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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

I don't need to impress anybody here.

Women are welcome to love me or hate me as they wish; but I do tend to have a preference for the ones that don't view every single man as a potential rapist, sent to molester them by the leader of the patriarchy himself.

All women need to do is be women. Just be feminine. I'm not against a woman working if she wishes to, but ideally she be able to look after children, take care of her man, cook and clean a bit etc. Otherwise, what is that woman? She's just a man without a cock. If I really wanted a man, I'd just come out gay instead and get a man with a proper cock and balls. Not that I'd easily find men like that on this board, hey?

#2 Parent och - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

They may work a little
more these days and less value is placed upon purity but at least they still behave like women.

Oh really? Well then, please do tell us, more specifically, how a woman should "behave" in order to get your stamp of approval or, from your perspective, what behavior from a woman, other than the obvious, marks them as behaving properly?

Oh, by the way, Rip Van Winkle, this is 2017.

But as women care more about careers and hedonism these days, they really have less to offer.

Boy, you've really missed the boat on that one. It's actually quite the opposite, which would be obvious to you were you not scared of women who are self actualized and totally disinterested in men such as yourselves who feel so threatened and insecure by the advancement of women in society and the world as a whole.

Your need to impress the SB poster is almost as disgusting as your limited social awareness.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

They used to grow up intending to be wives and mothers. That was good, women are pretty good at being women.

But as women care more about careers and hedonism these days, they really have less to offer.

They tend to be self-entitled, rude, arrogant; no matter whether they are pretty or pretty damn ugly, the attitude alone can put you off. The average gay guy can seem to be more feminine at times.

When you meet a woman from Eastern Europe, it is completely different. They may work a little more these days and less value is placed upon purity but at least they still behave like women.

#4 Parent Mr Potato Gravy - 2017-07-14
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Yes, it's true. But it also applies to every men in general, not just White men. It's male nature to want monopoly over wealth and women.

Since most of us here live(d) in China, we can speak om how poorly Chinese men in general fair into the multiracial dating game.

The whole rising xenophobia and disdain for Foreign males in China comes from this very fact. When you can't get any of it yourself, you tend to hate those from outside your group who do get it, be it money or women.

And it's the exact same thing for beta White guys in the West who hate seeing minorities get it while they don't.

#5 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-14
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Some years ago I was dining out alone at a small Lanzhou Mien restaurant in Northern China. A beggar with an ape and a kind of musical horn entered and played a song while singing. The ape danced and the restaurant boss gave him a 1 RMB bill and was in the process of shooing him away when I beckoned the old man to my table and passed him the menu while placing a 10 RMB bill on the table. I offered him a cigarette while he was checking the menu. The restaurant boss was rather annoyed - you could see it on his face. By contrast, my fellow diners were greatly amused. The poor old beggar didn't order anything to eat, handing the menu back to me. I ordered a glass of baijiu, which was served to me in a medicine glass. I passed the baijiu to the old man, and we did a 'bottoms up'! A bottle of beer down the hatch while the old man drunk up the baijiu. The old man, 11 RMB richer, and the ape left. The old man was very happy!

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

I have observed Chinese "couples" together at restaurants many times. They just sit there playing with their phones, they don't even look at each other. They waste half their food. The man eventually asks for the bill, the man always pays. They walk out. Now, I've known for years that there is nothing special about China or it's "culture". There are plenty of people living in denial however, even after all the evidence is presented to them. BTW, there is a video on You Tube of Chinese people being disgusting pigs at a hotel buffet in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Another one of them (adults ) climbing up cherry blossom trees in Japan (extremely offensive ) Chinese kicking bells with their feet at a temple in Bangkok (offensive again ) A woman in South Korea was stabbed to death because a Chinese man thought she looked like his ex-wife. A Thai woman in Pattaya was beaten by two Chinese tourists after she told them to stop holding up traffic in Soi Buakhao. They had just stopped their bikes in the middle of the road. These people think they are a superior race and are now using violence even in other countries. There are MANY cases like this. I predicted this would happen. Chinese, trashy low-life tourists, scum, they should stay at home.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

You are smart then. On a bigger scale, men should NEVER buy women houses or cars, this is for sure the ultimate in stupidity.

Rent, have multiple short term relationships, do not marry.

#8 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

That word can have different meanings. I've never taken advantage of women for financial gain however.

Places like Pattaya are great for men who want to have multiple short term GF's and sexual relationships with no strings attached, no responsibility.

If a woman knows you only want her for short term there is no deception.

People who want marriage or long term relationships can look elsewhere, Bali, Pattaya, Angeles City, they are not for you so stay away.

I try to avoid those people who promote "family values".

#9 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

I don't need stats. I just need to look at all the single and divorced retired white men between 45-70 who have abandoned the West and who are living at beach resorts in South-East Asia. Some of them are extremely wealthy, so don't give me this "can't get a woman in their own country" nonsense. Even young men, young MGTOW"s are trying to save up as much money as they can so they can live in places like Pattaya instead of the USA, the UK, or Australia.

I read dozens of blogs online and I listen to talk back radio, This topic is often discussed.

Really, what do Western women have to offer Western men these days? I can't think of anything.

They really never had anything to offer.

#10 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

I'll bet on Women's Day this year in China many restaurants were packed out. And this funny thing is that these men always get NOTHING in return from these women, certainly not any sex!

I was in a restaurant in Inner Mongolia once. ON the table next to me was a decent looking Chinese woman with this bloke who looks like BBC Frazer. They were not speaking. They had just ordered a bowl of egg fried rice between them. He kept on nervously rubbing a couple of coins together in his trouser pocket. Aye aye I thought, he's worried about the bill...............Wonder where he's from!

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

It is harder for men to have an entitlement mentality.

If you are a man, no matter your age or regardless of how handsome or fit you are if you ask a woman
to buy you a house and car as a condition of marriage you will be quickly told to fuck off.

This is in the West, but applies even more to China. Even very plain and unattractive and uneducated women in China expect to be given a house and luxury car as a condition of marriage. Many men stupidly just say "OK". If you just want to rent they will dump you very quickly.

Women often get anything they want just for being a woman, even if they are very average.

If a woman is good looking with a hot body she has unlimited opportunity.

Contrast to men, be as good looking as you want, have the fittest body, that will not really get you anywhere unless you have money. I don't agree that men have advantage over women, unless they are rich.

Men need to stop indulging women. No expensive meals, no gifts, no cars, no overseas trips etc. They will be forced to work hard for everything they want and will change their attitudes.

#12 Parent taffy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

you need to name and shame here, we cant have betrayal.

#13 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Of course, he can't quote stats.

Bloody ridiculous request for UKiper to make- he sounds like a moderator trying to squeeze out some more posts. Look at what SB said again- why on earth should he quote stats on that one??

haha, generally speaking heterosexual white men still call the shots in most Western countries. However, since several Western nations are in a bit of a decline thanks to their idiotic politicians ( male and female ) a lot of older white men are moving to SE-Asia where they are given the respect they deserve and their every whim is catered for.
The point is this: white Western men don't need white Western women ( or Asian women who are Westernized and live in the West ) You have become redundant and long passed your use by date.
White guys are leaving their native countries in droves, on top of that you white gals get ignored in Asia and there is nothing you can do about it.

However, though he has his shortcomings, he is nevertheless sensible enough not to spawn an Asian son/daughter.

To raise one well in the west entails paying for a private school education and buying/renting a family home in a middle/upper class neighborhood of a city/town in order to safeguard the child's upbringing by avoiding contact with the lower classes and drug dealers.

Always best to keep your children away from the lower orders.

After all this careful upbringing, the young person will face discrimination in the job market after university.

Unless said young person is academically special.

This is the straw man saying anything he likes. By the time a child grows up now you won't get that discrimination since ethnics will be in the majority anyway.

Aside from that, I've met some girls half Asian half Western. Never met a beautiful one to date, or seen a photo of a looker eirher. Beautiful younf women get hired for better jobs than plain lookers generally speaking.
#14 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

You should be aware that one of your so-called fans was telling other posters behind your back that you were a 'lothario'!

I hadn't heard of this word until then. I wonder if any of the women u have gotten intimate with would describe you as a lothario!

#15 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Of course, he can't quote stats.

However, though he has his shortcomings, he is nevertheless sensible enough not to spawn an Asian son/daughter.

To raise one well in the west entails paying for a private school education and buying/renting a family home in a middle/upper class neighborhood of a city/town in order to safeguard the child's upbringing by avoiding contact with the lower classes and drug dealers.

After all this careful upbringing, the young person will face discrimination in the job market after university.

Unless said young person is academically special.

Aside from that, I've met some girls half Asian half Western. Never met a beautiful one to date, or seen a photo of a looker eirher. Beautiful younf women get hired for better jobs than plain lookers generally speaking.

#16 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Personally speaking, I've never had to wine and dine my Chinese wife in order to get sex from her. She has nwver declined me sex on account of a headache or some such excuse.

Sometimes she has asked me for sex when I wasn't feeling like having sex. I never refused her.

I find wot u say in this regard hard to believe.

#17 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Great advice!

I've NEVER bought flowers or potted plants for anyone. Haven't picked wild plants either.

Western culture has some bad aspects.

#18 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Some men also have entitlement mentalities. This is a worldwide scourge affecting both men and women.

#19 Parent UKIPer - 2017-07-13
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Please quote stats

#20 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

haha, generally speaking heterosexual white men still call the shots in most Western countries. However, since several Western nations are in a bit of a decline thanks to their idiotic politicians ( male and female ) a lot of older white men are moving to SE-Asia where they are given the respect they deserve and their every whim is catered for.

The point is this: white Western men don't need white Western women ( or Asian women who are Westernized and live in the West ) You have become redundant and long passed your use by date.

White guys are leaving their native countries in droves, on top of that you white gals get ignored in Asia and there is nothing you can do about it.

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-13
Re We have some broflakes on this board

It is incredible how easily brainwashed Chinese people are. Take "Women's Day" for example. Many stupid Chinese men take their already spoiled and entitled wives and GF's to restaurants on this day. I even know some stupid laowai men who do this, you would think these fuckwits would know better.

I'll bet on Women's Day this year in China many restaurants were packed out. And this funny thing is that these men always get NOTHING in return from these women, certainly not any sex!

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Women with entitlement mentalities deserve no respect. I say again, "Women's Day" is nothing but a scam and an excuse to sell chocolates and flowers.

When I was in China I had women I hardly know call me or send messages on We Chat and say "It's Women's Day, what are going to buy for me" ??

Obviously I gave them fuck all because they are lazy and don't deserve anything.

Oh yes, for sure I will be visiting Soi 6 and LK Metro and Soi Chaiyapoon again ASAP!

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Yes, all these festivals and "special days" are scams to sell various products and persuade people to waste money.

My advice to people: Stop wasting your money, stop buying useless trinkets that will just end up in a landfill the following week.

These "special events" and festivals, is a lot of PC rubbish!

#24 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Why don't you leave that Latina Women's Lib person alone?

If this is a real teachers board, then your disgusting remarks on women are out of place here as are the Latina's observations on Women Lib stuff. People like you and her deserve each other, it's a cause and effect relationship.

Seems neither you nor her are real teachers. So, what's the real purpose of both of you for posting diatribe on here? You should better visit the Pattaya beaches in search for some more brothels while the Latina Women's lib person should confine her energy to hitting with a frying pane on the heads of men like you.

Good thinking, Observer, we know SB has been a teacher but what about Latina, did she perhaps want the pottery room and walked in our door (ESL Forum) instead and thought it was rather cosy? We should ask her "what connection have you got with teaching "Latina womens' lib person?" Hahaha! No disrespect meant ,it's just that Observer's hostility towards you just bounced off of me. Another important thing is this 'Can me and SB have a likeness to leer at to prove you are not a robot?

{Please put picture here to prove you are not a robot.}

#25 Parent Observer - 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Why don't you leave that Latina Women's Lib person alone?

If this is a real teachers board, then your disgusting remarks on women are out of place here as are the Latina's observations on Women Lib stuff. People like you and her deserve each other, it's a cause and effect relationship.

Seems neither you nor her are real teachers. So, what's the real purpose of both of you for posting diatribe on here? You should better visit the Pattaya beaches in search for some more brothels while the Latina Women's lib person should confine her energy to hitting with a frying pane on the heads of men like you.

#26 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-12
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Wow! You spin!!!

I wasn't trying to offend you mind.

#27 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Straight male offended by any feminist or ethnic activity

Straight white male. I would suggest that they are not 'offended'; they fear the changes in their world that have diminished their wealth and social standing.
Gone: the 'patriarch' returning home from work to sit at the head of the dinner table to eat his housewife's food and instruct his children on how to live a successful life.

#28 Parent Latina in LA - 2017-07-12
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Wow! You spin!!!

#29 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-12
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Well, "International Women's Marches" and that idiotic "Women's Day", just another excuse to sell flowers and chocolate, it is a waste of time.

You don't expect special treatment, do you? It sounds like you do!

Yes, quite right, these people are putty in the hands of market forces. Who heard of fathers' day twenty years ago. Who heard of Halloween a few years ago as a modern money-generating event outside Trumpland? Market forces have been trying to get Christmas in China really pumping the tills for over ten years now.

What about moronic word inventors day? I suppose 'BROS' stands for 'brother' (as in high-five variety) and flake for 'cornflake' So 'BROFLAKE' is a breakfast cereal for ethnic folk who hate women and gays. Well, nothing new in that if you listen to the moronic lyrics they chant- lots of references to BITCHES and so forth. Why do Ethnics hate gays and women anyway?????

#30 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Well, "International Women's Marches" and that idiotic "Women's Day", just another excuse to sell flowers and chocolate, it is a waste of time.

You don't expect special treatment, do you? It sounds like you do!

#31 Parent Silverboy - 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Yep, I love them right-wing gays and right wing women, I'd buy them a beer anytime!

#32 Parent Taffy - 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board

"Straight male offended by any feminist or ethnic activity which is not directly designed for him.

Hahaha! If I were a woman or a Gay, I'd get a bit pissed off with being stuffed in some degrading bag with a ragtag band of ethnics. Now listen Latina, British homosexuals and British women are all my own people, along with British straight males. They all eat Yorkshire pudding and sound British. ,In the winter they all gather together with their rosy-red-cheeks and sing "England swings like a pendulum do, bobbies on bicycles two by two-Westminster Abbey, the Tower, Big Ben, the rosy-red cheeks of the little children." Jokes aside, in the UK we have right wing gays and right wing women may of which would feel at home with Mr Trump...and be patting SB on the back.

#33 Parent expat hubby - 2017-07-11
Re We have some broflakes on this board

Care to name and shame them?

Latina in LA - 2017-07-11
We have some broflakes on this board

What is a broflake?

"Straight male offended by any feminist or ethnic activity which is not directly designed for him.

He might talk about the importance of social justice, but fears the change required for that to happen. They refute progressiveness in all its forms. They are very sensitive with a tendency to relate all marginalised groups and their causes back to them. They are also keen on berating or mocking the aforementioned groups. High-profile men who could be considered part of this sadly growing category are Donald Trump, who takes criticism very personally (see his Meryl Streep retort for more details), and Piers Morgan, who dismissed the international women's marches this year as a waste of time."

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