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#1 Parent Rubbish Training center owner - 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers?

Yes, they will work you to death instead and are very slow in following up in paying their teachers properly if they pay them at all. TCs are useless and shitty businesses in general.

Not that your shit training school would ever allow you that luxury.
#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re A board for teachers?

Maybe I'm a little less pessimistic about China, because there's still money to be made in the bad times. However, you really need to know what you're doing and it's not for the faint hearted. But please do take a vacation overseas every few weeks for the sake of your own sanity, if you are going to do anything in China these days. Not that your shit training school would ever allow you that luxury.

I wouldn't say that China was ever a gold mine of sorts for finding a wife. If you're fresh off the boat, don't know the culture, have rather low standards... Then yes, you'll end up with a shit woman as a wife.

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