germany or terrorists like those IS bastards would also be an instance of "integrity". If you put comradeship first without looking at the issues people stand for, you must be either drunk or brainwashed.

You and Dragonized would always be there for a mate, just like Joey Barton is for his mate Jon Flanagan. That's called integrity.

I put mateism and integrity on the same level in the cases of SB and Dragonized. Can't do so in your case, unfortunately. You spill the beans when you shouldn't! See below:

Willie, aka Taffy, was challenged by some posters on account of the drivel and rotten advice he had posted. We certainly don't need another Willie posting. I suggest you change your username.

Enjoy your upcoming 68th.

#50 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

You're still as nasty as ever. I guess a leopard can't change its spots.

If David Wu doesn't respond, I might well believe your assertion that he kept bothering you.

Anyway, I won't bother you.

Happy 68th when it comes.

#51 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Yes, you're right!

The photo I had submitted with my post got censored out. I guess it looked too much like another poster whom we both know rather well.

Anyway, in case the same thing happens to some of your upcoming photos in Thailand on this board, please be so good as to send me them for my viewing pleasure! I know I won't be disappointed as I know from some of your previously submitted photos that you do have a good eye for attractive gals!

#52 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

He even posted his REAL Chinese-American name: "David Wu". The fact is he hates his own ethnic group and kept bothering me about this and people on this board he couldn't cope with for some time. Something you may not have realized when you were drunk again.

He never actually posted he was of Chinese descent. He had posted he was an Asian Ameican.

#53 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

No, they aren't. They are highly related to teaching and other relevant aspects related to it. I admit that hints on watches etc. could sometimes also be useful for teachers, but the scope of the latter is obviously more limited. For the topic on Chinese women, the same basically applies because for (male) foreign teachers in China, it may be an an important aspect of their practical life. However, the are only helpful and would have some value if they covered some sort of sensitive cross-cultural analysis without undertones of racism, sexism and references to brothels, hookers and the like. That's my stance on the matter; and it hasn't changed.

Some people would say your pics of your trip to Nepal are useless.
#54 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Exactly, you are right on this one.

Obviously those former poster alliances are no longer relevant. People I considered to be allies are no longer such.
#55 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

If you put "mateism" and "integrity" on the same level, then the comradeship among old nazis in Germany or terrorists like those IS bastards would also be an instance of "integrity". If you put comradeship first without looking at the issues people stand for, you must be either drunk or brainwashed.

You and Dragonized would always be there for a mate, just like Joey Barton is for his mate Jon Flanagan. That's called integrity.
#56 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

I have met a lot of Chinese assholes in China who were mainly people in power supporting the current system. The current Chinese system is culturally and historically an outcome of certain aspects of its ancient Chinese roots.

On the other hand, I have also met a lot of honest and sincere Chinese people not in position of power in the current Chinese system, and I found their character and personality to be a result of the more positive aspects of the same cultural and historical roots of Ancient China.

Looking at it with reason, it will show you the good and the bad. I will not let it ride when someone condemns a whole nation or ethnic group as inferior or whatever in memory of the few good real friends I made there over the years. This is what I feel I owe them personally, and standing up for them forms part of what I feel I owe them.

As he is Chinese he would understand all the faults of that culture as well as or maybe better than we do, even though we both have a good understanding of how Chinese think.
#57 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Ok, point taken. He would have good understanding of Asian thought patterns though I think.

It's not just Chinese who believe in all that "saving face", collectivism and "duty to family" bullshit and so on.
If anyone is an arsehole, including family members you just tell them to fuck off.

Chinese men are not the only ones who are ( mostly ) beta blue pill wimps. Still plenty of these useless fuckers in the West
and also on this board.

They are supported by equally useless TradCons like FT in PRC.

#58 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29


#59 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

He never actually posted he was of Chinese descent. He had posted he was an Asian Ameican.

I knew of his actual descent, and chose not to divulge it.

Pity Mr A N Other didn't follow suit!

#60 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29


#61 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Chris Tarrant fell victim to the malaise that is afflicting both the UK and Australia.

You have the double whammy:

1) Tall poppy syndrome, tear down those that have genuinely worked hard and not relied on welfare.
2) A "snitching culture" where people try to be do-gooders ( sell out others, especially a tall poppy in the hope of gaining a financial reward or some sort of fame)

The "MeToo" movement also has parallels to the Flanagan and Tarrant stories. It's all about snitching on others and tall poppy syndrome also!

That "certain individual" who tried to stitch up London Girl ( Beth ) in Spain likes to go around calling others "misogynists". If it is proven that he is responsible for that even I will call him a misogynist.

Only the lowest of the low would report another FT to the tax department in a foreign country. I would not even report an ultra-feminist to authorities for tax avoidance.

That nasty snitch is still hanging around on this board. I can smell the odor a mile of. Phew!

#62 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

You and Dragonized would always be there for a mate, just like Joey Barton is for his mate Jon Flanagan. That's called integrity. That beats being introduced to a head of state hands down any day.

Now we know about a certain individual's lack of integrity when he tried to report an FT to the Spanish tax authorities for tax avoidance. I'm sure that there are other posters on this forum who are also lacking integrity.

I feel sorry for Mr Tarrant. Just for the record, I had the polis at my door back in the day demanding to check my garaged vehicle to see if it had been driven recently. They were definitely after a conviction. I managed to convince them to go away.

BTW, always lawyer up if you are a person of interest in the eyes of the police. If Mr Tarrant would have lawyered up, he might well have had to pay less than 6,000 quid, perhaps he might even have avoided his conviction!

Prosecutor Hasrat Ali told the hearing that staff and drinkers at the pub were "concerned that he had decided to drive home".

District Judge Shomon Khan said despite the "relatively low reading" nothing he could say would "reduce the seriousness of the offence".
He also fined Tarrant £6,000

I see that Berkshire has got court dignitaries with Asian names. Interesting, it could be a popular county among Asian settlers.


#63 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

If someone despises their own ethnic group that is their business. As he is Chinese he would understand all the faults of that culture as well as or maybe better than we do, even though we both have a good understanding of how Chinese think.

#64 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Obviously those former poster alliances are no longer relevant. People I considered to be allies are no longer such. This happens in real life also. People drop in and out of favor, or they just sell out for money or other reasons.

#65 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

Just don't trust anybody 100% here. There's a couple of posters that I have respect for here, but the fact is that English teaching, the very thing that initially brought us together on this board; can cause us all mental health problems in some way or another. The sane ones on this board are merely the ones that handled it better than the others and moved on. Others weren't so lucky.

#66 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

Just remember that life goes far beyond this board. If this board was a totally accurate representation of the lives of all English teachers, one would probably consider life to not really be worth living. Sometimes I envy those guys that do just decide to get drunk all the time and not treat the whole English teaching thing seriously, they're the ones not wasting time banging their head against a brick wall still hoping that they can be allowed to do some real teaching.

As I've just mentioned in another post, English teaching f**ks you up in the head in some form or another. Whilst our rants do offer a kind of therapeutical effect, ultimately the best thing to do is to keep moving forward. We've all done a lot on this board in the past to warn others about the pitfalls so that they will not encounter them in the future; but there's still a need for us all to be a little more selfish and do what we feel is right for ourselves going forward.

#67 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Former poster alliances on this board do no longer exist, you should have got that by now.
FYI, "Colin" is not San Migs; his language use and what he is saying are all contrary to what San Migs would say.
Even though I highly disagree with "Colin", to say that he has sunk to "such levels of depth" is an unfounded judgement made by the self-righteous Dragonized poster who is a stalker and who hates his own ethnic group.
Dragonized is a Sissie; he said once he would pay for seeing you beating up someone. A real man (if he was one) would do it himself, lol. You'd better stay away from such a person with mental problems.

#68 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

You might think so. I merely pointed out that being considered worthy to meet the President of a foreign nation is not exactly considered to be sinking to depth level by common sense. The Dragon poster has made an unfounded judgement of others; the soup kitchen story originally was made up a poster known as Taffy. The Dragon poster, being of Chinese descent (stated on here by himself) and who hates his own ethnic group, has been a stalker by continually bothering me with his personal problems through email and telephone. As I said before - he should better grow up!

Meeting the president of a foreign nation means fuck all.
#69 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

You are an utter waste of space and a loser. Piss off.

#70 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Some people would say your pics of your trip to Nepal are useless. I m not saying that. If someone posts pics of the interesting moments in their lives it's good IMO. I posted two pics of myself in Pattaya last August that were blocked on here, even though there was nothing wrong with them. Talking about training schools and grammar is boring. FT/PRC is a fan of grammar. Please, put us all to sleep!

#71 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Post a pic of the dogs. I am an animal lover. The dogs and cats can do no wrong according to me!

#72 Parent Colin - 2018-03-29

Good that you sound more reasonable than you have in the past. Silverboy is the only one consistently posting who is also consistently honest. The rest are opportunists who mostly have no chances left in life.

Fiddlesticks, Dragon, you are just getting over-confident, trying to encourage Foxy also to make a fool of himself and hopefully self-explode. However, Foxy, is not so thick as SB.

As Turnoi would say "Grab your police whistle and take a hike! We are not all stupid greasy old Westerners whom you despise, you know!

#73 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I don't know why so many young Australians have a hard on for the UK. I' d go to Ireland first ahead the old Blighty. Now it seems that Malta is the go however. Could be the next big thing if Pattaya and Angeles City turn sour. Pattaya is still strong but may start to fizzle out in the next 12 to 18 months as changes will occur. Always somewhere else to go however and I will find it.

#74 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Pathetic! A load of shite, as you say.

#75 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

You haven't responded. No surprise!

You have slithered slowly into the long grass to lick your wounds.

Those across the pond won't support you. You're on your own.

Do what Turnoi has told you to do. Now there's a good chap!

#76 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

No such thing as "sexism" Turnoi, that's claptrap pushed by feminists. It's funny how women who are really anti-feminists are often ignored. I congratulate Trump on his first year in office and his anti PC rhetoric.

#77 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

No, a person can have friends in cyberspace. You can also send e mails and talk on the phone sometimes. For reasons of geography some people can't meet in person. I have MGTOW brothers I will likely never meet but we chat on Skype, do video call on We Chat and send e mail. You are wrong, online friendship can work.

#78 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

Good that you sound more reasonable than you have in the past. Silverboy is the only one consistently posting who is also consistently honest. The rest are opportunists who mostly have no chances left in life.

#79 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Meeting the president of a foreign nation means fuck all. Most of them are crooks anyway. You seem to have a problem with Drags. I hope you were not one of those who peddled the "soup kitchen" and "living in mothers basrment" lies. Even if some guy really did live in Mum's basement for free I'd congratulate him on a wise investment strategy. 400 or 500 dollars a week extra for him to invest.

#80 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Yes, the UK an Australia are now pathetic nanny states controlled by greenies, feminists, and PC nutters. Now ball boys and ball girls at the tennis in Australia are "ballpersons". It's a load of shit!

#81 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Foxy is the only real teacher on here. There are no others. He is modest about his achievements. A degree in linguistics does not make me a teacher. An accountant or basket weaver ain't a teacher either A teacher should have good general knowledge. MGTOW is a social phenomenon that could be discussed in classrooms with students. Jewelry and watches are also interesting.

#82 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Turnoi has his faults. He is a bit of a tradcon in my opinion, hence his opposition to prostitution.
He has a pro-marriage and family mindset.

He fails to understand that most modern marriages ARE prostitution. I think Turnoi also does not understand that
men get zero benefit out of marriage. The "married men live longer" line that tradcons put forward is a blatant lie and
there is no scientific evidence to back this up. I'd argue they are likely to die a lot sooner!

I watch a lot of videos by the MGTOWer on You Tube called TFM ( Turd Flinging Monkey )
It seems that he is an older guy who went MGTOW and is very articulate and always puts
tradcons and betas and feminists in their place using constructive and rational arguments.
He has a very good understanding of the mindset of women: Their primary goal is gaining access to
men's resources.

As for San Mig, I thinks he tries to elicit personal information from others to try and "discredit" and humiliate them or emotionally blackmail them.
He will appear to be friendly and trustworthy but he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He would happily sell someone out, I have no doubt.
I have always been very open about what I do so it's impossible for anyone to blackmail me. I have no fear of being "shamed".
I just don't give a fuck.

#83 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Even worse, the real Willie was a TC lackey and a grovelling weasel!

You can't get much lower than that, the bottom of the barrel of the dregs of mankind.

#84 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

LOL...How many bottles of beer did you drink before writing this?
I don't know and I don't really care who the Colin poster really is. He doesn't sound like San Migs, though.
You are part of the gang of useless gossipers on here.

#85 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

You fail to understand that this board is not a board for role models. And it is none for "friends" or to make friends either. One may have true friends in real life, and those (like you) believing in making online friends on a platform like this don't seem to have many friends in real life.

but these posters are not role models for anyone either. Too many posters will feel entitled to use the suffering and trials of others to fuel their own self righteousness. There are no friends on here.
#86 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

What did you ever achieve in real life that you dare to assert that another person "has sunk to such low depthts"? I highly disagree with what "Colin" stands for regarding Clifford crap pretend "school". However, I am quite sure that you are the least one with a right to pass judgment on someone else. Look in the mirror and grow up! You might even assert that I have sunk to "such low depths"; it would be useless gossip anyway! Or were you ever invited to a meeting with the President of a foreign nation because one of your students received an award handed over to the same by the President of a foreign nation? I bet you cannot claim that the success of your student was also your success because of your personal commitment! You see, I am just talking about my own levels of "depth" that I have sunk into....lol

Grow up!

It's sad to see you have sunk to such low depths.
#87 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

One of the criteria for a so-called teachers board is that posters discuss topics that are meaningful in some way to other teachers. Such topics certainly do not include input on Chinese women, MGTOW, watches, jewellery, gossip about other posters, and similar. Given the fact that only a few posters among the regulars on here are real teachers, it's no wonder that this board has become one of useless gossip with posts on trivial topics that do not interest anyone outside the current audience.

I agree with you somewhat on "They are all pretenders on here". I do not agree that this statement would fit the PRC/FT and Heretosay posters. But the latter is another point.

It's great that there are topics unrelated to teachimg on this forum. If FT in PRC and others had their way it would all be talk about training centres and grammar ( btw, the FT/PRC knows nothimg about linguistics ) I bet she has no qualifications to teach anything.
#88 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

If being against Trump is anti-American, then many native US Americans are anti-American because of their stance against racism, sexism and all that what Trump and his likes stand for. I think that's good company, lol.

Turnoi is anti-American but that's ok with me.
#89 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

It would be a travesty of justice if he is sacked.


The idiotic comments that follow the article represent the moronic attitudes of the majority of British soccer fans.

The UK has a hideous culture stoked up by the tabloid gutter press. People like to hate each other for having differing views and many like to kick a man when he's down. No second chance and no true rehabilitation for criminals in the minds of those so-called solid citizens. Once branded a criminal, you'll never be forgiven. Many of the populace are dumb narrow-minded bigots. There are loads of people living from hand to mouth. Snitching is commonplace.

Avoid the UK like the plague - it has become a shithole of a country.

Malta is a much better choice for a vacation. The photo is of Valetta, Malta's capital.

#90 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

There are no friends on here.

Perhaps no-one apart from the "gruesome twosome", FTinPRC and Curious.

However, no worries there as SB's got their measure, I reckon.

Just for the record, I am pro-abortion, and always have been! That won't come as a surprise to SB, that's for sure.

I see Turnoi is still bashing training centre goons on the other forum as the poster "Pump Gun". Good luck to him.

I like your posts, but like most posts on the board, I'm not sure how effective they are! I'm gonna reduce mine, out of laziness, nothing else!

#91 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

It's sad to see you have sunk to such low depths.

#92 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

You are right about san migs. Looking back, I was foolish for being so hospitable to hiim when I was working at a coast city in china several years back. I know you don't have animosity towards posters like turnoi, but these posters are not role models for anyone either. Too many posters will feel entitled to use the suffering and trials of others to fuel their own self righteousness. There are no friends on here.

#93 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29

One of the few times I have agreed with you.

#94 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

It is very possible that Colin is San Mig. He has not sent me an e-mail for nearly two and a half years. He thought I was a top bloke in late 2015 (November ) Can't be trusted IMO. One of those "snakes in the long grass" as most posters on here are. I was careful what I told him by e-mail.

#95 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Yes, I think if Flanagan was sacked it would be hypocrtical. He got a bit drunk and had a fight with his GF. Big deal. I hope calm heads prevail at Liverpool. Firmino, who was drink driving and three times over the limit is a bigger threst to society than Flanagan. It would be a travesty of justice if he is sacked.

#96 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

It's great that there are topics unrelated to teachimg on this forum. If FT in PRC and others had their way it would all be talk about training centres and grammar ( btw, the FT/PRC knows nothimg about linguistics ) I bet she has no qualifications to teach anything. I have no teaching qualifiications either, but I openly admit it. The silly " here to say" poster has zero qualifications also. They are all pretenders on here !

#97 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Turnoi is anti-American but that's ok with me. A lot of them are self righteous twats. As for MGTOW you are right. The world's population must be culled. MGTOW in China and India, YEAH! I think the real Willie has problems with his wife and secretly wants to go MGTOW. He is a closet wannabe MGTOW, lol!

#98 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

You, Turnoi, are guilty of trying to create a diversion too! You should call a spade a spade!

As you well know, Colin is San Migs.

Whatever else he may be, he's no grovelling weasel nor TC lackey!

#99 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

You are a gossiper. It isn't any of your business anyway. Go away, wumao.

Oh, so it is reasonable for me to suggest that he could well be misleading us about his conversion into MGTOWism?

T has stated repeatedly that he neither supports feminism nor MGTOWism. He stands for fair and reasonable treatment of women as equal human beings. He does not condone any of SB's statements on women or Chinese people in general. He also stated that repeatedly. Nothing has changed in that respect. SB is an old ally with respect to bashing training centre goons like you.

Wumaos like you always try to create divisions and seek for contradictions where there aren't any. As for "falling from grace": T and other folks on here, all adults, don't need and would not seek any on a board like this where praise is followed by person bashing the next day.

You haven't understood what this board is for - it functions as a communication platform on ESL (and far too much on topics unrelated to teaching in the last time) where no-one owes anything to anybody. It's NOT a playground for gossipers like you. Take a hike!

I have read your's and Turnoi's replies to me and I hardly believe what I read, it was only weeks ago that you both disliked SB intensely. I can understand that after Turnoi's fall from grace he wanted to distance himself from SB in the eyes of PRC and other Americans...but what does this turnabout offer you? Or are you misleading him? And why?
#100 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

I think you are taking the forums too seriously.

I am not as interested in EFL teaching as I used to be. That's the turnaround.

As for Turnoi, he is still tricky and he definitely likes a lot of SB's posts, especially those that are anti-American. It's plain to see.

SB is incorrigible, haven't you noticed? Anyway, I think he has helped a lot to finally rid us of the pestilential poster, Willie. That's a great achievement, it really is!

The world has too many humans. I think the MGTOW movement is good because it will reduce the world's population if it catches on.

I admire Joey Barton. He has more grey matter than Trump and many American voters! Liverpool is American-owned. How will they deal with Jon? Care to respond?


#101 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

My reply was directed to "Colin", the most recent reincarnation of a GW, lol.

#102 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Thanks for the invitation. Sorry to say that I can't join you. I am busy with my two dogs at home; they were missing me for three weeks when I was in Nepal.

A married mate of mine from Nanning and I ( and a few others ) are going to "fuck chubbies" (chubby girls ) Would you like to join us? Buy a plane ticket, come on down! I will be at Ruby Club in Soi 6 at 5 pm on the 27 th. Going "chubby huntimg" after a few beers at Ruby.
#103 Parent Colin - 2018-03-29

I don't think he has ever been serious about seeking a Chinese wife, he was misleading us about that.

Oh, so it is reasonable for me to suggest that he could well be misleading us about his conversion into MGTOWism?

I have read your's and Turnoi's replies to me and I hardly believe what I read, it was only weeks ago that you both disliked SB intensely. I can understand that after Turnoi's fall from grace he wanted to distance himself from SB in the eyes of PRC and other Americans...but what does this turnabout offer you? Or are you misleading him? And why?

#104 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Yes, it is!

Flanagan avoided jail but must complete 15 rehabilitation activity days and 40 hours of unpaid work after he attacked Rachel Wall in the early hours of December 22. He threw his partner into a wall then kicked her while she was on the ground, after he had been drinking.


I'm glad Jon avoided jail, and agree with Joey that Jon shouldn't be sacked!

Wot do you'all think?

#105 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

That is an interesting story. I looked up information on Malta. Small population and small country but looks very lively. And, yes. girls very pretty also.

#106 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

That's beautiful.

#107 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Yes, Malta is a good place for a holiday. Especially during the festive season for Brits looking to avoid freezing Blighty winters. Then the daytime max temperature in Malta will be 33 centigrade. But if the weather is cloudy, the temp may be around 20 degrees. Rain is very unlikely. Gozo Island is a short boat trip away, and well worth a visit. It has olive orchards, a very old church, a sandy beach and narrow old streets. The photo shows the island of Gozo.

A close friend of my late pa was done for income tax avoidance regarding the sale of pedigree racing pigeons to Japanese pigeon fanciers visiting Scotland. After paying a heavy fine, he emigrated to Malta with his wife. His three children stayed at his farm in Scotland. The two sons raised pigeons and won races, making a name for themselves in the sport.

(Young Maltese girls are lookers, but their skin ages relatively fast, and they tend to put on weight when they reach middle age.)

#108 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I've heard that Malta is a very nice place. A close friend of mine's father is Maltese.

#109 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Your love affair with Pattaya has some similarities with a very old widow I met in Malta years ago. I was on holiday there, as was she. Hwever, she was there for 6 weeks, and the cost of her hotel plus meals plus everything else equalled what her heating bill would have been back home in freezing England during Christmas and New Year. She told me she loved Malta and she did this every year.

A cold spell in Blighty can mean the premature deaths of many OAPs. The fact of the matter is many of them can't afford to heat their houses! The government is blamed for this by many people.

I guess Turnbull ain't the only one who deserves a hard punch on the nose!

#110 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Something like wot happened to Chris could have happened to me years ago back home on numerous occasions. Lucky for me it didn't happen once to me! I feel sorry for Chris.

Blighty is the land of snitching, no doubt about that!

Ms Ali said: "He claimed that he had just drank three glasses of wine just prior to police arriving."

Great English grammar from Ms Ali, the Crown prosecutor! Well done, Ms Ali!


#111 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

Hey Turnoi. I certainly ain't bitter nor twisted! I am going to Pattaya on January 27. A married mate of mine from Nanning and I ( and a few others ) are going to "fuck chubbies" (chubby girls ) Would you like to join us? Buy a plane ticket, come on down! I will be at Ruby Club in Soi 6 at 5 pm on the 27 th. Going "chubby huntimg" after a few beers at Ruby.

#112 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I forgot to mention that I'd also laugh if Turnbull was punched in the face. This disgraceful individual is really asking for it.

#113 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29

Although you may be right in most of what you say, your tone sounds bitter as well. Then, because of this, you are not all too credible as a messenger, aren't you?

You have become bitter and twisted because you couldn’t get a Chinese wife. It’s hardly surprising you now pretend that that elusive Chinese wife wasn’t worth having in the first place and you never actually remember searching for her anyway, even though there’s posters still around, like Foxy, Turnoi, Dragonized who can well remember your fruitless search for wife, hearth and home.
#114 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

The "elusive" Chinese wife? What the fuck are you talking about? It's not like trying to find a rare diamond or something!

FYI smart arse, I had three Chinese girlfriends whilst I was in China. In 2011, 2012, and 2015. I could have married any one of them.
I even posted photos of them with me on here but the mods declined it.

Now Mr Know It All, why do you think I didn't marry any of those women?

I was in an expat group in Nanning that had 45 members in 2010 and 2011. Out of those 45, 27 of them are now divorced ( from Chinese wives )
and are living in Thailand or the Philippines.

Out of the 18 still left in the group ( on We Chat also ) 10 more have divorced their wives and moved elsewhere.

There are 8 left in Nanning. Out of that eight only one of these guys wives has a job. Only one of these couples rent.
The rest of the wives demanded that the husband buy them a house and ( some ) a car and also give them a monthly allowance as a condition of marriage.

These guys never seem to have any money and are always broke. The wives monopolize the laowai husbands time and the men must get "permission" from the wife if the want to do anything.
The wives "allow" them to have lunch with the boys every Wednesday and Friday and go to a bar till 4 pm. After that, NO, it back to wifey.

These guys complain about how they hardly ever have sex with their wives. One fat American from Oregon even openly admitted that he "wanks a lot" because his wife does not have sex with him. This 58 year old freelance American English teacher tries to screw his 18 and 19 year old female students but they just use him for free meals.

Now, after witnessing all that do you really think I'd contemplate having a Chinese wife? I've said many times I'd go to Japan first.

What I've said does not just apply to Chinese women. To be fair, married men in Australia, USA, and the UK women often end up in the same situation. Yes, maybe it even happens to men married to some Thai women.

Get the real facts first next time before you make idiotic statements.

#115 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

To get out of the UK or Australia or is a great idea. I don't disagree with you. For young guys though they are not really in a position to do that. It is why I have suggested MGTOW for these guys. Sacrifice now and reap the rewards later. Do not marry, do not have kids, that means being stuck in the West. Move to Asia. You reccommend China, I suggest Pattaya, but generally we agree that white men should leave.

#116 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

I wouldn't say SB's bitter and twisted! He's too young to have become so, surely!

I don't think he has ever been serious about seeking a Chinese wife, he was misleading us about that. He had already experienced enough of a sickener when he had a Thai wife to put him off marriage forever, that's what I think has happened to him.

Greybeards like Turnoi, Taffy and myself, well, we're a different kettle of fish. We're all older than 65, and some, or even all of us have been accused of having become bitter and twisted. Maybe the cap fits, who knows! Who cares! Not me!! You can call me that if you like - I might even be proud of myself for having elicited that kind of reaction from other posters!

#117 Parent Colin - 2018-03-29

I should clarify, yes, for young MGTOW there is sacrifice and pain. They must work hard ( for themselves ) They may also have to sacrifice a lot of pussy also. They will still get laid, but less frequently than "normal men". Those normal guys will get fucked over mentally and financially later though in divorce court. Older MGTOW who are single or back in business after divorce do really well though. Money, freedom, OPTIONS!

Over the last day or so you have spent some time trying to convince us that you’re not a militant MGTOWer/hard-liner, but now you preach “They will still get laid, but less frequently than "normal men." and all the sacrifices that your disciples will need to endure. Aren’t you just a horse by any other colour?

Isn’t this the truth? You did get married once but you were not taken to the cleaners when you divorced because the lady concerned is of independent means. However, she benefited by this marriage by way of being allowed to stay in Australia. So your fellow countrymen are stuck with her. Since your divorce and up until recently you searched high and low for a wife, a Chinese wife. You have become bitter and twisted because you couldn’t get a Chinese wife. It’s hardly surprising you now pretend that that elusive Chinese wife wasn’t worth having in the first place and you never actually remember searching for her anyway, even though there’s posters still around, like Foxy, Turnoi, Dragonized who can well remember your fruitless search for wife, hearth and home.

It’s not too late for you you know, there’s wise folk on this site like ‘Peoples’ Republic’ who could tutor you where you went wrong with women. You only have to ask.

#118 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I should clarify, yes, for young MGTOW there is sacrifice and pain. They must work hard ( for themselves ) They may also have to sacrifice a lot of pussy also. They will still get laid, but less frequently than "normal men". Those normal guys will get fucked over mentally and financially later though in divorce court. Older MGTOW who are single or back in business after divorce do really well though. Money, freedom, OPTIONS!

#119 Parent foxy - 2018-03-29

Get your arse out of Australia asap. Try to pay as little tax as possible to turnbull - he will just waste it, while the big companies and their lawyers screw OZ out of LOADS of tax.

Here in the PRC:

Electricity, Wed 18th Oct - today = 100 rmb, = 92 days. for 1 year = 500 rmb max
Heating, central underfloor, gas = 1,500 RMB FOR 1 YEAR. Apartment never cold!
Stove gas = approx 100 rmb for 1 year.
Water = approx 50 rmb for 1 year.
Rubbish collection, grass cutting, estate maintenance, security = 1,500 rmb a year.
Internet for 1 year costs 800 rmb
Residence permits and photos for 360 days = 850 rmb

Grand total is 5,300 rmb

The best news for me, a carton of 200 cigs for 48 rmb, I smoke 2 packs a day.

I reckon Turnbull's govt is fleecing Aussie smokers bigtime with an excessively high tobacco tax. I'd laugh if one of them punches him hard on the nose!

#120 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

I wouldn't say it's paradise, as to be truly successful in a way that defies society's expectations, you have to be willing to suffer an unusual amount of pain; those who just want to work in a 9-5 job, get married etc can get away with being fairly lazy. Those who want to be winners have to be willing to do what normal people won't.

Silverboy - 2018-03-29

I am not really trying to convert others, but all men, please consider the MGTOW way of life. It's about self-improvement and not seeking validation from others. You can be a success on your own terms, not living by others expectations. It is a paradise life.

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