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#1 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
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A good way for you to hook up with other OAPs in the Suffolk area AT NO FINANCIAL COST TO YOURSELF would be to take frequent FREE bus rides during which you can admire the scenery by peering occasionally through a bus window while greeting other aged passengers travelling free too. You might well be able to strike up mindboggling conversations with some extremely wise and interesting passengers after the obligatory initial smalltalk. And who knows where that will lead in the end!

Not such a bad idea, it's always good to speak to strangers. However, I run a four year old girl (4 in Feb) Today for instance I have to attend the school Christmas party at 09.30. At 12 she starts school and I go jogging for a few miles and pick her up at 1500...and the rest of the day is spoken for. Sadly I have not had time to use my free pass. Thanks for the tip anyway.

#2 Parent oldtimer - 2018-03-29
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A good way for you to hook up with other OAPs in the Suffolk area AT NO FINANCIAL COST TO YOURSELF would be to take frequent FREE bus rides during which you can admire the scenery by peering occasionally through a bus window while greeting other aged passengers travelling free too. You might well be able to strike up mindboggling conversations with some extremely wise and interesting passengers after the obligatory initial smalltalk. And who knows where that will lead in the end!

Indeed! Great advice for old folks.

#3 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
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A good way for you to hook up with other OAPs in the Suffolk area AT NO FINANCIAL COST TO YOURSELF would be to take frequent FREE bus rides during which you can admire the scenery by peering occasionally through a bus window while greeting other aged passengers travelling free too. You might well be able to strike up mindboggling conversations with some extremely wise and interesting passengers after the obligatory initial smalltalk. And who knows where that will lead in the end!

#4 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
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Passenger Transport Enquiries

10:16 (34 minutes ago)

to me


I agree that it may be confusing for a pass holder, therefore will amend the text on our website and publicity accordingly.


Chris Mallett

Senior Transport Officer (Information)

Passenger Transport

Resource Management

Suffolk County Council

Chris should call a spade a spade. Shame on him - he is a typical bullshitter employed by local govt. 'May be' should be replaced by 'is'!

Well said, FT. Rather than admit he was totally wrong he still seems to suggest that words need changing but only because old age pensioners are slow up top.

#5 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
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Passenger Transport Enquiries

10:16 (34 minutes ago)

to me


I agree that it may be confusing for a pass holder, therefore will amend the text on our website and publicity accordingly.


Chris Mallett
Senior Transport Officer (Information)
Passenger Transport
Resource Management
Suffolk County Council

Chris should call a spade a spade. Shame on him - he is a typical bullshitter employed by local govt. 'May be' should be replaced by 'is'!

#6 Parent Foreign Teacher - 2018-03-29
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They take peddlers of rotten English to task, that's what they do. I have
had a reply from the transport people who were responsible for this (in red) disgusting
assault on the language.

Whatever else you may be, we can all agree you are not a peddler of rotten English!

#7 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Your Questions Answered!

You will only be entitled to free travel if a ticket is
purchased between these hours regardless of the
scheduled departure time. Free travel is based solely on
the time that the ticket is issued.

I have just been sent a free bus pass, together with a piece of paper called YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Please take a look at the above helpful answer. What do they mean, when we are talking about not paying for a ticket, a free pass?

By the way, do foreign pensioners living in China (maybe in hothot) get a free bus pass or any free beer, like any old Tom, Dick or Harry does in UK? In fact you can order one on-line while still in Poland and collect it when you arrive at Felixstowe, on the way to The Labour Exchange to collect income support forms.

It's a fact that natural English speaking degreeless teachers, or same teachers with fake degrees, like myself, tend to be better endowed with English language skills than their degree-holding cousins. There is no secret in this, it is because the former have to prove themselves more. So, have you ever stopped to wonder what retired degreeless teachers do? They take peddlers of rotten English to task, that's what they do. I have had a reply from the transport people who were responsible for this (in red) disgusting assault on the language.

Passenger Transport Enquiries

10:16 (34 minutes ago)

to me

I agree that it may be confusing for a pass holder, therefore will amend the text on our website and publicity accordingly.

Chris Mallett
Senior Transport Officer (Information)
Passenger Transport
Resource Management
Suffolk County Council 

Taffy - 2018-03-29
Your Questions Answered!

You will only be entitled to free travel if a ticket is
purchased between these hours regardless of the
scheduled departure time. Free travel is based solely on
the time that the ticket is issued.

I have just been sent a free bus pass, together with a piece of paper called YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Please take a look at the above helpful answer. What do they mean, when we are talking about not paying for a ticket, a free pass?

By the way, do foreign pensioners living in China (maybe in hothot) get a free bus pass or any free beer, like any old Tom, Dick or Harry does in UK? In fact you can order one on-line while still in Poland and collect it when you arrive at Felixstowe, on the way to The Labour Exchange to collect income support forms.

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