Return to Index › women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )
#1 Parent Ex-Pat - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

They are FACTS.

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

That's good she gives you about 2000 dollars a month (AUD equivalant ) and buys her own chink meals.

All foreigners married to Chinese women should force them to do this.

#3 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

It was only a joke actually, Fifi. I got fed up with her asking me if she could take a yoghurt and starting geeing her up about it. I've been lucky, the girlfriends i had in China didn't take liberties. Maybe i just look to poor to attract them gold diggers. Anyway, she now gives me £900 a month and pays for her own chinky meal. Her next pay day is 27th.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

Yep, take them to the cheapest noodle shop or BBQ street you can find. That's all they deserve.

#5 Parent longtimelurker - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

Just out of curiosity, do you think what you are saying on this board is fact or just your opinion?

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

I assume you have taken Chinese women to expensive restaurants before then.

Who is the stupid one?

#7 Parent Fifi - 2018-03-29
Re: Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

The yogurt paragraph is baaaaaaadddd...

#8 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

You're quite right, a fool and his money are soon parted. Having said that my wife came home with a new handbag the other day- she paid five quid for it in a charity shop. It does look like a 1950's post war utility job, I'm bound to say. It's her day off tomorrow and she spoils herself in the Chinese all you can eat buffet- young folk rarely gain weight the lucky blighters.

Hahaha, in China before we were married I used to count the yogurts in the fridge every day and question her should one go missing. We used to have a sign up, a slogan "A BRITISH BANK IS RUN WITH PRECISION. A BRITISH HOME REQUIRES NOTHING LESS" Happy days.

#9 Parent John O’Shei - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

Half of the time, you’re better off not taking Chinese women to certain upmarket eateries of the non-Chinese variety because she won’t appreciate it anyway. Many will actually prefer a cheap meal at a local Dapaidang, shaokao etc. In my experience, some would actually rather just go to KFC. Therefore you may as well just save your money either way.

#10 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

.....stupidity has no boundaries.

Quite so. You've proven that on countless occasions.

Silverboy - 2018-03-29
women and money: Why they hate men who buy luxury goods ( for themselves )

If you are a man who's been around like me you would have noticed this:
If you buy a 2000 or 3000 dollar luxury watch or an expensive heavy guage 18 ct gold chain for yourself your wife or GF ( if you have one or have had one ) will get pissed off.

"Why did you waste money on that"??

You know why they get angry? It's because that is thousands of dollars that she thinks YOU should have spent on HER!

"Oh, I could have bought five dresses or ten pairs of shoes with that", she is thinking.
Even women you hardly know will get jealous. They hate men who spend a lot of money on themselves as it means there is less money available in the pipeline for THEM!

Now, ask yourself a question: Who has the fucking right to tell YOU how to spend YOUR OWN

The answer is NOBODY! I even had one fool ( a Brit ) ask me in Nanning a few years ago why I often bought expensive meals for myself at upmarket eateries.

"You always eat out at these flashy places but you never take a woman with you". "Why don't you ever treat Chinese women to dinner"??

Well moron, because I'm not a NAIVE FOOL AND IDIOT LIKE YOU! That's why I'm never short of cash and you are! Two meals is TWICE THE PRICE, simple maths, STUPID FOOL!

Really, China has the dumbest foreigners I've ever come across, stupidity has no boundaries.

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