Return to Index › So, Taffy, Foxy: How is Brexit going??
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re So, Taffy, Foxy: How is Brexit going??

Yep, young people should save as much money as they can and get themselves out of the UK ASAP and move to South-East Asia ( Bali, Pattaya, Cebu )

Those older men with money should leave also. The UK is a lost cause. I doubt if there are any shining lights on the horizon who will save the once great United Kingdom.

#2 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re So, Taffy, Foxy: How is Brexit going??

I hear what you say

#3 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re So, Taffy, Foxy: How is Brexit going??

esn't look good to me... Should we believe articles such as these? Or do you feel that the preparation for Brexit is going well for your country? Sources?

Even a bad departure from Europe is better than remaining. We should be thinking about the price paid in fifty years time by the the minority, proper British people, if we don't start shipping back immigrants from countries with medieval type religions; shipping them back from two years time. If tightening out belt and going through a financial crisis is the cost, then it'll be worth paying. Otherwise I advise some of us who can get out of the UK to do so pretty quickly.

Curious - 2018-03-29
So, Taffy, Foxy: How is Brexit going??

Doesn't look good to me... Should we believe articles such as these? Or do you feel that the preparation for Brexit is going well for your country? Sources?

With less than 18 months to go before Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union, and with British businesses growing increasingly concerned about the future, this was the moment Prime Minister Theresa May hoped for a breakthrough in the paralyzed negotiations on the process known as Brexit.

Instead, she is fighting a tense battle to stop the talks from collapsing.

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