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#1 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Nonsense, pedophilia happens a lot in China,

Well, paedophilia is mentioned endlessly on this site, seemingly, often, more often than not, apro-pro of nothing, save a strange and unhealthy compulsion to mention it. I would say that pattayan girls has more relevance to a teachers' forum than said subject. Anyway the compulsion to air the word has arrived again so I should comment. If Trumpsey has said (didn't see her post myself) that there's not many Chinese paedophiles in China then I agree with her. Furthermore, paedophiles among the ranks of FT's in China must be exceedingly thin on the ground- even if you don't like other FT's I have spent many years in China- bit of a disgusting place but they are not paedos.

Here's a question for debate. Why do certain posters feel the need to mention paedophiles for precious little reason at all? We used to have a poster on the site who would hint that this or that other poster was a paedo whenever he was getting beaten in an argument. It worked and the poor innocent poster used vanish.

Thank you for the link. This is it above. My reply to the topmost line. You are trying to do a Turnoi on me!! You have made it quite clear that I only mentioned paedophillia in response to the top line because I was tired of hearing about it.

#2 Parent rubbish man - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity


I will not be in China again so someone else will have to liberate the students.
#3 Parent Rubbish man - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

LOL. His virtual mum Fifi must prepared a special gala diner for her unsavory "son". I bet it's fish and chips with a lot of honey, salt and pepper in it.

Hurry home, your mother has cooked you a meal.
#4 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity


What do you think of this couple then SB? And will he have enough cash to join you in Pattaya?

Former maths teacher divorcing Britain's wealthiest woman entrepreneur worth £1.1 BILLION because he doesn't like being rich and prefers to eat in Wetherspoon's

Tony Hawken, 57, is divorcing millionairess wife Xiu Li, 51, after 21 years

Couple met on a blind date while he was a teacher and she was a student

Couple suddenly became rich in 2011 when Li's idea of building shopping centres into Chinese air-raid shelters made her £1.1billion

They traded modest semi in South Norwood for £1.5million home in Surrey

Mr Hawken doesn't like being rich and 'isn't in the habit' of spending

After the split he will get £1million, but says it is enough for him

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576228/Former-maths-teacher-divorcing-Britains-wealthiest-woman-entrepreneur-worth-700-MILLION-doesnt-like-rich-prefers-eat-Wetherspoons.html#ixzz4wo9J0siI
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

I will not be in China again so someone else will have to liberate the students.

#6 Parent rubbish man - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

You should state that clearly as a part of your primary objective when applying for another job in China or somewhere else. :D

I encourage all FT's remaining in China to liberate those horny young students.
#7 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Yes, those pretty young Chinese students need liberating by well-endowed laowai.

Poor things, their hormones are going crazy and they need someone to relieve their sexual stress.

A bit of "hard cock" is in order for them.

I encourage all FT's remaining in China to liberate those horny young students.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Yep, watch out for those nasty old pedophiles.

#9 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Absolutely! Very well said, Fifi.

#10 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Pedophilia seems to be more frequent than we think.
Just read about Tom Humphries's sad story.
Glad Brock started this thread.

#11 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

I was talking about teachers in the West.
But once a sensitivity to pedophilia is awaken in a teacher, it follows the teacher wherever she teaches.

#12 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Although for teachers, Taffy, pedophilia unfortunately comes with the territory when children are abused at home and, consequently, are dysfunctional in school: a teacher has to remain vigilant and be able to get finely attuned to her intuitions in this regard.

Fifi, dear, an FT's job is supposed to be paid holiday stuff and not a career. We really shouldn't be concerned with a device used by FT's that even make a failure out of holiday work. If you get a teacher's job in a Western country, yes you should remain vigilant in the students' interests.

#13 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Although for teachers, Taffy, pedophilia unfortunately comes with the territory when children are abused at home and, consequently, are dysfunctional in school: a teacher has to remain vigilant and be able to get finely attuned to her intuitions in this regard.

#14 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

There is a strange fascination/repulsion in Western culture for paedophilia.

One should most probably be wary of blokes who keep bringing up paedophilia. Bit like blokes who always spit venom at gays- they often want to distance themselves from a grim fear.

#15 Parent Anti-pedophile - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Yes. You forgot to include the verbal assault of women by Silverboy. It fits the same category. The Fifi poster is remarkably silent on that because of that poster's irrational "attachment" to SB in the virtual world on here. This poster, in my view, speaks with "two tongues". Others might call it opportunism or hypocrisy.

Now, for the irate respondents to this post: I recognize how horrible you think child molestation is. I do agree. But why does it incite more anger in you than random murders of children without a sexual component?
#16 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

The link would be appreciated

#17 Parent Sean the Sheep - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Interestingly enough, Silverboy also used the word "liberate" when writing about having sex with students. Check the archive, or shall we post the link?

#18 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

constantly vigilant
against pedos

There is a strange fascination/repulsion in Western culture for paedophilia. Most of the 3rd world does not share this traumatic focus. Criminals in Western prisons that murder and sexually assault women are horrified by men who molest children.

It is impossible to have an academic discussion or to fund research on the comparative psychological and physical damage done by paedophiles on their victims and the appropriate treatment and effectiveness of incarceration.

Murder and rape, for some reason, fail to incite the same level of fear and hatred in society as child molestation does.

I wonder why.

Now, for the irate respondents to this post: I recognize how horrible you think child molestation is. I do agree. But why does it incite more anger in you than random murders of children without a sexual component?

#19 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

I notice my pic with 32 y/o "Joom" that I took in Soi 6 in early August has been removed.

It was a good pic. Taffy said I should take her home to mother.

#20 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

I mean to say I "picked up" my new 55 cm Sterling Silver chain yesterday. 170 grams, good weight I think.

Will look at more Sapphires and Emeralds and Tanzanite and other stuff tonight.

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

I'll hang around just to annoy the likes of you. You are not a teacher either.

Even more so if you are still stuck in China.

#22 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Love to torture Turnoi. Feel free to imagine me in black leather pants and straps, whip et al...

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Looks like Fifi has you all worked out, hehe!

#24 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

In fact, I was at Bribie Island today. I bought a hamburger ( with the lot ) at Sylvan Beach.

It tasted good but was a bit of a rip-off at 12 AUD.

Very windy however, no good for surfing and fishing.

#25 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Yes, in fact I watch the shopping channel very often. I enjoy watching "Gemset" on TVSN.

Some beautiful Tanzanite, Emeralds, Sappihres, Rubies, all sort of stuff on there.

I picked on my new 55 cm heavy duty Sterliing Silver chain yesterday.

For sure I'll post a pic of it on here. Also my new watch.

As for my girls, don't worry, I'll post a few pics with my new smart phone that I'll be buying soon. When I get back to my favorite place ( you know where! ) and I'll be there soon, I'll be sure to post some happy snaps just for you!

#26 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Hi Taffy

I am posting in case this article is of interest to the teachers who are constantly vigilant against pedos as the article focuses on a personality trait that the public didn't know before today about the slaughter of kids in 2012.

In 2012, a young loner and insane guy called Lanza killed, with a machine gun purchased by his mother - whom he had just killed - 20 kids, 6 adults and himself at a primary school in Connecticut.

Newly released FBI documents in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting paint an even more disturbing portrait of killer Adam Lanza, suggesting his fascination with children verged on the obscene.

Connecticut investigators found a file on Lanza’s computer “advocating pedophiles’ rights and the liberation of children,” a recently unsealed document says. They also reportedly found a screenplay about a relationship between an adult male and a young boy.

Lanza’s reclusiveness and proclivity for firearms has been well documented, but the newly released documents offer a fresh glimpse into personality details investigators discovered in the days after the attack. They refer to him as a “shut in” who hadn’t left his home in months, and had likely been thinking about the massacre since March 2011 ― nine months before he acted.

Lanza’s thoughts about children went beyond the sexual. The same woman [note from Fifi: who had met Lanza online] speculated that Lanza slaughtered children to save them from the “brainwashing” and “harmful influences” of adults. Lanza had written on his blog about concerns that teachers and parents exerted too much control over children.
#27 Parent Sean the goat - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

You indeed are wasting your time on this board. You are at the wrong place, you are no teacher. Go somewhere else!

Or maybe not. Why waste time on the likes of you.
#28 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Good morning Turnoi

#29 Parent Knowing - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

You certainly don't. You grossly overestimate your own role and importance here.

you would hint that I am trying to increase traffic on this board...
#30 Parent Sean the Sheep - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Hurry home, your mother has cooked you a meal.

#31 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

I don't perceive SB as disloyal.

#32 Parent Sean the Sheep - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Your posts are excellent as they open a debate rather than close it. The comments between FT in PRC and yourself are exemplary.

Read Silverboy's comments about not contracting an STD and we might consider him to be a narcissistic psychopath.

It's also why he likes Donald Trump. They both share similar characteristics: reckless; incompetent; inveterate liar; will not accept rational argument; subject to aggressive outbursts (Silverboy has a short temper); bends the facts to suit his own agenda; disloyal.

There is no such thing as an "innocent sex tourist". Reading some of his earlier posts on prostitution, he has a justification for everything.

The majority of his claims are " totally unsubstantiated and bigoted ", nothing new here.

This Forum will have reached the bottom if the moderators allow him to post pictures of his whores. They did so before but removed them.

He has been posting up to 20 posts a day, between watching the shopping channel on TV and polishing his watches. He is relentless on here and we need to be the same.

#33 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

It's not dangerous. I've never caught an STD. They can all be treated anyway, especially in Pattaya.

It does not bother me.

#34 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Yep, in fact I've been to the bank today. Funds from term deposit have been released. Yes, now I can afford to buy whatever I want again.

I may have to post a pic sometime showing all my watches and gold and silver.

Or maybe not. Why waste time on the likes of you.

#35 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Whatever you say Turnoi.

#36 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

No Turnoi, I don't think so.

#37 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

I know that of you, SB.
You should play safe however; not using protection is a dangerous game, don't you think?

#38 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Obviously it's just a sex thing Fifi. Women choose to go with me. I don't coerce or force them to that's for sure.

#39 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Holy sh*t. This is pretty raw information. Well, evil knows no bounds that's for sure...

#40 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Nah. It's a control and power thing with Silverboy. He chooses the whore he has sex with and how much he pays. It involves no romance, no courtship and is just another form of masturbation.

No NO! If I know SB there will be all the props-whips, handcuffs, all the business..and if that Miss Pataya likes to please and take a fag break herself she'll haul a sheep out of the khazi to keep him occupied while she puffs and chews the fat with Cindy on the fire-escape.

#41 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

He he he, I knew that soon, Taffy, you would hint that I am trying to increase traffic on this board...

#42 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

heretosay, you are convincing.
SB can you reply without writing insults or generalities?

Fifi, old girl, you are sounding like an umpire.

Normally Silverboy absorbs a lot of insults?

#43 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Aren't both the same because in my case I don't like you AND I don't respect you, Turnoi. Same.

#44 Parent Testoterone Doctor - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

There are many people or things in life we personally don't like. Quite a normal thing. You are confusing like/dislike of people/things with respecting them. Chinese women and Muslims you dislike will never disappear, the same for death. In this, you suffer from some kind of logical fallacy, don't you?

I live a moral and honest life and I respect others ( apart from mainland Chinese and Muslims, I don't like them )
#45 Parent Anti-pedophile - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Yes. Mao is an example. More recent (unbiased) research on his biography suggests this.

That being said, it wouldn't simply be true to view pedophily/pedophilia as depending on race or a special ethnic group. The "superstitions from TCM" you are referring to are popular views held among the more less educated and traditionally originate from some sort of "folk medicine" outside established traditional Chinese Medicine; the latter of which is quite rational and anything else than "superstitious".

Chinese men are well known for buying week long holidays with virgin children in Southeast Asia to fulfill superstitions from TCM that having sex with a virgin is a cure-all.
#46 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Hi Turnoi

#47 Parent Knowing in depth - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Wrong! That "prophet" had heard something from Jewish and Christian travellers and adherents to these faiths in his own community and made a mix of it. For the Christian part, it is clear that he mainly had contact with Nestorian Christians with a cult and doctrine particular to them. He even managed to do a bit of independent logical thinking to say that the dogma of the two natures in Christ (divine and human) or the concept of the Tri-une God are highly questionable and are to be rejected by believers in the One and True God only.

Whether that was to help to make the world a bit better than before is highly doubtful. I don't want to blame an entire religion or the Muslim community. But in a secular world free from the powers of church or other religious institutions held over others, it only means backwardness. The wind of enlightment blows where it wants. I hope it will reach the place where you are, too, one day...lol

Islam w
as born out of disaffected congregations of Christianity and Judaism.
#48 Parent Sean the Sheep - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Nah. It's a control and power thing with Silverboy. He chooses the whore he has sex with and how much he pays. It involves no romance, no courtship and is just another form of masturbation.

The way he writes is indicative not of some applied linguistic free spirit who lives by own mantra but someone who is desperately seeking recognition and affirmation. Buying an expensive watch does not give class. Boasting about money, clothes or 'conquests' ( hardly - it's just an exchange) is tacky.

Many of us don't owe money, pay our taxes etc etc but he turns it into a virtue.

He is a rather sad individual who might impress equally sad, confused or lonely people.

One thing is true: he is relentless. Maybe now he has got his money (he told us he had to wait until the 24th), he will be off on his sex tourist holiday. Why wait when he told us he can buy anything he wants? Is it because he is waiting for the property rents/ deposits that fund his lifestyle?

#49 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

First of all, figures from 2004 are out of date. I also do not know about areas outside of Pattaya. I've lived in Bangkok before but a long time ago.

You need to make a distinction between pedophiles and sex tourists. I don't even like the term "sex tourist" as Westerners who live in Pattaya, even if they are regular mongers they are not sex tourists or any type of tourist.

They are locals and part of the community. Even local Thais will agree with this. Regular visitors, those who visit four or five times a year are also often considered as locals.

There are various misconceptions and stereotypes about foreigners in Pattaya ( and probably Bangkok )

1)They ( we ) are all older sexual deviates or social misfits who can't attract women in our own countries or are unable to marry due to lack of resources or for otherwise being unattractive to Western women. If that was true then why are there plenty of wealthy and single/unmarried good looking Western men of all ages in Pattaya?

Sure, at least 75 per cent are over 50. A lot of them are good looking though and have money to burn. Still leaves thousands of fit and good looking younger men.

They can still attract Western women in their countries of origin. So why do they choose to live in Pattaya? The answer is obvious. They are more attracted to Thai women and the lifestyle and freedom a city like Pattaya can offer Western men. Many are MGTOW's who reject the social expectations of women and society.

2) Certain people ( mostly Western women ) see a foreigner with a young child in Pattaya and assume this foreigner must be a pedophile. Often it is the son or daughter of a guy who had a previous relationship with a bar girl. Or this guy lived in Thailand before, married and divorced his Thai wife and is now back in Pattaya.

3) Another stereotype is that Western men in Pattaya ( and also Thai men ) only like really young women. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many older men in Pattaya are not interested in any woman under 25. I've heard plenty of guys says "younger bar girls are immature and stupid". There are also many men who are not interested in women under 30 . That is why they will hang out or live in Soi Buakhao/Soi Dianne or LK Metro area or even on Second Road. The majority of foreigners in Pattaya hate pedophiles and there plenty of heavy duty enforcer types willing to sort them out.

The majority of bar girls now are older. Anyone with sinister intentions will have a hard time finding young boys or girls and there are people looking out for such individuals.

Girls at go-go bars must be 20 years old and men can't bring women under 20 back to hotel rooms. ID cards are checked.

In Soi 6, probably the most famous street, there are still younger women, all are over 20 however, many in early 30's even.

I don't abuse/mistreat bar girls, never have, and neither do my friends. If you are kind to them they return that kindness.

I'm not a pedophile, I don't like, support, or encourage pedophiles, never have. I don't lead the way either. I don't tell others where to go or how to find young girls. I don't know where to find them anyway.

No, I won't be giving any money to "sex tourism" prevention charities. I'm not Captain Save A Whore. I am not responsible for Thai women's poverty.

These women will not starve, there is plenty of free food and drink nearly every night. Plenty of ( stupid ) men give different bar girls money on a regular basis. Go to these "poor" Issan girls houses in the countryside and they are full of the latest flat screen TV's, refrigerators, washing machines, smart phones, etc. There is a new Japanese car in the driveway. This "poverty" claim is often bullshit, but I'll admit some women go to Pattaya because of poverty ( to start with )

I give money to other charities, Guide Dogs For The Blind, The Deaf Society, that's enough. As for jewelry, two bar girls helped me when I was sick, so I'm thinking of buying them some gold fusion earrings as a token of my appreciation. However, I never give women anything for free. You want something, get a job.

China will obviously have a larger number of pedophiles due to it's larger population. It is common sense. Why would only Thailand and Philippines have pedophiles? Or do you really think Chinese are more "moral" than other Asian people? That's not the case in my experience.

I'm not saying there are no pedophiles in Thailand or Philippines but blaming Western men for it is illogical and offensive in a way.

I live a moral and honest life and I respect others ( apart from mainland Chinese and Muslims, I don't like them )

I have no reason to feel guilt about anything.

#50 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

As I'm sure you recognize, my post's reference to Western incidence of serial murder and paedophilia among Caucasian men as an argument for visa restrictions in China was Socratic in nature, contrasting the U.S. and British justifications for denying visas to Muslim men based on the incidence of rape in their own nation-states.

The authorities might tell us that the incidents of rape in the countries of origin of visa candidates has been seen to have a big effect and must be taken into consideration. The general quality of an immigrant should be superior to the average native of the country he wants to go to. If you source machinery from abroad you want it to be better than you can make in your own country; and the same rule should apply to people. We have some scum Anglo-Saxons and Celts in UK but we most certainly don't want to add to that scum by importing foreign scum. Well...I don't.

#51 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

It's a control thing, it's a power thing. Not a sex thing.
In your case, it's a sex thing.
Not a power/control thing.

#52 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Reading an article is one thing. Agreeing with what is written is another.

Sorry, I don't agree with it.

Still, I don't have any sympathy for Weinstein. He brought this mess upon himself.

I am surprised he did this. He could have had any woman he wants, not just because he has money either.

He had a respectable career and people would have respected him just for being himself.

Why he had to coerce and bully these women, I don't get it.

#53 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Well, obviously you have not read the article before commenting on it: The article is precisely about the similarities between the 2 groups, despite the age difference: The 2 groups react the same way, and the offenders use the same methodology in both cases. But never mind...

#54 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

You can't compare Weinstein"s harassment of women ( yes, in this case even I agree he is guilty ) with child sex abuse of young boys by Catholic priests.

They are two unrelated issues. One case involving adults, the other innocent kids who can't defend themselves.

#55 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Parallel between Harvey Weinstein's methods and the catholic church's abuse of children

Excellent article in today's LA Times "Harvey Weinstein's alleged pattern of harassment echoes that of child sexual abusers" for those interested in the psychology of child abusers.

But as an attorney who has represented scores of victims of child sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment across the country, here’s what I find most remarkable: The similarities between the pattern of harassment that Weinstein allegedly engaged in, and the patterns of abuse that emerge in an entirely different context — namely, the sexual abuse of children in trusted institutions.

Although the specifics are different, the psychological and behavioral dynamics at play among the perpetrators and victims are virtually identical. The way in which Weinstein allegedly wielded power and relied on institutional silence echoes the manner in which Catholic priests were able to perpetrate grievous wrongs against generations of children.

While there is no doubt that child victims of sexual abuse are in an infinitely more vulnerable and powerless position than adults subjected to sexual harassment and assault, it is equally true that, with the exception of very young children, both groups of victims react in remarkably similar ways to their treatment and exploitation.

In the vast majority of these situations, victims do not react by physically or verbally resisting the offender, reporting the offender or even fleeing at first touch. Rather, victims become psychologically and emotionally paralyzed, overwhelmed by a combination of fear, self-blame, embarrassment and confusion. They become gripped by an emotional maelstrom in which unanswerable and destructively self-critical questions play over and over again in their minds, often for years on end: Why me? How could I let this happen?

As time goes by, without treatment, these feelings corrode the victim’s self-esteem and dignity, and remaining silent becomes their default coping strategy. The perpetrators not only rely on such silence, they deliberately act to engender it.

Article written by Paul Mones, an attorney in Los Angeles who represents victims of sexual abuse and assault.

#56 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

heretosay, you are convincing.
SB can you reply without writing insults or generalities?

#57 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Top Five Countries with Highest Rates of Child Prostitution
Ludovica Iaccino By Ludovica Iaccino
Updated February 6, 2014 17:43 GMT


Child prostitution in Thailand involved 800,000 children under the age of sixteen in 2004.

According to Ecpat, due to the hidden nature of child sexual abuse reliable figures are hard to compile and cases difficult to document. Available figures estimate that currently some 30,000 to 40,000 children, not including foreign children, are exploited as prostitutes.

Sexual exploitation of children in Thailand, as in many other countries, is tremendously influenced by tourism.

"In Pattaya [ Thailand], if there were fewer foreign people coming in to buy sex, then the problem would be easier to manage," Palissorn Noja, who runs Pattaya's Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Abuse Centre, told the Huffington Post.

"They [pedophiles] have an entire worldwide network of people looking for children through human trafficking. And sex tourism makes it harder to stop."

Make no mistake, I'm not being accusative. However, the fact remains that the exploitation of young girls and boys in Thailand would, as the article states, be made easier to manage without the hindrance of sex tourists. I recognize that this is simplifying the issue and that there are deeper (and darker) reasons why children fall into the nests of hornets, yet I know with certainty that given the slightest hint that I may be complicit in their exploitation due to my behavior, my behavior would change. On your part, perhaps a gesture such as donating the cost of one of your cherished watches to a charity of your choice that deals with such issues would be appropriate. Could be that would in some way offset whatever damage you may unknowingly cause by being a gentlemanly and innocent sex tourist.

I think the real problem however is the amount of pedophiles living in the native born
Chinese population.

A totally unsubstantiated and bigoted claim. You know nothing of the actual Chinese population. Furthermore, it begs the question as to how many pedophiles you met when you were in China. Where the hell were you hanging out? How many of them did you report? Or were there so many that your efforts would have been futile?

Your China bashing has reached a new low.

In some places like Pattaya pedophile activity has almost been wiped out over the past 10 to
12 years and that's a really good thing.

On that we can agree, sort of. There is much that goes on that is never seen.

#58 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Unrelated topic. You refer to the poor WHO: Its credibility has taken a beating since it appointed Mugabe of Zimbabwe as a good will ambassador last week, and then was forced by international outrage to cancel the appointment. Since the UN appointed a former Nazi as secretary general decades ago, I never heard of such a gross faux pas by a UN agency.

#59 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

the compulsion to air the word has arrived again so I should comment. If Trumpsey has
said (didn't see her post myself) that there's not many Chinese paedophiles in China
then I agree with her.

Taffy, I didn't. http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/forum/index.pl?read=147613
There is little or no quality research on sexual behavior in China. I'm told that Qinghua is attempting to initiate some. The WHO has done studies of incidence of sexual disease. I would not venture my anecdotal observations on such a topic.

As I'm sure you recognize, my post's reference to Western incidence of serial murder and paedophilia among Caucasian men as an argument for visa restrictions in China was Socratic in nature, contrasting the U.S. and British justifications for denying visas to Muslim men based on the incidence of rape in their own nation-states.

#60 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Taking into consideration that there are only about 400,000 or maybe 500,000 foreigners living in China we can still assume that there
would be a certain amount of pedophiles living within that group.

I think the real problem however is the amount of pedophiles living in the native born Chinese population.

Those Chinese pedophiles as the OP stated who travel to places like Cambodia and Laos to have sex with young boys and girls.

I would agree with you that overall that majority of ex-pats living in China, Thailand, Philippines etc are not involved in pedophile activity. It is more the local native born men and women who are involved.

In some places like Pattaya pedophile activity has almost been wiped out over the past 10 to 12 years and that's a really good thing.

#61 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Nonsense, pedophilia happens a lot in China,

Well, paedophilia is mentioned endlessly on this site, seemingly, often, more often than not, apro-pro of nothing, save a strange and unhealthy compulsion to mention it. I would say that pattayan girls has more relevance to a teachers' forum than said subject. Anyway the compulsion to air the word has arrived again so I should comment. If Trumpsey has said (didn't see her post myself) that there's not many Chinese paedophiles in China then I agree with her. Furthermore, paedophiles among the ranks of FT's in China must be exceedingly thin on the ground- even if you don't like other FT's I have spent many years in China- bit of a disgusting place but they are not paedos.

Here's a question for debate. Why do certain posters feel the need to mention paedophiles for precious little reason at all? We used to have a poster on the site who would hint that this or that other poster was a paedo whenever he was getting beaten in an argument. It worked and the poor innocent poster used vanish.

#62 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Your point is taken on board Fifi but you need to follow your own advice about "moving on" in regard to Trump.

#63 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

I wrote: "It is a well documented that middle aged "Christian" white men comprise the majority of pedophiles and serial killers in all Western countries."

By claiming that pedophilia is rare to non-existent in China,

Watch what you are saying my friend, better speak not than speaking on things you don't fully

I then wrote: "Given that fact, would it be advisable that Asian countries deny entry to all Western Caucasian men?"
I am not your friend. My friends have the capability to recognize Socratic arguments.

#64 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

No offense SB, but Haaaaaaaaaa ha ha !!!!!!!!!

#65 Parent white female trash - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

I have been whoring in Asia for years...
You will never feel the excitement and exhilaration of cruising along
Soi 6 in Pattaya on a motorbike wearing new light stone-wash denim jeans, new
Birkenstocks, a white T-shirt, gold and silver chains and a new expensive Oris or Seiko
You will never experience the all the pretty, healthy and sexy Thai girls ogling at you,
desperate for your love and attention.
You will never know how it feels to be a real man.

You are the poster boy for why White women seduce Muslim men.

#66 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Taffy, you are back with the Barbary Coast.... move on!!!!

Just a good lead up to something new said by me. Islam was born out of disaffected congregations of Christianity and Judaism. A hotch-potch of spiritual claptrap that had been spinning around long before the religion was invented. So, many of the main stars nobbled from the Christians and the Jews are now still shared. If Christians had never progressed you'd be hard pressed to see any light between them.

To remember the Barbary Coast Slave Trade is to face up to the fact that the white man owes nowt to the rest of the world. We should tell the spongers to get lost.

#67 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

[] White women sleep around a lot, just like Chinese women. They are also rarely tested or never tested for STD's, unlike Thai women in places like Pattaya.

I'm not talking about "HIV", the global hoax ( like "global warming" ) that was proven to be a hoax as far back as 1991. There are other std's that are real however and that can be contracted from white girls and also the Chinese [].

I have been whoring in Asia for years without using condoms and never caught anything. However, I know men who have caught diseases from Chinese women and white women ( fyi, Guangxi province in China has one of the highest rates of STD's in Asia )

A UK friend of mine slept around in Pattaya for years and never caught anything. When he went back to London he caught a nasty STD from his new ( white ) British GF. Well, why am I not surprised!

I feel sorry for you. You will never feel the excitement and exhilaration of cruising along Soi 6 in Pattaya on a motorbike wearing new light stone-wash denim jeans, new Birkenstocks, a white T-shirt, gold and silver chains and a new expensive Oris or Seiko watch.

You will never experience the all the pretty, healthy and sexy Thai girls ogling at you, desperate for your love and attention. You will never experience this.

You will never know how it feels to be a real man.

I pity you.

#68 Parent Anti-pedophile - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

An unsubstantiated claim. Beer house talk level.

Middle East men enjoying raping white girls. It has been so throughout history. That is all
there is to it.
#69 Parent Ex-Pat - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

There is also white male trash. And there is too much trash posted on here like the post you are replying to!

Moderators will not post this probably. They only allow anti-Muslim comments.
#70 Parent SuperKupo - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Chinese men are well known for buying week long holidays with virgin children in Southeast Asia to fulfill superstitions from TCM that having sex with a virgin is a cure-all.

#71 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Good post

#72 Parent SuperKupo - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Nonsense, pedophilia happens a lot in China, only it usually happens within family circles and the police refuses to get involved because it's "family matter" (usual excuse), it is mostly unspoken of due to the prevalence of face and preserving the image of the harmonious family.

By claiming that pedophilia is rare to non-existent in China, you are effectively denying victims their right to speak out on it and to be heard. You are no better than that stooge who claimed a few days ago in Chinese media that sexual harassment is non-existent in China and is a strictly Western problem.


By claiming so, he is also denying victims their right to speak out, playing the hand of corrupt politicians who themselves are often involved in sexual harassment cases. Now that is a man I would love to find, and teach him a few lessons using my fists, beat him unsound until he admits that China has a sexual harassment problem, just like lots of other countries.

Watch what you are saying my friend, better speak not than speaking on things you don't fully understand. Twisting or denying reality will effectively attract problems that no political connection or money can protect you from.

#73 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re testosterone ethnicity

Taffy, you are back with the Barbary Coast.... move on!!!!

#74 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

White women seduce Muslim men. White women know that their boyfriends and husbands have diseases from paying for sex with prostitutes in places like Thailand. Sex with Muslim men is safe sex. Muslim men are skilled and tender lovers. If caught while 'partying' with Muslim men, the temptress white girls blame the Muslim men for 'rape', but they know the truth. Underneath all their makeup and sexy clothes they are hungry for the Muslim man, eager to open their dirty christian caves for him.
Moderators will not post this probably. They only allow anti-Muslim comments.

Before the black slave trade, there was the Barbary Coast Slave Trade. when Muslim ships would raid British Coastal Towns and take women and children back to North Africa. half of these women and children died on the trip back to Muslim Land and half of the remaining half died of shock brought about by the hospitality extended to the now slaves. Muslims do have a history of treating Christians rather shabbily since the religion formed as a spin-off from the Jewish and Christian religions.

Now don't ask me to prove the Barbary Coast Slave Trade. It is well documented fact ,so google it, do.

#75 Parent white female trash - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Middle East men enjoying raping white girls. It has been so throughout history. That is all
there is to it.

White women seduce Muslim men. White women know that their boyfriends and husbands have diseases from paying for sex with prostitutes in places like Thailand. Sex with Muslim men is safe sex. Muslim men are skilled and tender lovers. If caught while 'partying' with Muslim men, the temptress white girls blame the Muslim men for 'rape', but they know the truth. Underneath all their makeup and sexy clothes they are hungry for the Muslim man, eager to open their dirty christian caves for him.
Moderators will not post this probably. They only allow anti-Muslim comments.
#76 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Middle East men enjoying raping white girls. It has been so throughout history. That is all there is to it.

#77 Parent Anti-pedophile - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

That would be absurd. Pedophily is not restricted to "Caucasian" men and women only. And there may be Asian men and women (not all of them, of course) as well involved in the same. Pedophily does not depend on race or ethnicity but on individual conditions of human beings across all nations determined by factors that are not yet too well known. People with this sort of "problem" should not be allowed to work in fields where they could cause real harm.

For Muslims, they are a rather diverse group in ethnic terms, including different ethnic groups, even "Caucasians" and of course others. Again, Muslims are not terrorists or opposed to Western life-style per se. And there is only a relatively small group like ISIS or Al-Qaeda with a Salafist orientation (one among other schools of thought in Islam) who need the attention of national security bodies and law enforcement. The rest are just ordinary people with a focus on family, private and professional life like in the case of any other "ordinary" people.

A bit of reason helps to differentiate properly. Right-wing ideology prefers to exclude reason and facts and to rely on irrational emotion instead when addressing such topics for their own hidden political agendas.

It is a well documented that middle aged "Christian" white men comprise the majority of paedofiles and serial killers in all Western countries. Given that fact, would it be advisable that Asian countries deny entry to all Western Caucasion men?
#78 Parent Anti-pedophile - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Wrong! Islamic shariah (Islamic law that I would not like to see to be followed in my my own environment) has provisions for heavy punishment for pre-marital sex or rape. In Saudi Arabia, people have been beheaded for such a crime. In the Emirates, a woman from Norway went to jail like the evil-doer after she was found to be the victim of the rape.

Islamic law applied in the case of that Norwegian woman was totally unfair with respect to victims of rape, and I am absolutely opposed to Islamic law being the guiding principle in a mainly secular and liberal society. Religious law, of whatever color, is ALWAYS unfair and serves as a means of repression in a society ruled by autocrats..

Muslim men come from a culture where rape is promoted and accepted.
#79 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re testosterone ethnicity

Maybe you should remember your hero Obama. He was certainly no novice when it came to telling lies.

Muslim men come from a culture where rape is promoted and accepted. Western men do not. Maybe you should go to Saudi Arabia with your feminist claptrap and see how long you last.

Asian countries ( SE-Asian ) will never deny entry to Western Caucasian men as there is way too much money to be made from us. Even more so now thanks to the explosion of the MGTOW movement in the West.

Strange that you did not mention anything about all the Chinese and Korean pedophiles in South-East Asia ( many of them ) No, you wouldn't do that thanks to all your bias and hatred toward Western men.

FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
testosterone ethnicity

The crime of rape is endemic to all cultures. Contributors to this site have routinely credited an increase of rapes in Europe and England to Muslim men. This morning I spend hours reviewing statistics from CREDENTIALIZED European government health and crime websites. I was unable to find any data which substantiated or even addressed incidence of rapes committed by ethnic origin. This is not surprising since rape is often unreported, sorting crimes by ethnicity is often restricted by law as inflammatory, and the legal definition of rape varies among countries.

Of course there are hundreds of articles in the press and countless assertions by right wing pundits about this issue, but, as I have written many times, anecdotal reports and social media memes are not the basis for sociological facts. If you are looking for fodder to fuel your racist rants, enjoy this clickbait idiocy. If you want to actually know the truth, do your research.

Even if legitimate statistics become available indicating that in Europe and England men from Muslim countries have a increased incidence of rape, does that justify banning all Muslim immigrants?

It is a well documented that middle aged "Christian" white men comprise the majority of paedofiles and serial killers in all Western countries. Given that fact, would it be advisable that Asian countries deny entry to all Western Caucasion men?

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