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#1 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Here are some points to consider:

1. Pre-school age children should not be forced to learn and be allowed to be young kids - just that. A lot of richer Chinese middle class parents are far too ambitious and don't allow their kids to be kids - just that. Shame on them!

2. Making the white clown for Chinese kids is humiliating for a DECENT foreign teacher, and I wouldn't even do it for 1000 USD per hour. The money argument you put so much emphasis on is certainly not one for a REAL, PROFESSIONAL TEACHER. The latter would put other criteria first.

3. Making the white monkey for pre-school age kids is not real teaching, and edutainment at best, and its pedagogical value would be highly doubtful.

4. Chinese private kindergartens are mostly run like crappy training centers where only the quick money counts. Their crappy owners make the white monkeys dance for fun. The owners are mostly disorganized, dishonest and cheat foreign "teachers" they "employ".

5. We have had numerous complaints about different Chinese kindergartens on here that clearly indicate that they are garbage and shitty.

These kindergartens are superfluous and those who run them are parasites of society!

No back to the white monkey dancing show, the muppets are waiting to act.....LOOOOL

It's very rare in China for Western teachers of any colour, primate or monkey extraction to be included members of kindergarten staff. Where are you getting these ideas from? Another year or two down the road and you will find white and black monkeys doing their thing-BUT NOT FOR PRESCHOOL KIDS!

#2 Parent Chinese kindergartens are all garbage - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Here are some points to consider:

1. Pre-school age children should not be forced to learn and be allowed to be young kids - just that. A lot of richer Chinese middle class parents are far too ambitious and don't allow their kids to be kids - just that. Shame on them!

2. Making the white clown for Chinese kids is humiliating for a DECENT foreign teacher, and I wouldn't even do it for 1000 USD per hour. The money argument you put so much emphasis on is certainly not one for a REAL, PROFESSIONAL TEACHER. The latter would put other criteria first.

3. Making the white monkey for pre-school age kids is not real teaching, and edutainment at best, and its pedagogical value would be highly doubtful.

4. Chinese private kindergartens are mostly run like crappy training centers where only the quick money counts. Their crappy owners make the white monkeys dance for fun. The owners are mostly disorganized, dishonest and cheat foreign "teachers" they "employ".

5. We have had numerous complaints about different Chinese kindergartens on here that clearly indicate that they are garbage and shitty.

These kindergartens are superfluous and those who run them are parasites of society!

No back to the white monkey dancing show, the muppets are waiting to act.....LOOOOL

#3 Parent Goddard - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

I'm not a kindergarten teacher and have no aspirations to become one.

The reason I have some things to contribute to this thread is that I happened to meet a young American girl who was a kindergarten teacher. She filled me in on lots of interesting facts about her highly paid job in China. She fell for me quickly and we became more than just good friends almost instantaneously. Enough said about that, as it's very personal.

Anyway, all I can say is that I admire her and her kind for teaching kids. I wouldn't be able to do it as I have a short temper! However, I wouldn't be averse to clowning around in front of cute Chinese kids, especially for high pay. That's kinda what young female presenters do on children's TV - and they usually show a leg during the show. They are very well paid, of course.

Nothing wrong with acting the goat for an audience to make one's living!

#4 Parent Chinese kindergarten basher - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

That's my impression, too. "Goddard" must be after the money he could make in this job - if they pay him properly at all. Anyone working for such a place in China can't have any "passion for real education".
It's just a white monkey show.

"Something in your post smells there as on one hand you say one thing but on the other you go down the Chinese way which is quite an opposite when it comes to education, especially the langague one".

#5 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

If you're "properly qualified", your "passion for work" will disappear; if you "don't pay attention to teaching theory" but "follow the advice by the Chinese assistants", your "properly qualified" background will not have any use then. Something in your post smells there as on one hand you say one thing but on the other you go down the Chinese way which is quite an opposite when it comes to education, especially the langague one.

Be properly qualified to teach kindergarten.Have a passion for the work.

Don't pay too much attention to teaching theory, just follow the advice given by the Chinese assistants

#6 Parent Goddard - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Get hired direct. Choose a job with fewer class contact hours and office hours than YOU have posted. Be properly qualified to teach kindergarten. Have a passion for the work. Don't be afraid of hard work. Choose a job that pays upwards of 20,000 a month with free accommodation. Get along at all times with your co-workers and operate always as a teaching team. Don't pay too much attention to teaching theory, just follow the advice given by the Chinese assistants.

Efficient and effective FTs of English at private Chinese kindergartens know how to have fun at work while saving much more money than they could by teaching kindergarten in their homelands. The much lower cost of living and free housing is the key to being able to save well.

You're the kind of person who would cause a row in an empty room!

#7 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

10,000-15,000 Yuan monthly for 5 day 8-5 job where your academic hours are in the clouds of the kiddy games is NOT "lucrative" at all. A FT that teaches early learners may have to prepare a bit more than in any other school, since S/he needs to communicate with the early learners that have basically no knowledge of the language. All the planning, flash cards and verbal and non verbal instructions need to be well outlined ahead of time; or, kids will walk all over the teacher literally. Anyhow, neither the "loads of money" nor terms and conditions are attractive for there are other at least equally paid teaching opportunities that do not require such an extreme weekly schedule.

Many early learners are introduced to a lot of Chinese characters as well as some English words that are matched with Mandarin directly, and they have to recite whatever they have learnt to convince parents the kindergarten is good. Moreover, they have to sing and dance to show how happy they are there too. What may be sad is that when kids aren't willing to cooperate with local teachers, they are disciplined and even shamed in front of peers. This may be how those little schools are getting in trouble.

All in all, the educational concepts of local kindergartens are supposed to be well connected to the following primary schools' curriculum where the ill prepared materials await. So, the FTs' "clowning" to motivate and local teachers' pressure to have all the children ready in order to demonstrate that the little school's tuition fees are well justified. The obedience, uniformity and falsehood about the education are trademarks of the PRC.

#8 Parent Muppet Show - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

This isn't dull. Chinese kindergartens even have white dancing monkeys or the kids. :D

#9 Parent Goddard - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

In China the most lucrative posts for FTs of English are at private kindergartens. However, the teaching there can be very boring and needs to be interspersed with clowning around in order to keep the offspring of the rich amused so that a semblance of class discipline can be maintained.

Efficient and effective FTs of English at private Chinese kindergartens can make loads and loads of money!

#10 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Kids truly are unfortunate to have to grow in the nation's very sleezy field of business, so both of your dull contributions are an example of some poor participation on the board. The expensive Chinese kindergartens are the first places where the youngest ones get ill educated in varieties of areas out of which however not as "language mills" theey expose their kids to foreign world and English too.

Bloody Hell, that's below the belt. You is calling my daughter dull and her bruvver or sister which she hasn't got! You have cut me to the quick! hahaha! but I forgive you.

#11 Parent Chinese kindergartens are shit - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

You have made a good point. That's exactly the reason why I hate these stinky businesses! They are parasites of society!

Kids truly are unfortunate to have to grow in the nation's very sleezy field of business,
#12 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Kids truly are unfortunate to have to grow in the nation's very sleezy field of business, so both of your dull contributions are an example of some poor participation on the board. The expensive Chinese kindergartens are the first places where the youngest ones get ill educated in varieties of areas out of which however not as "language mills" theey expose their kids to foreign world and English too.

One Wrote:
Yes, Chinese kindergartens are simply language mills that nobody needs, and those who run them are the scum of the earth - like any other training center owner. They don't care about the welfare of the children entrusted to them and only care about the money they can generate from gullible parents. These rubbish criminal places should be closed down asap by the government and the white monkeys working for them should be sent back home where they come from.
The owners of these rubbish kindergarten are parasites of society and should all be jailed!

Another Replied:
What are you on about, most kindergartens in China don't teach languages (maybe help building up their(the kids) Mandarin) and are good places -in business yes- but aren't they all, all over the globe. I think you have lost the plot. 'should be gaoled' my foot!

#13 Parent Chinese kindergartens are shit - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Please be careful, another Guy Fawkes is involved in another gunpowder plot on them at night when they are empty!..... :D

#14 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Yes, Chinese kindergartens are simply language mills that nobody needs, and those who run them are the scum of the earth - like any other training center owner. They don't care about the welfare of the children entrusted to them and only care about the money they can generate from gullible parents. These rubbish criminal places should be closed down asap by the government and the white monkeys working for them should be sent back home where they come from.

The owners of these rubbish kindergarten are parasites of society and should all be jailed!

What are you on about, most kindergartens in China don't teach languages (maybe help building up their(the kids) Mandarin) and are good places -in business yes- but aren't they all, all over the globe. I think you have lost the plot. 'should be gaoled' my foot!

#15 Parent Chinese kindergartens are rubbish! - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

Yes, Chinese kindergartens are simply language mills that nobody needs, and those who run them are the scum of the earth - like any other training center owner. They don't care about the welfare of the children entrusted to them and only care about the money they can generate from gullible parents. These rubbish criminal places should be closed down asap by the government and the white monkeys working for them should be sent back home where they come from.

The owners of these rubbish kindergarten are parasites of society and should all be jailed!

Curious - 2018-03-29
Article: Anxiety Runs High In China As Another Kindergarten Is Accused Of Child Abuse

When money runs education...

Several children, some as young as three, who attended RYB New World Kindergarten in Beijing’s Chaoyang district told their parents they’d been fed pills that made them “drowsy,” jabbed with needles as punishment and forced by naked adults to strip naked, according to local media.

The school is run by RYB Education, a company that is based in Beijing but listed in New York. It operates kindergartens and day care centers in about 300 Chinese cities.

China’s Ministry of Education said on Thursday that it had launched a special investigation into the operation of kindergartens nationwide, Reuters reported. Beijing’s municipal education authority said that it had begun its own probe.

RYB Education, whose shares plummeted on Friday by almost 40 percent on the New York Stock Exchange as the abuse allegations made global headlines, apologized in a statement and said it was cooperating with police in their investigation.

As such abuse allegations have grown more common in China, the public has become increasingly incensed at what many now see as a systemic problem. The latest RYB allegations have touched a particular nerve. According to Reuters, there was more than 76 million mentions of “RYB” on China’s popular WeChat messaging service on Thursday alone. And that was despite apparent attempts by Chinese authorities to tamp down on some of the fury by deleting related videos and posts online.

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